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Upper limit on electron scattering observed

The so-called Planckian limit on scattering of charge carriers is experimentally confirmed in a high-temperature superconductor.

Thu 29 Jul 2021, 10:51 | Tags: Research

How growing cells process physical information

Cells grow and move. In cancer, the growth of one cell type over another is a key hallmark of the disease. But how do cells actually process information on local physical stresses, like pressure?

Tue 27 Jul 2021, 19:53 | Tags: Research

Graduating Class Prizes 2021

Congratulations to the following graduate students:

Excellence in the graduating MMathPhys class - Guy Moss

Excellence in the graduating BSc Maths & Physics class - Benjamin Somner-Bogard

Excellence in the graduating MPhys class (Styles Prize) - Niccoló Fontana

Excellence in the graduating BSc Physics class (Seymour Prize) - Yusuf Birader

Excellence in the MPhys/MMathPhys project - Rohan Varadaraj & Toby Shepherd

Excellence in the BSc project - Ziad Fakhoury

Tue 20 Jul 2021, 11:43 | Tags: Undergraduates

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