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IoP eBook on " Tetraquarks and Pentaquarks" published

Greig Cowan and Tim Gershon describe recent discoveries of new types of matter called tetraquarks and pentaquarks, and discuss the outlook for understanding these particles.

Wed 29 Aug 2018, 10:48 | Tags: Research

How quantum do you need to be to check a quantum computer?

Quantum computers are capable of solving certain problems whose scale lies outside that of classical computers. For some of these problems not even the solution can be efficiently checked with a classical computer. While schemes can verify an arbitrary quantum computation with a limited set of quantum operations, the minimum quantum resources to perform such a verification is an open question. Samuele, Theodoros, and Animesh from the quantum information group have published a paper on verification in Physical Review A (DOI: demonstrating an improvement on the existing requirements for schemes to verify quantum computations. In this work the authors demonstrate a verification scheme which works with a further reduced number of such quantum operations.

Thu 23 Aug 2018, 11:53 | Tags: Research

New Undergraduates for October 2018

Welcome to Warwick Physics! We hope that all our new students are settling in and enjoying activities in Welcome Week.

Please also read our pages for new students which have links to more information about getting started.

Mon 20 Aug 2018, 11:11 | Tags: Undergraduates

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