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Professorial Promotions

The department congratulates David Quigley and Danny Steeghs on their promotions to Professor, effective from 1 June 2019.

Mon 01 Jul 2019, 12:12 | Tags: Feature News, announcements, Staff and Department

Steve Hindmarsh wins Papin Prize

Steve Hindmarsh, of the Electron Microscopy RTP, was awarded a prestigious Papin Prize at the HETS (Higher Education Technicians Summit) conference in Birmingham on 25 June.

Steve was given the award for technical excellence in supporting a Core Research Facility – The Electron Microscopy Research Technology Platform.

The award was presented at HETS 2019, which aims to share best practice amongst higher education technical staff in UK, Ireland and beyond, and is the largest event of its kind in the country, with over 700 technicians attending.

Wed 26 Jun 2019, 14:28 | Tags: Feature News, Press

WATE PGR Success

Congratulations to Richard Henshaw of the Soft Condensed Matter and Biophysics group, who has been announced as a 2019 winner of a Warwick Award for Teaching Excellence for Postgraduates who Teach (WATE PGR).

James Gott of the Microscopy group was named as a commendee.

Wed 26 Jun 2019, 10:02 | Tags: Postgraduates, Awards

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