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New ideas to measure the mass of the W boson

As a first step towards a new measurement of the W boson mass with the LHCb experiment the role of proton structure uncertainties is studied in detail, resulting in interesting new ideas.

Mon 18 Feb 2019, 15:51 | Tags: Research

Research on attachment of antifreeze proteins to nanoparticles gathers pace

In recent months, work from the XPS Facility has contributed to publications on attaching antifreeze proteins to nanoparticles to modulate the formation and growth of ice at sub-zero temperatures, including an article in the Pioneering Inverstigators issue of Polymer Science.

Tue 05 Feb 2019, 11:34 | Tags: Research

University of Warwick wins over £10 million funding for Centres for Doctoral Training in modelling of systems

Fifty new PhD students will tackle pressing societal challenges ranging from nanoscale devices, new catalysts, superalloys, smart fluids and energy from fusion thanks to an investment of £5.5M in funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). The newly announced Centre for Doctoral Training in Modelling of Heterogeneous Systems (HetSys) will be based at the University of Warwick and will attract top research talent from across the UK and internationally to the Midlands.

The unique cohort experience and bespoke training programme including transferable computing skills will enable students to work across the departments of Physics, Engineering, Chemistry and Mathematics and the Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG). HetSys will train enthusiastic students from across the physical sciences who enjoy using their mathematical skills and thinking flexibly to solve complex problems. Engagement from 14 industrial and 12 international partners keen to collaborate with HetSys shows the fresh approach has already resonated beyond academia.

The Centre will be directed by Professor Julie Staunton from the Department of Physics. Speaking about the Centre, Professor Staunton said “The message from our partners is that HetSys is very timely and ideally positioned to have a big impact. Most importantly the key players are the PhD students who will drive the success of HetSys. They will inspire new ideas, approaches and innovation and become future leaders in extending and developing new technologies of national importance.”

Warwick’s Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research, Professor Pam Thomas, said “HetSys builds on Warwick’s strong interdisciplinary roots, including the Centre for Scientific Computing and the Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling. We are excited to be home to HetSys, which will help to promote a collaborative and inclusive research computing culture in the UK and internationally”.

For more information on HetSys see
contact Julie Staunton (Director) phone 024 7652 3381
or James Kermode (Co-director), phone 024 7652 8614

Image credit: Gabriele Sosso, University of Warwick

Mon 04 Feb 2019, 14:37 | Tags: Feature News, Press, Staff and Department

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