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Snapshots of Science - Reflecting on a Science City

atomization.jpg reciprocal_space.jpg
the_human_gait_in_digital_form.jpg plant_cell_architecture_in_arabidopsis.jpg quick_cup_of_coffee.jpg

ScienceSnaps was a two-part competition celebrating the visual impact of scientific research. The competition is equally for scientists and for school pupils; we aim to integrate work from both and to help stimulate the dialogue between them.

Congratulations to Ceri Lyn-Adams, Rami Zakaria, Dr Dean Keeble, Tung Fai Yu, Dr Juliet Coates and the team of Dr Simon Leigh and Chris Purssell for their winning entries (above). The winners were awarded their prizes in a ceremony at the British Festival of Science. This was held in the ThinkTank on Tuesday the 14th of September 2010 at 11 am.

Press releases covering the prize ceremony can be seen at:

The first activity in ScienceSnaps was an image competition for researchers working in areas related to the Birmingham Science City Research Alliance's themed programmes of Translational Medicine, Advanced Materials and Energy Futures. Some of the submitted images can be seen in the gallery.

We now have a facebook group where you can ask us questions about the competition.

We are grateful to our many sponsors who have enabled this competition to be run, and provided generous prizes both for the researchers and the schools.

Thanks to our panel of judges:

  • Nick Barker (School Teacher Fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of Warwick)
  • Ally Caldecote (Ogden School Teacher Fellow, Department of Physics, University of Warwick)
  • Professor Christopher Dowson (Biological Sciences, University of Warwick)
  • David Gregory (Science correspondent for BBC Midlands Today)
  • Tom Ind ()
  • Jo Lumani (Head of the Birmingham Science City Marketing Team)
  • Jessica Mason (Joseph Cash Primary School, Coventry)
  • Sarah Shalgosky (Curator of the Warwick Arts Centre)
  • Professor Pam Thomas (Director of the Science City Research Alliance for the Universities of Birmingham and Warwick)
  • Professor George Rowlands (Department of Physics, University of Warwick)
  • Lynda Thrift (University of Warwick)

and to the 2010 ScienceSnaps organising commitee: Nick Barker, Ally Caldecote, Ben Parkinson, Pam Thomas, Neil Wilson supported by Matthew Gibson, Alex Robinson, Doug Ward, Ian Jones, Richard Palmer, James Covington and Chris Dowson.

For more information please contact: Ally Caldecote on or

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