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£3.5 million donation for aspiring astronomers to reach for the stars

World-leading research by Astronomy and Astrophysics leads to an incredible £3.5 million philanthropic gift to support PhD scholarships, early career researchers and deeper research into unexplored areas.

Find out more about the donation.

Wed 06 Oct 2021, 12:03 | Tags: Feature News, Press, announcements, Faculty of Science

Surprises in the statistics of electronic states of quasi-periodic systems

Quasi-crystals are often alloys of 2-3 metals with a non-periodic arrangement of atoms. Still, they show the highly-peaked diffraction pattern of crystals while also possessing exotic electronic properties such as self-similar electronic spectra and multifractal wave functions usually associated with disordered materials. The level-spacing statistics of energy levels, P(s), with s the difference of adjacent energy levels, is known to be a marker that can distinguish ordered/periodic/metallic from disordered/non-periodic/insulating materials with ordered materials following a so-called Gaussian ensemble statistics. In a recent paper, Grimm and Roemer have shown that the Gaussian ensemble statistics also holds for quasi-periodic systems. Hence quasi-periodic systems seem to defy the usual classification where only ordered/periodic/metallic should show such a Gaussian statistics.

Wed 08 Sep 2021, 14:15 | Tags: Research

New Students Joining in 2021

For all those students joining us this autumn, we are pleased to welcome you to the Department of Physics.

Please visit our welcome page for further information.

Wed 18 Aug 2021, 18:09 | Tags: Undergraduates

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