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Controlling Magnetic Anisotropy Using Isotropic Cation Substitution

Study reveals a novel form of symmetry breaking driven by chemical intervention: an anisotropic change in magnetic properties is induced by ionic substitution of an isotropic species.

Tue 13 Apr 2021, 12:38 | Tags: Research

George Rowlands, 1932-2021

It is with great sadness we announce that Professor George Rowlands passed away on 3rd April 2021. George contributed enormously to the life of the Physics Department over a period of more than 50 years and his presence will be acutely missed by all who knew him.

Sun 04 Apr 2021, 13:25 | Tags: announcements, Staff and Department

More than 50 hadrons discovered at the LHC

Ever more new hadrons are being observed at the LHC, including several unexpected discoveries of tetraquark and pentaquark states.

Wed 03 Mar 2021, 14:21 | Tags: Research

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