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Self-organised fractional quantisation in a hole quantum wire

The discovery suggests a new area of experimentation in 1D systems, particularly direct measurement of the charge, with implications for possible schemes of topological quantum information processing.

Tue 12 Mar 2019, 15:04 | Tags: Research

Spin-coherent dynamics and carrier lifetime in strained Ge1−xSnx semiconductors on silicon

The first observation of spin dynamics in the Germanium Tin semiconductor can potentially offer a very rich spin physics, whose fundamental understanding is however still absent.

Tue 12 Mar 2019, 14:57 | Tags: Research

Unconventional Field-Induced Spin Gap in an S = 1/2 Chiral Staggered Chain

[Cu(pyrimidine)(H2O)4]SiF6.H2O is an unusual S = 1/2 chiral chain with a spin gap that grows linearly with applied magnetic field and a rich excitation spectrum of soliton and breather modes.

Tue 12 Mar 2019, 14:40 | Tags: Research

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