News over one year old
Year Jump:
2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
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12th December 2012 Together with Rachel Edwards, Andy Howes presented the last in a series of Christmas lectures to an audience of approximately 400 which were mainly members of the general public. The lecture was titled "Physics Tricks and Flying Frogs!", the aim was to explain some concepts in physics to the general public from 10+, with a strong twist towards experimentation. The lecture included the use of liquid nitrogen, superconductors, semiconductors and an explanation of magnetic resonance. |
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11th December 2012 The group attends en-masse and John Hanna gives a talk titled "A Solid State Multinuclear MAS and DOR NMR, and GIPAW DFT Investigation of α-Tricalcium Phosphate and Octahedral Tin(IV) Diketonate Bioactive Systems" at a conference on Computational Methods for Magnetic Resonance at the Institute Of Physics in London organised by the IOP BRSG: The Magnetic Resonance Group. |
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23rd November 2012 Title: Atomic-Resolution Structural Dynamics in Crystalline Proteins from NMR and Molecular SimulationAuthors: Luca Mollica, Maria Baias, Józef R. Lewandowski, Benjamin J. Wylie, Lindsay J. Sperling, Chad M. Rienstra, Lyndon Emsley and Martin Blackledge. |
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13th November 2012 The group attends the Bruker Users' meeting en masse, and Robert Kelly and Scott King gave talks titled "Exploring the Impact of Cu2+ Ions on the Aggregation of Amyloid Beta (1-40) using Solid-State NMR" and "A Multinuclear Solid-State NMR Study of Bioactive Glasses" respectively. |
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7th November 2012Steven Brown joins the Conseil Scientifique of the French Network of High-Field NMR Facilities.Steven Brown has joined the Conseil Scientifique of the French Network of High-Field NMR Facilities, recently attending the meeting in Lille. |
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1st November 2012 Dr Dmytro Dudenko joins our group from the Freie Universitat Berlin and Max Planck Institute, Germany to work on NMR Crystallography of Solid-State Structures Adopted by Organic Molecules as part of the EPSRC-funded CCP-NC project. |
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1st November 2012 Dr Emilio Jimenez-Roldan joins our group from within the University and will be working with Jozef Lewandowski on studying the relationship between structure, dynamics and activity of biomolecular systems. |
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16th October 2012 Jean-Paul Amoureux from Unite de Catalyse et Chimie du Solide, Lille University, France visits our laboratory and gives a talk titled "New solid-state NMR methods recently developed for ultra-fast MAS and high-field spectrometers: (i) proximities of quadrupolar nuclei, and (ii) structural analysis of bio-molecules." |
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15 - 26th October 2012 Nicole De Almeida from the Goward group |
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11th October 2012 (left to right) James Edgell, Liam Kellett, Rollo Jarvis, Thomas Harper, Samuel Coleclough and David Wood have joined our group for their final year Physics project supervised by Steven Brown and John Hanna. |
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7-12th October 2012 Jonathan Lamley and Robert Kelly attend the Advanced School on Biological Solid-State NMR in Brno, Czech Republic organised by ETH Zurich. |
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4th October 2012 Józef Lewandowski gave the presidential lecture of the RSC lecture series hosted at Warwick University. The talk was titled "Structural dynamics through the lens of solid-state NMR" |
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1st October 2012 (left to right) Maria Vlachou, Matthew Lougher, Aiden Robertson and Evelyn Toalster have joined our group. |
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1st October 2012 Józef Lewandowski gave a talk titled "A Few Words on Third Spin Assisted Recoupling and Protein Relaxation in the Solid State" at the European Science Foundation workshop: "Polarization transfer between water and proteins" at Laulasmaa, Estonia. |
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29th September 2012 Steven Brown, John Hanna and Józef Lewandowski attend Bruker's Grand Opening of their Centre of Excellence at the Banner Lane, Coventry Site. |
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21st September 2012 Andrew Tatton has left the group to work with Prof. Christian Damblon at the University of Liege in Belgium. |
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19th September 2012 Title: Identifying the intermolecular hydrogen-bonding supramolecular synthons in an indomethacin–nicotinamide cocrystal by solid-state NMR.Authors: Keisuke Maruyoshi , Dinu Iuga , Oleg N. Antzutkin , Amjad Alhalaweh , Sitaram P. Velaga and Steven P. Brown. |
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13th September 2012 Title: Hydrogen Bonding in Alzheimer's Amyloid-β Fibrils Probed by 15N{17O} REAPDOR Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy.Authors: Prof. Oleg N. Antzutkin, Dr. Dinu Iuga, Dr. Andrei V. Filippov, Robert T. Kelly, Dr. Johanna Becker-Baldus, Prof. Steven P. Brown, Prof. Ray Dupree |
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10th September 2012 Steven Brown gave a lecture about the EPSRC-funded Collaborative Computational Project for NMR Crystallography (CCP-NC) at the SMARTER3 conference in Versailles, France. |
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3-5th September 2012 Robert Kelly and Muhammad Hasan present posters titled "Exploring the impact of Cu2+ ions on the aggregation of Aβ1-40 using Solid-State NMR" and "Structure and Dynamics of Membrane Proteins using Solid-State NMR" respectively at the 12th CCPN Conference held at Scarborough Campus, University of Hull. |
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22-23rd August 2012 Józef Lewandowski gave two talks at the XXVth International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems. The first was a tutorial on the selected applications of fast magic angle spinning for biological solid state NMR titled "Spinning in the fast lane", and the second was a talk titled "Simultaneous Acquisition of Homonuclear and Heteronuclear Long-Distance Contacts with Time-Shared Third Spin Assisted Recoupling". |
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9th August 2012 |
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16-18th July 2012 John Hanna and Steven Brown gave talks at the Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry titled "A Multinuclear Solid State NMR, GIPAW DFT and MD Study of the Interstitial Conduction-Ion Species in Apatite Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Materials of the Generic Form La8+xM2-x(XO4)6O2 (M = Ba, Bi, Ca, Y, Si; X = P, Si, Ge)." and "Multinuclear Solid-State NMR of Organic Molecules: Revealing Intra and Intermolecular Structure." respectively.Scott King, James MacDonald and Andrew Grigg also gave posters at the RMCAC. |
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15th July 2012 Steven Brown gives a talk titled "14N-1H and 15N-1H Solid-State NMR for Pharmaceutical Characterisation" at the Bruker pre-meeting to the Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry (RMCAC) in Colorado, USA. |
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11th July 2012 9 Members of our group attended the IOP BRSG AGM and summer meeting hosted by Johnson Matthey at their technology centre in Sonning Common. |
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10th July 2012 The President of Jeol Resonance Inc. Mr Takahashi visits our NMR facility to mark the installation of a 1mm Jeol probe at the UK 850 MHz solid-state NMR facility. |
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10th July 2012 |
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26th June 2012Diamonds, a washer woman's best friend:Microscopic sparklers in washing powder help detergents work much more effectively.Research involving Prof. Steven Brown has been published in the Daily Mail, a press release is available here along with the American Chemical Society, Applied Materials and Interfaces paper here (DOI: 10.1021/am300560z) |
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15th June 2012 Dr Ilya Frantsuzov visits our group from Durham Universities Solid State NMR Group as part of the inter university Higher and Faster Decoupling Project. |
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14th June 2012 Stephen Day and Robert Kelly give talks titled "Complimentary GIPAW DFT computational and solid state NMR approaches to studying disordered apatite systems" and "Exploring the impact of Cu2+ ions on the aggregation of Aβ1-40 using Solid-State NMR" respectively at the NMRDG Post-Graduate meeting hosted at the University of Bristol. |
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4th June 2012 Dr Brukhard Scmidt and Amrei Baasner from the Experimental and Applied Mineralogy Department at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen are visiting our group for 2 weeks to work with Prof. Ray Dupree. |
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1st June 2012 Greg Rees after submitting his thesis has started work at Bruker UK based in Coventry. |
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1st June 2012 Dr Zhong-Jie Lin has joined our group as a research associate working with John Hanna. |
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15th May 2012 Matthew Lougher has joined out group as part of the Warwick Molecular Organisation and Assembly in Cells (MOAC) MSc course. |
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23rd April 2012 Hasan Alkassem has joined our group as part of the Warwick Centre for Analytical Sciences AS:MIT masters course. |
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4th April 2012 Ago Samoson has broken the 100 kHz MAS barrier for the first time. |
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29th March 2012 The Second Annual Symposium of the UK 850 MHz Solid-State NMR Facility was held at Warwick University with Oliver Alderman and James McDonald from our group giving talks. |
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27th March 2012 Title: Simultaneous Acquisition of Homonuclear and Heteronuclear Long-Distance Contacts with Time-Shared Third Spin Assisted RecouplingAuthors: Jonathan M. Lamley, Józef R. Lewandowski |
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9th March 2012 Warwick University has published a press release about some innovative research in the Solid-State NMR group. |
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7th March 2012 Ray Dupree gives an invited talk and conference paper at the 4th International Workshop on Far-Infrared Technologies 2012 (IW-FIRT 2012) held at the University of Fukui, JapanTitle: A DNP-enhanced Solid-State MAS NMR Spectrometer designed for operation at 6.7 and 14.1 T using quasi-optical microwave transmission.Authors: Rya Dupree, Kevin J. Pike, Thomas F. Kemp, Hiroki Takahashi, Robert Day, Andrew P. Howes, Eugeny V. Kryukov, James F. MacDonald, Alana E. C. Collis, David R. Bolton, Richard J. Wylde, Marcella Orwick, Kosuke Kosuga, Andrew J. Clark, Toshitaka Idehara, Anthony Watts, Graham M. Smith, Mark E. Newton, Mark E. Smith. |
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27th February 2012 Paul Bayley visits our group until the 10th April to conduct PFG and CODEX experiments. Paul is based at the Institute for Technology Research and Innovation at Deakin University, Australia. |
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24th February 2012 Title: Unexpected effects of third-order cross-terms in heteronuclear spin systems under simultaneous radio-frequency irradiation and magic-angle spinning NMRAuthors: Andrew S. Tatton, Ilya Frantsuzov, Steven P. Brown, and Paul Hodgkinson |
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20th February 2012 Title: Probing Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonding in Sibenadet Hydrochloride Polymorphs by High-Resolution 1H Double-Quantum Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy.Authors: Jontathan P. Bradley, Chris J. Pickard, Jonathan C. Burley, Dave R. Martin, Leslie P. Huges, Stephen D. Cosgrove, Steven P. Brown. |
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20th February 2012 Dr Kevin Pike has left our group for a permanent position at Thomas Keating Ltd. |
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12th February 2012 Title: A spectrometer designed for 6.7 and 14.1 T DNP-enhanced solid-state MAS NMR using quasi-optical microwave transmission.Authors: Kevin J. Pike, Thomas F. Kemp, Hiroki Takahashi, Robert Day, Andrew P. Howes, Eugeny V. Kryukov, James F. MacDonald, Alana E.C. Collis, David R. Bolton, Richard J. Wylde, Marcella Orwick, Kosuke Kosuga, Andrew J. Clark, Toshitaka Idehara, Anthony Watts, Graham M. Smith, Mark E. Newton, Ray Dupree and Mark E. Smith. |
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10th February 2012Prof. Tim Cross Visits our Group and Gives a Talk in The School of Life SciencesProf. Tim Cross from the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, The Florida State Univerisity, Tallahassee, USA visited our group and gave a talk in the School of Life Sciences entitled "The native-like structure of the M2 proton channel of influenza A obtained from lipid bilayer preparations". |
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6th February 2012Steven Brown Gave an Invited Lecture at the National Magnetic Resonance Society in Bangalore, India.Steven Brown gave an invited lecture entitled “Characterising Solid-State Structures Formed by Organic Molecules: What Can NMR Contribute?” at the National Magnetic Resonance Society meeting in Bangalore, India. |
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16th January 2012 Title: Probing intermolecular interactions and nitrogen protonation in pharmaceuticals by novel 15N-edited and 2D 14N-1H solid-state NMR.Authors: Andrew S. Tatton, Tran N. Pham, Frederick G. Vogt, Dinu Iuga, Andrew J. Edwards and Steven P. Brown. |
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12th December 2011 The NMR group attended the BRSG Christmas Meeting at the IOP headquarters in London which was organised by Steven Brown. Scott King gave a presentation titled "Multinuclear Solid State NMR Investigation into Speciation and Structure of Aluminium Doped Phosphate Bioglasses" |
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11th December 2011 Title: A spectrometer designed for 6.7 and 14.1 T DNP-enhanced solid-state MAS NMR using quasi-optical microwave transmissionAuthors: Kevin J. Pike, Thomas F. Kemp, Hiroki Takahashi, Robert Day, Andrew P. Howes, Eugeny V. Kryukov, James F. MacDonald, Alana E.C. Collis, David R. Bolton, Richard J. Wylde, Marcella Orwick, Kosuke Kosuga, Andrew J. Clark, Toshitaka Idehara, Anthony Watts, Graham M. Smith, Mark E. Newton, Ray Dupree and Mark E. Smith. |
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2nd December 2011 Title: Apllications of high-resolution 1H solid-state NMRAuthors: Steven P. Brown |
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1st December 2011 Dr Nic Shannon from Bristol/Oxford gives a seminar for the theory group titled "Angle Resolved NMR" |
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23rd November 2011 A long standing Colleague Dr Diane Holland Retires with a Seminar titled "Trying to make sense of disorder. Celebrating the work of Diane Holland" |
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21st November 2011 Dr Thalasseril Ajithkumar is visiting our laboritory for a week from the Central NMR Facility, National Chemical Laboritory, Pune, India. |
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18th November 2011 Dr Karl Mueller visits out group from Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboritory, USA; and Department of Chemistry, Penn State University, USA. During Dr Mueller's visit he gave a seminar titled "Coupling Solid-State NMR and Computational Approaches for Discovery: A Chemical Physics View of Complex Materials and Their Surfaces" |
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15th November 2011 Dr Józef Lewandowski gives a talk titled "Proton Detected Experiments in Perdeuterated Proteins" at the Bruker NMR & EPR Users' Meeting 2011. The majority of our group also attended the Solid-State NMR Workshop. |
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14th November 2011 Dr Lionel Truflandier from the London Centre for Nanotechnology gives a seminar hosted by CSC at the University of Warwick. The talk was titled "Quantum-Mechanical Based Methods for Simulation of NMR Properties Applied to Condensed Matter Systems" |
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10th November 2011 Professor Christian Bonhomme is visiting our group for a few days from LCMCP UPMC, France. |
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1st November 2011 Jon Bradley leaves our group to take up a position at Johnson Matthey. |
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28th October 2011 Title: Identifying Guanosine Self Assembly at Natural Isotopic Abundance by High-Resolution 1H and 13C Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy.Authors: Amy L. Webber, Stefano Masiero, Silvia Pieraccini, Jonathan C. Burley, Andrew S. Tatton, Dinu Iuga, Tran N. Pham, Gian Piero Spada, and Steven P. Brown |
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22nd October 2011 Paul Bayley visits our group until the 12th November to conduct PFG and CODEX experiments. Paul is based at the Institute for Technology Research and Innovation at Deakin University, Australia. |
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18th October 2011 Steven Brown gave a lecture entitled “Characterising Solid-State Structures Formed by Organic Molecules: What Can NMR Contribute?” at a Solid-State NMR Workshop at the Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Lodz, Poland at the invitation of Marek Potrzebowski. |
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6th October 2011 Stefan Jehle from CRMN Lyon visits the group and presents a talk entitled "Solid-state NMR, EM and SAXS studies provide a structural basis for the architecture of alphaB-crystallin multimers" |
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6th October 2011 Evelyn Toalster, Andrew Nash, Shil Patel and Sheran Owens start undergraduate final year projects in our group. |
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4th October 2011 Steven Brown begins a 6-month sabbatical in the laboratory of Hartmut Oschkinat at FMP-Berlin. |
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3rd October 2011 Frederik Romer, Jonathan Lamley, Stephen Day, Robert Kelly, Piers Mathias and Muhammad Hasan have joined to group to study for a PhD. |
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3rd October 2011 Vivien Yeh joins the group to study for an MSc |
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29th September 2011 At the invitation of Professor Gian Piero Spada, Steven Brown gave a seminar to the Department of Chemistry at the University of Bologna entitled "Characterising solid-state structures formed by organic molecules: what can NMR contribute?". |
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26th September 2011 Steven Brown gave an invited talk entitled "Characterising solid-state structures formed by organic molecules: what can NMR contribute?" at the Italian NMR conference in Parma. |
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15th September 2011 Ray Dupree has an article published in the Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance titled "Double Rotation NMR" |
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11-15th September 2011The NMR group attends the 7th Alpine Conference on Solid-State NMRlinkRay Dupree, Nathan Barrow and Andrew Tatton attend the 7th Alpine Conference on Solid-State NMR.Andrew Tatton presented a poster titled "14N-1H Correlation Spectra at 850MHz". |
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7-11th September 2011Mark Smith gives a talk at the Third International Symposium on Dynamic Nuclear Polarization, Lausanne, Switzerland Symposium ProgramRay Dupree and Mark Smith attended the Third International Symposium on Dynamic Nuclear Polarization where Mark Smith gave a talk titled "A Novel Spectrometer Design for DNP Enhanced Solid State MAS NMR using a Quasioptical Microwave Transmission Design and Investigation of the Factors Determining the DNP Signal Enhancement at 94 GHz" |
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1st September 2011Józef Lewandowski Joins Our GroupJózef Lewandowski has joined our group, taking up a position of Assistant Professor in Physical Chemistry.Józef's speciality is Solid-State NMR of biological systems. |
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1st September 2011Dr Keisuke Maruyoshi arrives for a year visit. Daiichi Sankyo Co. Ltd.Dr Keisuke Maruyoshi is visiting for a year from Daiichi Sankyo Co. Ltd. in Japan. |
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3rd August 2011Paper Published in Crystal Growth and Design, DOITitle: Probing Intermolecular Crystal Packing in γ-Indomethacin by High-Resolution 1H Solid-State NMR SpectroscopyAuthors: Jonathan P. Bradley, Sitaram P. Velaga, Oleg N. Antzutkin and Steven P. Brown. |
21st July 2011Paper Published in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, DOITitle: A variable temperature solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance, electron paramagnetic resonance and Raman scattering study of molecular dynamics in ferroelectric fluoridesAuthors: R.M. Kowalczyk, T.F. Kemp, D. Walker, K.J. Pike, P.A. Thomas, J. Kreisel, R. Dupree, M.E. Newton, J.V. Hanna and M.E. Smith |
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18th July 2011Dr Claudia Ionescu, Dr Simon Orr and Dr Tom Partridge graduate., |
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14th July 2011Prof. Gillian Goward Visits, homepageProf. Gillian Goward visits from McMaster University, Canada and presented "Studies of Ion Mobility in Materials for Alternative Energy Applications Using Solid-State NMR" |
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7th JulyProf. Regis Gautier Visits, homepageProf Regis Gautier visits from Sciences Chimiques de Rennes (Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie de Rennes Avenue du General Leclerc) in France and presented a colloquium focussing on the DFT computation of NMR parameters. |
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15th June 2011Steven Brown gives a seminar at FMP Berlin, FMPTitle: Application of high-resolution solid-state NMR to pharmaceuticals and biosolids. |
9th June 2011Steven Brown gives a seminar in the Chemistry Department at the University of Glasgow, Wimperis GroupTitle: Characterising solid-state structures formed by organic molecules: what can NMR contribute. |
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7th June 2011Jon Bradley successfully defends his thesis. |
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13th April 2011Steven Brown appears on Midlands Today,Steven Brown was interviewed on BBC Midland Today program, much of our laboratory was shown and a few other members of the group were in the background. |
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4th April 2011Mark Smith, Andrew Tatton and Oleg Antzutkin give talks at the UK 850 MHz solid-state NMR facility 2011 annual symposium , 850MHz FacilityTitle: Mark Smith: Solid-state NMR observation of quadrupolar nuclei at high field including 43Ca and 87Sr.Oleg Antzutkin: Exploring hydrogen bonding in amyloid fibrils of Alzheimer’s Aβ fragment Aβ(16-22) using 15N(17O) REAPDOR NMRAndrew Tatton: 14N-1H correlation spectra at 850 MHz |
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23 February 2011 A new nitrogen tank has been delivered which approximately tripples our capcity for liquid nitrogen. We are using the new tank for high-pressure nitrogen and the smaller one for liquid nitrogen. |
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14th February 2011Paper Published in PCCP, DOITitle: Towards homonuclear J solid-state NMR correlation experiments for half-integer quadrupolar nuclei: experimental and simulated 11B MAS spin-echo dephasing and calculated 2JBB coupling constants for lithium diborateAuthors: N.S. Barrow, J.R. Yates, S.A. Feller, D. Holland, S.E. Ashbrook, P. Hodgkinson and S.P. Brown |
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24th January 2011Paper Published in PCCP, DOITitle: Longer-range distances by spinning-angle-encoding solid-state NMR spectroscopyAuthors: J. Becker-Baldus, T.F. Kemp, J. Past, A. Reinhold, A. Samoson and S.P. Brown |
2010 News |
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14th December 2010John Hanna gives a talk at the BRSG Christmas meeting, BRSGTitle: Strategies for Observing NMR Signals from Paramagnetic and Diamagnetic Rare Earth Systems |
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9th December 2010Paper Published in PCCP, DOITitle: Determination of the temperature dependence of the dynamic nuclear polarisation enhancement of water protons at 3.4 TeslaAuthors: E.V. Kryukov, K.J. Pike, T.K.Y. Tam, M.E. Newton, M.E. Smith and R. Dupree |
1st November 2010Paper Published in Biomaterials, Science Direct LinkTitle: Magnesium incorporation into hydroxyapatiteAuthors: Danielle Laurencin, Neyvis Almora-Barrios, Nora H. de Leeuw, Christel Gervais, Christian Bonhomme, Francesco Mauri, Wojciech Chrzanowski, Jonathan C. Knowles, Robert J. Newport, Alan Wong, Zhehong Gan and Mark E. Smith |
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24th August 2010
Encyclopaedia of Magnetic Resonance Article
Ago Samoson, Tiit Tuherm, Jaan Past, Andres Reinhold, Ivo Heinmaa, Tiit Anupold, Mark E. Smith and Kevin J. Pike have had their article, Fast Magic-Angle Spinning: Implications published in the Encyclopaedia of Magnetic Resonance.
1st–2nd August 2010
52nd Rocky Mountain Conference, Snowmass, Colorado
Jon Bradley gave a talk entitled 1H Double-Quantum Build-Up Curves from DQ Filtered 1H-13C Correlation Spectra of Indomethacin-gamma. Andy Tatton presented a poster.
19th July 2010
Graduation Ceremony, University of Warwick
Congratulations to Dr Nathan Barrow and Dr Amy Webber, who graduated this summer after completing their doctoral studies under the supervision of Steven Brown. Amy is researching paramagnetic proteins at ENS-Lyon with Guido Pintacudo and Nathan is a KTP Associate between the University of Warwick and Johnson Matthey.
July 4th–9th 2010 2010
WorldWide Magnetic Resonance Conference, Florence, Italy
Steven Brown, John Hanna, Nathan Barrow, Greg Rees, Jo Higgs and Dean Keeble attended the joint EUROMAR 2010-17th ISMAR WorldWide Magnetic Resonance conference. Steven gave an invited talk entitled High-resolution solid-state NMR methods for the structural characterisation of organic solids, Nathan, Greg, Jo and Dean presented posters.
June 24th 2010
NMRDG, Leeds
Jon Bradley gave a talk entitled 1H Double-Quantum Build-Up Curves From DQ Filtered 1H-13C Correlation Spectra at the NMRDG postgraduate meeting in Leeds. Jo Higgs and Greg Rees presented posters.
June 22nd 2010
IWPCPS, Lille, France
Steven Brown gave an invited talk entitled High-resolution 1H solid-state NMR methods for characterising hydrogen bonding in pharmaceutical compounds at the 12th International Workshop on Physical Characterization of Pharmaceutical Solids.
18th May 2010
Paper Published in SSNMR, ScienceDirect Publishing Link
Title: Recent Technique Developments and Applications of Solid State NMR in Characterising Inorganic Materials
Authors: J. V. Hanna, M. E. Smith
18th May 2010
Paper Published in PCCP, RSC Publishing Link
Title: Complete 1H resonance assignment of beta-maltose from 1H–1H DQ-SQ CRAMPS and 1H (DQ-DUMBO)–13C SQ refocused INEPT 2D solid-state NMR spectra and first principles GIPAW calculations
Authors: A. L. Webber, B. Elena, J. M. Griffin, J. R. Yates, T. N. Pham, F. Mauri, C. J. Pickard, A. M. Gil, R. Stein, A. Lesage, L. Emsley and S. P. Brown
May 2010
Paper Published in PCCP, RSC Publishing Link
This paper was chosen for the cover of a themed issue of PCCP on Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
Title: DNP enhanced NMR using a high-power 94 GHz microwave source: a study of the TEMPOL radical in toluene
Authors: E. V. Kryukov, M. E. Newton, K. J. Pike, D. R. Bolton, R. M. Kowalczyk, A. P. Howes, M. E. Smith and R. Dupree
30th Apr 2010
Farewell Amy
Farewell to Amy Webber, who leaves the group to take up a post-doctoral position with Guido Pintacudo in Lyon, France.
21st Apr 2010
Invited talk at 51st ENC Conference, Daytona Beach, Florida
Steven Brown joined other European invited speakers unable to fly to the U.S.A. for the ENC conference in giving his presentation entitled Determining Relative H-H Proximities from 1H Double-Quantum NMR Spectra of Organic Solids via the internet.
8th April 2010
Paper Published in PCCP, RSC Publishing Link
Title: Investigation of proton dynamics and the proton transport pathway in choline dihydrogen phosphate using solid-state NMR
Authors: L. S. Cahill, U. A. Rana, M. Forsyth and M. E. Smith
April 2010
Paper Published in Journal of Magnetic Resonance, ScienceDirect Link
Title: Thermometers for low temperature Magic Angle Spinning NMR
Authors: T. F. Kemp, G. Balakrishnan, K. J. Pike, M. E. Smith and R. Dupree
19th Mar 2010
Doctorate Granted to Webber
Congratulations to Amy Webber on successfully defending her Ph.D. thesis entitled Probing Intermolecular Interactions and Three-dimensional Packing of Organic Molecules by Solid-State NMR.
1st Mar 2010
Professor Brown
Congratulations to Steven Brown on his promotion to Professor by the University of Warwick with effect from October 2010.
28th Feb 2010
Farewell Johanna
Farewell to Johanna Becker-Baldus, who leaves the group to take up a post as experimental officer in the solid-state NMR group of Clemens Glaubitz in Frankfurt, Germany.
24th–25th Feb 2010
Barcelo Hinckley Island Hotel, Leicestershire
Steven, Jon and Andy attended the Structure 2010 conference, covering advances in structure elucidation, in Hinkley. Jon Bradley presented a poster entitled A 1H Solid-State NMR Investigation of Polymorphism in Indomethacin and Andy Tatton presented a poster entitled Spectral Editing Methods Employing Homonuclear Decoupling: Towards better characterisation of pharmaceutical solids.
24th Feb 2010
Doctorate Granted to Barrow
Congratulations to Nathan Barrow on successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis entitled Homonuclear Correlation in Solid-State NMR: Developing Experiments for Half-Integer Quadrupolar Nuclei.
3rd Feb 2010
850 MHz Facility Welcomes First Visitors
Dinu Iuga and Steven Brown, from Warwick, welcome the first visitors to the national facility; John Griffin and Martin Mitchell from Sharon Ashbrook's group in St Andrews.
17th January 2010
Ago Samoson Elected Fellow of ISMAR
The International Society of Magnetic Resonance elect Fellows to identify the highest achievers in magnetic resonance. Ago Samoson was recently bestowed this honour.
15th December 2009
BRSG Christmas Meeting, Institute of Physics, London
Members of the group attended the BRSG and NMRDG Christmas meetings in London on 15th and 16th December.
Novemeber 2009
Academia Sinica Lecture Series in Taiwan
Ago Samoson delivered a series of lectures at research institutions of Taiwan as a guest of Academia Sinica.
16th November 2009
Invited Talk at EAS
Steven Brown gave an invited lecture entitled Determining J couplings in Solid-State MAS NMR: Hydrogen Bonding and Phosphate Glasses at the Eastern Analytical Symposium, Somerset, New Jersey, USA in a symposium honouring outstanding achievements in Magnetic Resonance by Lyndon Emsley.
10th November 2009
Paper Published in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, ACS Publications Link
Title: Synthesis, Physicochemical, and Tribological Characterization of S-Di-n-octoxyboron-O,O′-di-n-octyldithiophosphate
Authors: Faiz U. Shah, Sergei Glavatskih and Oleg N. Antzutkin
7th November 2009
Paper Published in PCCP, RSC Publishing Link
Title: Probing the calcium and sodium local environment in bones and teeth using multinuclear solid state NMR and X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Authors: D. Laurencin, A. Wong, W. Chrzanowski, J. C. Knowles, D. Qiu, D. M. Pickup, R. J. Newport, Z. Gan, M. J. Duer and M. E. Smith
9th October 2009
New Group Member
Christian Bonhomme arrived at the University of Warwick to start his sabitical in the solid state NMR group. He is professor at the UPMC in Paris, France. His research focuses on NMR in inorganic materials and DOR.
5th October 2009
New PhD Students
Welcome to Natalie Ellis and Tom Tam who have joined the group as PhD students.
1st October 2009
Invited Talk at the 1st Scandinavian Symposium in Hemavan, Sweden
Oleg Antzutkin gave an invited talk at the 1st Scandinavian Symposium—Molecular Mechanisms of Amyloid Formation and Causes of Amyloid Degenerative Diseases. The talk was entitled Exploring 1H NMR Diffusiometry and Solid-State NMR to Study Structure of Amyloid Aggregates and Fibrils.
29th September 2009
PhD Poster Competition Winner
Jonathan Bradley won the prize for the best poster at the AstraZeneca PhD day, for his poster entitled A 1H solid-state NMR investigation of polymorphism in pharmaceutical molecules.
21st–22nd September 2009
CryoMAS Open Day, Southampton
Seven members of the Warwick group attended the CryoMAS symposium at the University of Southampton.
21st September 2009
Talk at Chamonix, France
Steven Brown gave an invited talk entitled Probing Hydrogen Bonding in Organic Solids: Applications to NMR Crystallography and Pharmaceuticals at the SMASH meeting.
13th–17th September 2009
6th Alpine Conference on Solid-State NMR, Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France
Ten members of the Warwick group attended and presented posters at the 6th Alpine Conference on Solid-State NMR in Chamonix.
September 2009
Paper Published in JACS, ACS Publications Link
Title: 31P MAS Refocused INADEQUATE Spin−Echo (REINE) NMR Spectroscopy: Revealing J Coupling and Chemical Shift Two-Dimensional Correlations in Disordered Solids
Authors: Paul Guerry, Mark E. Smith and Steven P. Brown
3rd September 2009
CRNS News Item, JACS Article
Joint NMR work on calcium that is about to be published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society is highlighted on the CNRS web site in its news section. The work involved groups coordinated by Danielle Laurencin which she started when she was still at Warwick and is a collaboration with Warwick and French groups in Montpellier, Paris, Gif-sur-Yvette and Orleans. It has been shown that details of calcium's bonding to carbon can be determined which opens up the potential for probing calcium in biomolecules.
24th August 2009
CASTEP workshop, Oxford
Five members of the Warwick group attended the CASTEP workshop at Oxford.
Summer 2009
Summer Students
David Hall researched proton assisted recoupling, Peter Beckett looked at proton-proton distances in pharmaceuticals. Owen Benton and David Barnes performed experiments on quadrupolar nuclei.
22nd–24th July 2009
Conference, University of Cumbria
Johanna Becker-Baldus presented a poster at the 9th Collaborative Computing Project for NMR conference held at the University of Cumbria.
19th–23th July 2009
Rocky Mountain Conference, Breckenridge, Colorado, USA
Two members of the Warwick group attended the Rocky Mountain Conference
13th July 2009
Graduation Ceremony, University of Warwick
Congratulations to Dr Paul Guerry, who graduated this summer after completing his doctoral thesis under the supervision of Mark Smith. Paul currently has a post-doctoral position with Torsten Herrmann at the ENS-Lyon.
10th July 2009
MOAC Mini-Project Finishes
Briony Johnson has finished her eight week MOAC mini-project entitled Development of solid-state NMR for the study of membrane proteins.
July 2009
Paper Published in Physics and Chemistry of Glasses, IngentaConnect Link
Title: Developing 11B solid state MAS NMR methods to characterise medium range structure in borates
Authors: Nathan S. Barrow, Sharon E. Ashbrook, Steven P. Brown, Diane Holland
8th July 2009
Invited Talk
Steven Brown gave an invited talk entitled New solid-state NMR methodology for probing structure-determining hydrogen-bonding interactions at the 73rd Prague Meeting on Macromolecules.
July 2009
Paper Published in Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, ScienceDirect Link
Title: QuadFit—A new cross-platform computer program for simulation of NMR line shapes from solids with distributions of interaction parameters
Authors: Tom F. Kemp and Mark E. Smith
20th–25th June 2009
Conference, Universitätszentrum Obergurgl, Ötz, Austria
Amy Webber attended the European Science Foundation held in the Otz Valley, entitled Self-Assembly of Guanosine Derivatives: From Biological Systems to Nanotechnological Applications. Amy gave a talk entitled Probing Self-Assembly and Hydrogen Bonding in Deoxyguanosine derivatives using High-Resolution Solid-State NMR techniques. The conference was chaired by Professor Gian Piero Spada from Universita di Bologna, Italy. Other attendees and speakers included Gang Wu; Guanosine 5'-Monophosphate Self-Assembly: 100 Years Later, Jeffrey Davis; Lipophilic G-Quadruplexes as Transmembrane Ion Transporters and Mateus Webba da Silva; Control of Quadruplex Self-Assembly.
June 2009
Paper Published in PCCP, RSC Publishing Link
Title: Determining relative proton–proton proximities from the build-up of two-dimensional correlation peaks in 1H double-quantum MAS NMR: insight from multi-spin density-matrix simulations
Authors: Jonathan P. Bradley, Carmen Tripon, Claudiu Filip and Steven P. Brown
June 2009
Paper Published in PCCP, RSC Publishing Link
Title: High-resolution 17O double-rotation NMR characterization of ring and non-ring oxygen in vitreous B2O3
Authors: Alan Wong, Andy P. Howes, Ben Parkinson, Tiit Anupõld, Ago Samoson, Diane Holland and Ray Dupree
20th May 2009
Talk at CRBM, CNRS, Montpellier, France
Oleg Antzutkin visited Macromolecular Biochemistry Research Center (CRBM), at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) in Montpellier, France, and gave a seminar talk entitled Exploring 1H NMR Diffusiometry and Solid-state NMR to Study Structure of Amyloid Aggregates and Fibrils. He also discussed a collaboration with Dr Andrey Kajava.
15th May 2009
Farewell Lindsay Cahill
Farewell to Lindsay, who leaves the group to carry on post-doctoral research in Canada. She enjoyed a goodbye meal at a typical English pub with just 24 of the many friends she has made during her time in the group.
11th–14th May 2009
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxford
Amy Webber attended the workshop An Advanced Practical Course in NMR Techniques for Membrane Proteins. The workshop, hosted by Professor Tony Watts, University of Oxford, included lectures, practical demonstrations of protein preparation methods for use in solid-state NMR, an introduction into spectrometer usage with solids, and a demonstration of the CCPNmr spectral assignment software.
Speakers and demonstrators included Anja Böckmann, Deuteration for solution and solid state NMR, Niels Nielsen, Using SIMPSON and Solid-State Theory, as well as Hartmut Oschkinat, Clemens Glaubitz, Victoria Higman, Alain Milon, David Middleton and Krisztina Varga.
12th May 2009
Hartmut Oschkinat Talk
Hartmut Oschkinat from FMP, Berlin, gave a talk entitled Structure determination of membrane proteins and dynamic complexes by solid-state NMR.
May 2009
Paper Published in JMR, ScienceDirect Link
Title: CHHC and 1H–1H magnetization exchange: Analysis by experimental solid-state NMR and 11-spin density-matrix simulations
Authors: Mihaela Aluas, Carmen Tripon, John M. Griffin, Xenia Filip, Vladimir Ladizhansky, Robert G. Griffin, Steven P. Brown and Claudiu Filip
1st May 2009
DNP Open Day
An open day at the University of Warwick took place to provide information about the Basic Technology funded dynamic nuclear polarisation enhanced nuclear magnetic resonance project. The day was aimed at people from a variety of backgrounds, from researchers that are interested in finding out if this technique could provide information on systems they are studying, to experts in the magnetic resonance community. Approximately 70 people were in attendance.
30th April 2009
NMRDG, AstraZeneca, Charnwood, Loughborough
Mark, Ray, Steven, John, Dinu, Johanna, Lindsay, Nathan, Amy, Simon, Jon, Claudia, Jo all attended an NMR Discussion Group meeting entitled Applications of NMR to Materials Chemistry at AstraZeneca in Loughborough. Dinu Iuga presented The UK 850 MHz Solid-State NMR Facilty, John Hanna presented The Development of Solid State 93Nb and 25Mg NMR in Conjunction with Density Functional Theory Calculation, and Steven Brown presented Measuring J coupling distributions by 31P Solid-State MAS NMR: New insight into disorder in phosphate glasses.
22nd–29th April 2009
Xenia Filip and Carmen Tripon Visit Group
Visiting as part of a Royal Society funded collaboration from Cluj, Romania, Carmen Tripon and Xenia Filip worked on 13C experiments with Jon Bradley.
21st April 2009
Review Published in Macromolecular Rapid Communications, ScienceDirect Link
Recent Advances in Solid-State MAS NMR Methodology for Probing Structure and Dynamics in Polymeric and Supramolecular Systems by Steven P. Brown
15th April 2009
Paper Published in Materials Chemistry and Physics, ScienceDirect Link
Title: Identification of phases in partially crystallised Ti-, Sr- and Zn-containing sodium calcium phosphates by two-dimensional NMR.
Authors: Luke A. O’Dell, Ensanya A. Abou Neel, Jonathan C. Knowles and Mark E. Smith.
23th March 2009
Scientific collaboration, Cluj, Romania
Jon Bradley and Andrew Tatton visited Claudiu Filip's group in Cluj, Romania as part of a Royal Society funded collaboration.
20th March 2009
Polymorphism & Crystallisation Conference, Brussels
Steven Brown gave a lecture entitled High-Field Solid-State NMR: Characterising Polymorphs in Tablet Formulations at a Polymorphism & Crystallisation conference in Brussels organised by Scientific Update.
11th March 2009
Paul Bayley Visits Group
Welcome to Paul Bayley, a PhD student working with Maria Forsyth, Monash University, Australia who is visiting the group for eight weeks to carry out pulsed field gradient NMR experiments.
10th March 2009
GERM XXI Conference, Fréjus, France
Mark Smith and John Hanna gave talks at the XXI meeting of the Groupe d'Etude de Résonance Magnétique in Fréjus, France.
March 2009
New Group Member
We welcome Dr Hiroki Takahashi who has joined the Physics department this March. Dr Takahashi obtained his PhD at Osaka University in Japan with Prof. Toshimichi Fujiwara. He is currently continuing his work on DNP-enhanced MAS NMR and has expertise with gyrotrons, having worked closely with Prof. Toshitaka Idehara at the University of Fukui.
March 2009
New Group Member
Tina Yi-Ling Tsai joins us from National Taiwan University for nine months to use NMR techiques on geopolymers.
8th–11th February 2009
Amyloid Conference, Halle an der Saale, Germany
At this three-day international conference, Oleg Antzutkin gave a talk entitled "Aggregation of Abeta(1-40) in TFE caused by ultrasonication and solid-state 17O NMR on Alzheimer's Abeta fibrils" and Johanna Becker-Baldus presented a poster entitled Structural Investigation of CA150.WW2 amyloid fibrils by MAS NMR spectroscopy and an outlook on hydrogen bonding.
4th February 2009
Paper Published in Phys Rev B, APS Link
59Co NMR study of the allotropic phase transformation in small ferromagnetic cobalt particles.
Authors: R. Speight, A. Wong, P. Ellis, P. T. Bishop, T. I. Hyde, T. J. Bastow, and M. E. Smith.
1st February 2009
Paper Published in SSNMR, ScienceDirect Link
Two-dimensional 43Ca–1H correlation solid-state NMR spectroscopy.
Authors: Alan Wong, Danielle Laurencin, Ray Dupree and Mark E. Smith.
29th January 2009
Doctorate Granted to Stobbs
Congratulations to David Stobbs on successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis entitled A Multi-Nuclear NMR Study of Titanate Ferroelectrics
27th January 2009
EU-NMR Conference, Autrans, France
Johanna Becker-Baldus gave a talk about her PhD work in the Oschkinat lab (Berlin, Germany) entitled Structural investigation of CA150.WW2 amyloid fibrils by MAS NMR spectroscopy at the EUNMR conference.
22nd January 2009
Graduation Ceremony, University of Warwick
Congratulations to Dr Richard Speight, who graduated this winter after completing his doctoral thesis under the supervision of Mark Smith.
22nd January 2009
Graduation Ceremony, University of Warwick
Congratulations to Dr Donna Carroll, who graduated this winter after completing her doctoral thesis under the supervision of Mark Smith.
13th January 2009
Paper Published in JMR, ScienceDirect Link
Ivan Hung's paper entitled Separation of isotropic chemical and second-order quadrupolar shifts by multiple-quantum double rotation NMR has been published online in the Journal of Magnetic Resonance.
12th January 2009
Paper Published in JACS, ACS Publications Link
Article published in Journal of the American Chemical Society entitled Probing Heteronuclear 15N-17O and 13C-17O Connectivities and Proximities by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy.
5th January 2009
New Group Member
Aoife O’Brien has joined the Physics department on an EPSRC funded project under the direction of Prof. Pam Thomas. There is an NMR component to her project which will be jointly supervised by Mark and John.
22nd December 2008
Farewell Danielle Laurencin
Danielle Laurencin leaves the group at the end of her two productive years as a Marie Curie Fellow to take up a permanent position in Montpellier, France.
18th–19th December 2008
RSC NMR Christmas Meeting, Southampton
Danielle Laurencin, John Hanna and Mark Smith attended the Royal Society of Chemistry Solid State Group Christmas meeting in Southampton. Danielle was awarded the Crystal-Maker prize for the talk she gave on Structural studies of substituted hydroxyapatites: investigation of the local environment of the cations.
15th December 2008
Paper Published in EMR, Wiley InterScience Link
Steven Brown's article entitled Hydrogen Bonding in Crystalline Organic Solids for the Encylopedia of Magnetic Resonance published online.
10th December 2008
Guerry PhD Viva
Congratulations to Paul Guerry on successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis. Paul takes up a post-doctoral position with Torsten Herrmann at the ENS-Lyon in January.
10th December 2008
BRSG Christmas Meeting, Institute of Physics, London
Thirteen members of the group attended the BRSG Christmas meeting at the Institute of Physics, London.
5th December 2008
Gert Denninger Visits Group
Gert Denninger from Universität Stuttgart, who is a member of international advisory committee for the DNP project, visited Warwick to participate in a DNP project meeting and also gave a talk at our weekly NMR group meeting.
3rd December 2008
External Viva Exam
Steven Brown visited the University of Glasgow to carry out the PhD viva for one of Steve Wimperis' PhD students, Marica Cutajar.
December 1st 2008
Scientific collaboration, St Andrews, Scotland
Steven Brown and Nathan Barrow visited Sharon Ashbrook's Group in St Andrews as part of their joint EPSRC-funded project.
November 21st 2008
Speight PhD Viva
Congratulations to Richard Speight on successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis entitled A Study Of Industrial Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts, Primarily By Means Of Zero Applied Field Cobalt-59 Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy.
18th November 2008
Magnetic Resonance Centre Opened
A University reception took place to mark the opening of the Magnetic Resonance Centre.
November 2008
Farewell Alan Wong
Good bye to Dr Alan Wong who leaves the group to take up a position at the CEA Saclay, France with Dimitris Sakellariou.
14th November 2008
Colloquium, Department of Chemistry, UCL
Mark Smith gave a colloquium at University College London entitled Recent Developments in Solid State NMR as a Probe of Materials.
11th November 2008
Bruker Users Meeting, Coventry
Most members of the group visited the Banner Lane facility where Amy Webber gave a talk entitled Solid-State NMR of Guanosine Derivatives.
10th November 2008
Bruker Engineer Visiting
10th November 2008
New Group Member
Dr John Hanna joins the group from Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation in Sydney, Australia.
30th October–4th November 2008
Scientific collaboration, St Andrews, Scotland
Nathan Barrow visited Sharon Ashbrook in St Andrews to perform experiments on their new 600 MHz spectrometer as part of his EPSRC grant funded PhD.
1st October 2008
Visiting Professor
Oleg Antzutkin joins the group as a part-time visiting professor.
29th September 2008
New PhD Students
Welcome to the new PhD students in the group: Joanna Higgs, James MacDonald, Greg Rees and Andrew Tatton. Among them research will be undertaken on glasses, DNP, pharmaceuticals and catalysts.
24th–27th September 2008
GERMN Meeting, Seville, Spain
Steven Brown gave an invited lecture entitled Probing Hydrogen Bonding by Solid-State NMR at the Spanish-Portuguese NMR meeting and also gave two lectures at a Summer School on Solid-State NMR.
15th September 2008
Millburn House Official Opening
The University of Warwick's Millburn House Magnetic Resonance facility was opened by the University's Vice-Chancellor, Professor Nigel Thrift.
15th–16th September 2008
Frontiers of Magnetic Resonance, University of Warwick
Over 100 delegates attended the 2-day BRSG conference: Frontiers of Magnetic Resonance conference at the University of Warwick. Talks were given by Sharon Ashbrook, Christian Bonhomme, Zhehong Gan, Wayne Hubbell, Jim Hyde, Malcolm Levitt, Michael Overduin, James Prestegard, Bernd Reif, Peter Sadler, Graham Smith, Andrew Thomson and Ernst van Eck.
12th September 2008
Summer School, Warwick
Steven Brown gave an introductory lecture to NMR at an EPSRC Analytical Sciences Summer School held at the University of Warwick
10th–16th September 2008
Zhehong Gan Visits Group
Zhehong, from NHMFL in Florida, visted Warwick for a week for scientific discussions and weekend of sight-seeing.
9th September 2008
Jonathan Yates Visits Group
Jonathan came over from the University of Oxford to collaborate on various projects using CASTEP.
8th September 2008
Spiess Group Conference, Usedom, Germany
Steven Brown attended the annual conference of the Spiess group that took place on the island of Usedom, Germany. He gave a lecture describing the application of solid-state NMR to probe hydrogen bonding.
1st September 2008
Postdoc Johanna Baldus Joins Group
Johanna joins the group on a EPSRC LSI three-year post-doctoral fellowship. Her project is entitled Determining three-dimensional structures of challenging biosolids: Advancing solid-state NMR methodology. She recently obtained her PhD from the Oschkinat group (Berlin, Germany).
28th August 2008
Farewell Ivan Hung
Ivan Hung has left Warwick after three years postdoctoral research in the group. He is now working with Dr Zhehong Gan at the University of Florida. We wish him the best of luck for the future.
26th August 2008
Warwick Podcast on NMR
Scientists at Warwick University have helped discover the secret behind a new bioglass that will change the way we treat broken bones. Professor Mark Smith talks about this new research and the benefits of the collaborative effort between Warwick University, Imperial College London, and the University of Kent.
26th August 2008
Paper Published in Journal of the American Chemical Society, ACS Publishing Link
Title: Density Functional Theory Calculations of Hydrogen-Bond-Mediated NMR J Coupling in the Solid State
Authors: Sian A. Joyce, Jonathan R. Yates, Chris J. Pickard and Steven P. Brown
18th–23rd August 2008
Borate 2008, Himeji, Japan
Nathan Barrow travelled to Japan, helped by BRSG and CR Barber Trust Fund grants. Nathan presented a contributory talk entitled "Using Spin Diffusion 11B NMR to Probe Medium Range Order in Lithium Diborate Crystals".
5th August 2008
Talk at CCPN conference, Penrith, UK
Steven Brown gave a talk entitled "Probing Hydrogen Bonding by Solid-State NMR" at The Collaborative Computing Project for NMR conference.
27th–31st July 2008
Rocky Mountain Conference, Breckenridge, Colorado, USA
Mark Smith, Ray Dupree, Danielle Laurencin and Simon Orr travelled to Colorado for Solid-State NMR Symposium of The 50th Annual Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry. Mark gave an invited talk entitled "Recent Developments and Applications in Solid-state NMR for Characterisation of Materials."
21st July 2008
Zoran joins us from New Zealand
Dr Zoran Zujovic returns to Warwick for four weeks from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, to continue 27Al studies of alumina samples, and 15N NMR of polyaniline nanotubes in our new Magnetic Resonance laboratory.
21st July 2008
Mini MOAC project collaboration with Chemistry
Matt Bano, of the MOAC doctoral training course will be working alongside the NMR group and Ann Dixon's lab in Chemistry for eight weeks, continuing a membrane protein project alongside Amy Webber and Steven Brown.
14th–23th July 2008
Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA
Nathan Barrow visited Steve Feller at Coe College to use their roller quencher, which cools glass melts very quickly, and prepare a range of isotopically substituted 10B/11B samples for use in spin diffusion NMR experiments. Nathan was funded by Warwick's American Study and Student Exchange Committee.
17th–22nd July 2008
Marie Curie Conference and ESOF 2008, Barcelona, Spain
Danielle Laurencin travelled to Barcelona, where she attended a Marie Curie workshop and the EuroScience Open Forum. She presented a poster entitled "A Multidisciplinary Approach For The Better Development Of Biomaterials," and won the video contest for the short video on A Day In The Life Of A Researcher that she had prepared with the help of Nathan Barrow and Amy Webber.
17th July 2008
Talk at Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany
Steven Brown gave a talk entitled "Probing Hydrogen Bonding by Solid-State NMR" in a seminar of the Glaubitz group at the Goethe University.
14th July 2008
Graduation Ceremony, University of Warwick
Congratulations to doctors Tom Kemp and John Griffin, who graduated this summer after completing their doctoral theses under the supervision of Mark Smith and Steven Brown, respectively.
6th–11th July 2008
Euromar 2008, St. Petersburg, Russia
Amy Webber and Jon Bradley presented posters at the Euromar conference, entitled "Developing High Resolution 1H Double-Quantum Solid-State NMR techniques" and "1H Double-Quantum MAS of Dipolar-coupled 1H Networks: Insights from Numerical Simulations".
July 2008
URSS Summer Project Students
Welcome to three project students, funded by the Undergraduate Research Scholarship Scheme and the Nuffield Foundation. Ed Harry and Andrew Clough will be supervised by Steven Brown and Natalie Ellis by Mark Smith.
30th June 2008
Carroll PhD Viva
Congratulations to Donna Carroll on successfully defending her Ph.D. entitled "A Multi-analytical Investigation into Glass Dopant Incorporation".
19th June 2008
NMRDG PG Day at AstraZeneca, Charnwood, Loughborough
Steven Brown and postgraduate students Raba'ah Azis, Nathan Barrow, Jonathan Bradley, Claudia Ionescu, Tom Kemp, Simon Orr, Tom Partridge and Amy Webber attended an NMR Discussion Group event at AstraZeneca in Loughborough. All postgraduate students presented posters on their current work.
10th June 2008
Bioactive Glass News in Daily Express
The bioactive glass research carried out by the Imperial-Kent-Warwick collaboration has been reported in the Daily Express newspaper. The porous glass is placed over the old bone and as it dissolves releases calcium and silicon to promote natural bone growth.
2nd June 2008
New Group Member
Dr Lindsay Cahill has joined the group from McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, where she did her PhD with Gillian Goward. Funded by NSERC Lindsay will initially be researching inorganic compounds such as oxynitride glasses, using 25Mg NMR.
24th–28th May 2008
91st Canadian Chemistry Conference, Edmonton, Canada
Mark Smith gave an invited talk at the 91st Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition in Edmonton, Canada. The talk was entitled "Recent Progress in Solid State NMR at Warwick: Low Gamma Nuclei, Double Angle Rotation and Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation".
20th May 2008
NMR Wins 2nd Year PhD Poster Competition
Nathan Barrow was awarded the prize for best poster, entitled Homonuclear Spin Diffusion Between Half-Integer Quadrupolar Nuclei, at the Department of Physics 2nd year PhD poster event, with Amy Webber's poster, entitled Probing Structure in Biological Molecules with Atomic Resolution by Solid State NMR, one of two other highly recommended posters.
22nd April 2008
Article on Bioglass Glass in Daily Mail
An article entitled Glass 'bones' that heal broken hips featured in the Daily Mail on 22 April 2008. The article described bioactive glass scaffolds being developed Department by Imperial College with our collaborator Dr Julian Jones and forms the basis of our joint project with the Imperial team and the University of Kent.
17th April 2008
Midlands Biophysics Network Launch
Amy Webber attended the inaugural symposium of the Midlands Biophysics Network at the University of Birmingham. Amy presented a poster describing preliminary studies of membrane protein samples in collaboration with Ann Dixon (Warwick Chemistry).
10th April 2008
Paper Published in Chemical Physics Letters, ScienceDirect Link
Title: Quantification of crystalline phases and measurement of phosphate chain lengths in a mixed phase sample by 31P refocused INADEQUATE MAS NMR
Authors: Luke A. O’Dell, Paul Guerry, Alan Wong, Ensanya A. Abou Neel, Tran N. Pham, Jonathan C. Knowles, Steven P. Brown and Mark E. Smith
10th April 2008
ACS Lecture
Steven Brown gave a lecture entitled New Solid-State NMR Methodology for Probing Structure-Determining Non-Covalent Interactions at the NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers symposium
in the American Chemical Society meeting in New Orleans.
April 2008
Welcome to Jeanette
Jeanette Chattaway takes over new responsibilities as a technician supporting the Magnetic Resonance groups.
April 2008
Professor Maria Forsyth joins us from Australia
Maria joins us from Monash University's ARC Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science. She is an EPSRC visiting fellow for four months at Warwick and has interests in electromaterials for energy storage and conversion as well as corrosion protection of engineering metals and alloys.
7th April 2008
Bruker 500 MHz magnet installed
Along with chemistry's 700 MHz and 600 MHz systems, Bruker's wide bore 500 MHz UltraShield magnet was moved to Millburn House and has begun to be filled with cryogens. About 700 litres of liquid nitrogen and the same again of liquid helium will be needed to cool the superconducting wire coil at the heart of the magnet. Eventually the coil will circulate 130 amps to generate a maximum field of 11.75 Tesla, and so long as the cryogens are kept topped-up, this current will never decay.
3rd April 2008
JPAG Lecture
Steven Brown gave a lecture entitled "High-field solid-state NMR for increased understanding of formulations" at the Joint Pharmaceutical Analysis Group (JPAG) meeting "Faster and Smarter Analysis" at the School of Pharmacy, University of London.
10th March 2008
Ray presents at ENC conference in California
Ray Dupree gave a lecture entitled New applications of DOR - from biomolecules to glasses at the 49th ENC conference at Asilomar, California, USA.
March 2008
Rob Schurko visits Warwick for two weeks
Rob Schurko, from University of Winsor Canada, is visiting Warwick for two weeks. Rob gave a talk to the group entitled "Seeing the 'Invisible' Nucleus: Ultra-Wideline Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy." He uses NMR to characterise inorganic materials and organometallic complexes, in particular metallocenes involved in hetrogeneous catalysis of polyolefins. Some of the nuclei observed by Rob include 27Al, 37Cl, 65Cu, 69Ga 91Zr, 93Nb, 139La, 195Pt and 207Pb.
February 2008
Paper Published in Solid State NMR, ScienceDirect Link
Title: Characterisation of sol–gel prepared (HfO2)x(SiO2)1−x (x=0.1, 0.2 and 0.4) by 1H, 13C, 17O and 29Si MAS NMR, FTIR and TGA
Authors: Luke A. O’Dell, Philips N. Gunawidjaja, Mark A. Holland, Gavin Mountjoy, Dave M. Pickup, Robert J. Newport and Mark E. Smith
22nd February 2008
Sol-gel Partnership going strong
The Imperial-Kent-UCL-Warwick collaboration met again on February 22nd in Kent. The Warwick side of the collaboration is headed by Mark Smith.
February 2008
Paper Published in Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, Wiley InterScience Link
Title: Natural abundance 43Ca solid-state NMR characterisation of hydroxyapatite: identification of the two calcium sites
Danielle Laurencin, Alan Wong, Ray Dupree, Mark E. Smith
February 2008
Paper Published in Journal of American Chemical Society, ACS Publications Link
Title: A high-resolution Ca-43 solid-state NMR study of the calcium sites of hydroxyapatite
Danielle Laurencin, Alan Wong, John Hanna, Ray Dupree, Mark E. Smith
14th February 2008
Cover Story of Chemical Communications, RSC Publishing Link
Some joint work led by our collaborators at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, (Prof. Gang Wu and his group) appears in the 14th February edition of Chemical Communications. This paper uses 43Ca NMR to probe the binding of calcium ions within G-quartets.
7th February 2008
Royal Society Project Visitors
Claudiu Filip and Carmen Filip (Cluj, Romania) are visiting the group for two weeks as part of a Royal Society international joint project entitled "1H Solid-State NMR: Using algebraic insight and simulation to enhance experiment".
1st February 2008
New Group Member
Eugeny Kryukov has joined the group to work on the DNP project.
30th January 2008
Scott Kroeker Colloquium Talk
Scott Kroeker from The University of Manitoba, Canada, gave a departmental colloquium entitled "Seeing Order In Disordered Materials: The View From NMR Spectroscopy."
30th January 2008
Kemp PhD Viva
Congratulations to Tom Kemp on successfully defending his Ph.D. entitled "Solid State NMR Studies of Inorganic Pigment Materials and Catalysts."
January 2008
Paper Published in Journal of American Chemical Society, ACS Publications Link
Title: Quantifying Weak Hydrogen Bonding in Uracil and 4-Cyano-4'-ethynylbiphenyl: A Combined Computational and Experimental Investigation of NMR Chemical Shifts in the Solid State
The paper is a collaboration between Steven P. Brown's group and the groups of Chris Pickard (St. Andrews, Scotland), Rosa Claramunt (Madrid, Spain) and Ago Samoson (Tallinn, Estonia).
4th January 2008
Griffin PhD Viva
Congratulations to John Griffin on successfully defending his Ph.D. entitled "Probing Atomic-Level Structure in Hydrogen-bonded Systems by Solid-State NMR." John has taken up a post-doc position with Sharon Ashbrook in St Andrews.
December 2007
Two papers published in MRC
Two papers from the group have been published in the special issue "New techniques in solid-state NMR" of Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry entitled "Low-Load Rotor-Synchronised Hahn-Echo Pulse Train (RS-HEPT) 1H Decoupling in Solid-State NMR: Factors Affecting MAS Spin-Echo Dephasing Times" and "The Determination of 17O NMR Parameters of strongly H-bonded oxygen: a combined deuteration and DOR approach".
17th December 2007
Annual NMR Christmas Meal, Scarman House
Members and partners of the solid-state NMR group enjoyed a celebratory Christmas meal on campus to acknowledge the end of a very successful year for the group. M. E. Smith congratulated the group for their efforts, remarking on the quality and quantity of published work as well as the success in being awarded a grant for the 850 MHz UK facility that will keep the Warwick group at the top end of NMR research in the world.
12th December 2007
NMRDG Christmas Meeting, Institute of Child Health, London
Steven Brown gave a talk entitled "Organic Molecules in the Solid State: Probing Intermolecular Interactions by Solid-State NMR". Amy Webber and Jon Bradley also attended the meeting.
11th December 2007
BRSG Christmas Meeting
, Institute of Physics, London
Nineteen members from Warwick travelled to 76 Portland Place to hear a diverse range of talks based on NMR research. Ivan Hung gave a presentation entitled "Towards probing hydrogen bonds via 15N/17O solid-state NMR experiments".
December 2007
Basic Technology Programme Magnets Inspected
The two magnets for the Basic Technology programme were inspected in end test in the Magnex factory. The two magnets are a 9.2 Tesla (shown in end test) that will be used for the gyrotron and a sweepable 14.2 Telsa magnet.
20th November 2007
Bruker Users Meeting, Coventry
An informative afternoon hearing about developments in the Solid State NMR world. Steven Brown gave a talk entitled "High-Resolution Solid-State NMR Techniques for Organic Solids".
November 2007
Paper Published in Journal of Magnetic Resonance, ScienceDirect Link
Title: Determination of NMR interaction parameters from double rotation NMR
I. Hung, A. Wong, A. P. Howes, T. Anupold, J. Past, A. Samoson, X. Mo, G. Wu, M. E. Smith, S. P. Brown and R. Dupree
26th October 2007
850 MHz UK Facility Funded
EPSRC & BBSRC have announced £3.7M funding for a new 20 Tesla 850 MHz Solid-State NMR UK facility to be operated by a consortium of UK universities led by the University of Warwick. The facility is expected to be operational in 2009.
24th October 2007
Department of Chemistry, Queen Mary College, London
Mark Smith gave a colloquium at the Department of Chemistry, Queen Mary College, London entitled "Recent Developments in Solid State NMR as a Probe of Materials"
24th October 2007
AstraZeneca, Alderley Park, Cheshire
John Griffin, Jon Bradley and Steven Brown attend the annual AstraZeneca PAR&D PhD event at Alderley Park, Cheshire. Congratulations to John on winning the prize for best oral contribution "Distinguishing Hydrous and Anhydrous Forms of an Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Using 1H DQ CRAMPS Solid-State NMR"
12th October 2007
Radboud University, Nijmegen, Holland
Mark Smith gave a lecture entitled "Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation" at the 42nd meeting of the Dutch NMR discussion group at Radboud University, Nijmegen.
September 2007
Paper Published In Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Wiley InterScience Link
Title: Distinguishing Anhydrous and Hydrous Forms of an Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient in a Tablet Formulation Using Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy
Authors: J. M. Griffin, D. R. Martin, S. P. Brown
See feature in Chemistry World and SpectroscopyNow
9th–13th September 2007
5th Alpine Conference on Solid-State NMR, Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France
Steven Brown gave a talk entitled "MAS Spin Echoes: Small J Couplings and Residual Dipolar Couplings." Posters were presented by John Griffin, Nathan Barrow, Amy Webber, Luke O'Dell, Ivan Hung, Danielle Laurencin and Ray Dupree.
29th–31st August 2007
Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation Symposium, Nottingham
Hosted by the BRSG, Tom Kemp, Kevin Pike, Ray Dupree, Andy Howes, Steven Brown, Mark Smith and Mark Newton, attended from Warwick.
20th–23rd August 2007
Visit to Amoureux lab, Lille, France
Amy Webber visited the group to perform 14N-1H experiments on biological systems with the help of Renee Siegel and Julien Trebosc.
August 2007
Paper Published In The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, ACS Publications Link
Title: Structural Characterization of SiO2 and Al2O3 Zener-Pinned Nanocrystalline TiO2 by NMR, XRD and Electron Microscopy
Authors: Luke A. O'Dell, Shelley L.P. Savin, Alan V. Chadwick, and Mark E. Smith
August 2007
Paper Published In The Journal Of American Chemical Society, ACS Publications Link
Title: Residual Dipolar Couplings by Off-Magic-Angle Spinning in Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Authors: G. Pileio, Y. Guo, T. N. Pham, J. M. Griffin, M. H. Levitt, S. P. Brown
23rd–27th July 2007
Visit to Samoson lab, Tallinn, Estonia
John Griffin visited the Samoson group to carry out experiments at 55 kHz MAS – find out more at the Chamonix conference in September.
22nd–26th July 2007
Rocky Mountain Conference, Breckenridge, Colorado, USA
At the Rocky Mountain Conference, Paul Guerry gave a talk on the "Structural Characterisation of Phosphate Glasses by Solid State NMR", while David Stobbs and Richard Speight presented posters entitled "207Pb and 17O solid state NMR studies of the local structure of the Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT) system" and "Effects of heat treatment of a cobalt powder investigated by internal-field solid-state NMR, SEM, TEM and XRD".
July 2007
Paper Published in Solid-State NMR, ScienceDirect Link
Title: A 27Al MAS NMR study of a sol-gel produced alumina: Identification of the NMR parameters of the θ-Al2O3 transition alumina phase
Authors: L. A. O'Dell, S. L. P. Savin, A. V. Chadwick and M. E. Smith
20th July 2007
BRSG AGM, King's College, London
Steven Brown was elected Secretary of the BRSG (Institute of Physics NMR society) at the AGM held at the Centre for Neuroimaging Sciences, King's College, London. (The photo, taken from the BRSG website, features Raymond Andrew's early magic-angle spinning hardware.)
20th July 2007
Sol-gel partnership meeting, London
Mark Smith, Steven Brown, Danielle Laurencin, and Luke O'Dell travelled to Imperial College in London for the summer meeting of the Sol-Gel Partnership, a long-running EPSRC-funded collaboration between Warwick, the University of Kent, Imperial and UCL (EP/C004698/1 and EP/C000633/1). The aim of the collaboration is to synthesise, test and characterise novel bioactive glasses with antibacterial properties. These materials could potentially be used as safer implants to replace teeth or bone.
17th July 2007
AstraZeneca, Macclesfield
Steven Brown, John Griffin and Jonathan Bradley visited AstraZeneca. Steven gave a departmental seminar entitled "Application of Solid-State NMR to Pharmaceutical Development".
July 2007
New group members
Jonathan Bradley, Claudia Ionescu and Tom Partridge have joined the group as new PhD students.
16th July 2007
Professor Erwin L Hahn awarded honorary Doctor of Science, University of Warwick
In honour of his many contributions to science, notably the discovery of the spin-echo (often termed the Hahn echo) in the early 1950s that has been vitally important in NMR and MRI, the University of Warwick was delighted that Erwin Hahn accepted an honorary doctorate.
8th–13th July 2007
European School on Solid-State NMR, Safed, Galilee, Israel
Danielle Laurencin and Paul Guerry attended the 2nd Advanced School – Materials Science Applications at Safed in Israel. The course is part of the European Schools on solid-state NMR.
9th–11th July 2007
Nanoscale Order Workshop, Trinity College, Cambridge
Nathan Barrow, Ben Parkinson and Diane Holland attended a workshop on nanoscale order in amorphous and partially ordered solids. Posters were presented by: Nathan Barrow (Probing medium range order in lithium borate glasses and crystals using boron-11 NMR), Ben and Diane.
6th July 2007
2nd IberoAmerican NMR Meeting, Tarragona, Spain
Jair Freitas gave a talk entitled "Signal enhancement techniques applied to natural abundance 25Mg NMR investigation of organometallic compounds" at the 2nd IberoAmerican NMR Meeting, which was organized by the Spanish NMR Society (GERMN) as a satellite meeting of EUROMAR 2007.
1st–5th July 2007
EUROMAR 2007, Tarragona, Spain
At the EUROMAR conference, Steven Brown gave a talk entitled "MAS NMR Spin Echoes: Residual Dipolar Couplings And Low-Load 1H Decoupling", presenting recent results obtained in collaboration with the groups of Malcolm Levitt and Claudiu Filip. Posters were presented by: Jair Freitas (23Na NMR Studies of Sodium Species in Porous Carbons), John Griffin (Distinguishing Anhydrous and Hydrated Pharmaceutical Compounds in Pure and Tablet Form using 1H DQ CRAMPS NMR) and Amy Webber (Better Resolution and Assignment of 1H Double-Quantum Correlations in High-Resolution Solid-State NMR by Through-Bond Refocused INEPT Transfer to 13C).
June 2007
Paper Published in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., RSC Publishing Link
Title: Quantifying hydrogen-bonding strength: the measurement of 2hJNN couplings in self-assembled guanosines by solid-state 15N spin-echo MAS NMR Authors: Tran N. Pham, John M. Griffin, Stefano Masiero, Stefano Lena, Giovanni Gottarelli, Paul Hodgkinson, Claudiu Filip and Steven P. Brown
18th–22nd June 2007
Visit by Stefan Steuernagel
Stefan Steuernagel (Bruker, Germany) visited Warwick to work with the group's 600 Avance II+ spectrometer on pulse sequences for homonuclear 1H decoupling, dipolar correlation and half-integer quadrupolar nuclei signal enhancement.
June 2007
New Position for Ying
After finishing a one-year Royal Society funded post-doctoral stay in the Warwick group, Ying Guo is currently working with K. Jebrell Glover at Lehigh University, Pennsylvania, USA.
11th June 2007
Jenna Holder starts Summer project
Jenna Holder has started a 8-week undergraduate Summer project entitled "Elucidating hydrogen-bonding structure in novel synthetic guanosines by solid-state NMR: underpinning new molecular electronic devices", with funding from the University's Undergraduate Research Scholarship Scheme (URSS).
5th June 2007
CryoMAS open day, Southampton
Steven Brown, Ivan Hung, John Griffin, Nathan Barrow and Amy Webber attended the cryoMAS open day hosted by Malcolm Levitt's group in Southampton.
May–June 2007
Visitors to Warwick
This Summer, the group welcomed Robin Stein (Duer group, Cambridge), Diego Carnevale (Ashbrook group, St Andrews) and John Hanna (ANSTO, Australia) to carry out solid-state NMR experiments in collaborative projects.
26th–30th May 2007
90th Canadian Chemistry Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Mark Smith gave an invited lecture entitled "Developments in Solid State NMR as a Probe of Materials: from Metallic to Stabilised Oxide Nanoparticles" in the Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy in Inorganic Materials symposium of the 90th Canadian Chemistry Conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
May 2007
Review article published in Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Steven Brown's review article entitled Probing proton–proton proximities in the solid state has been published in the 50th Volume and 40 years Anniversary Issue of Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. The article reviews high-resolution 1H-1H 2D correlation experiments, in particular DQ MAS and DQ CRAMPS techniques, that are finding increasing applications to a wide range of systems, e.g., host-guest interactions.
11th May 2007
Zoran presents his current work in group meeting
Dr Zoran Zujovic gave a talk to the group entitled "Application of Solid State NMR to Polyaniline Nanotubes". Dr Zujovic, from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, is visiting Warwick for three weeks to carry out 27Al NMR experiments on various transition alumina phases in order to study the effect of pre-heating on the calcinations pathways of the materials. Such materials have important applications in many industrial processes, and yet the structures and phase transitions of many transition aluminas are poorly characterised, and are known to vary with manufacturing conditions.
4th May 2007
Sol-gel partnership meeting, London
Mark Smith, Danielle Laurencin, Paul Guerry and Luke O'Dell travelled to the Eastman Dental Institute in London for the spring meeting of the Sol-Gel Partnership, a long-running EPSRC-funded collaboration between Warwick, the University of Kent, Imperial and UCL (EP/C004698/1 and EP/C000633/1). The aim of the collaboration is to synthesise, test and characterise novel bioactive glasses with antibacterial properties. These materials could potentially be used as safer implants to replace teeth or bone.
1st May 2007
Funding from The Royal Society obtained
Steven Brown has obtained funding from The Royal Society for a 2-year international joint project with Claudiu Filip, Cluj, Romania entitled "1H Solid-State NMR: Using algebraic insight and simulation to enhance experiment".
April 2007
Doctorate granted to O'Dell
Congratulations to Dr Luke O'Dell for successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis entitled "A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Investigation of Zener Pinned Nanocrystalline Metal Oxides".
April 2007
New group member
Welcome to Dr Radoslaw M. Kowalczyk as a senior research officer working with the EPR (Dr Mark Newton) and the NMR groups.
April 2007
New group member
Welcome back to Dr Kevin Pike who rejoins the group as the project leader for the £3.7M Basic Technology project: "D2NP—New frontiers in electron enhanced high field solid state NMR for interdisciplinary science and technology". Kevin completed his Ph.D. at Warwick in the year 1998.
March 2007
Paper Published In Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Wiley InterScience Link
Title: A solid-state O-17 NMR study of local order and crystallinity in amine-templated mesoporous Nb oxide
Authors: B. O. Skadtchenko, Y. X. Rao, T. F. Kemp, P. Bhattacharya, P. A. Thomas, M. Trudeau, M. E. Smith and D. M. Antonelli
20th March 2007
EPSRC grant judged outstanding
The final report for the EPSRC grant (First Grant Scheme) awarded to Steven Brown entitled "A New Probe of Fundamental Weak Hydrogen Bonds: Solid-State NMR" has been evaluated as Outstanding. Highlights of the grant, that funded Dr Tran Pham as a PDRA at Warwick from April 2004 to July 2006, include publications in the Journal of the American Chemical Society entitled "An Investigation of Weak CH···O Hydrogen Bonds in Maltose Anomers by a Combination of Calculation and Experimental Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy" and "Identification by 15N Refocused INADEQUATE MAS NMR of Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonding that Directs the Self-Assembly of Modified DNA Bases"
19th March 2007
House of Commons Reception, London
John Griffin and Amy Webber attended the SET for Britain reception for Early-Stage and Early-Career Researchers, to present posters at Westminster on "frontier" science, along with engineering, medicine and technology research.
2007 saw the ninth annual R&D show as a grand finale to the UK National Science and Engineering week, attended by Members of Parliament, Peers, and Sponsoring member of the Science and Technology Committee, Dr. Brian Iddon MP.
John's poster, entitled "Very High-Resolution Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance" presented methods in 1H DQ solid-state NMR to probe molecular structure and dynamics, while Amy presented the application of a new 1H-13C experiment (in collaboration with ENS, Lyon and St Andrews), under the title "New Techniques in Atomic Level Structure Determination of Biological Molecules: A Solid State NMR study of Penicillin G."
19th–23rd March 2007
Scientific collaboration, St Andrews, Scotland
Steven Brown and Nathan Barrow visited Sharon Ashbrook in St Andrews to discuss progress on the joint EPSRC project entitled "Novel half-integer quadrupolar solid-state NMR correlation experiments for probing atomic proximities and connectivities in disordered materials". Steven also met with Chris Pickard and Anne-Christine Uldry also now based at St Andrews to discuss their joint EPSRC project entitled "A new solid-state theory for the prediction of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance J-coupling constants". Before visiting St Andrews, Steven had visited his DPhil supervisor, Professor Steve Wimperis at the University of Glasgow.
6th March 2007
NMR in Process Chemistry and Development, GlaxoSmithKline, Ware
Steven Brown, John Griffin and Amy Webber attended the RSC NMRDG/Analytical Division meeting at GlaxoSmithKline entitled "NMR in Process Chemistry and Development". Tran Pham, a former postdoc in the group, who has been working at GSK since leaving Warwick in August 2006 also attended the meeting.
12th February 2007
Invited speaker at AMN3 conference, Wellington, New Zealand
Mark Smith gave a lecture entitled "Recent developments in solid state NMR as a probe of inorganic materials: from metallic catalyst layers to stabilised nanoparticles" at the Advanced Materials & Nanotechnology (AMN3) conference in Wellington, New Zealand.
January 2007
New group member
Welcome to Dr Danielle Laurencin who joins the group from Université Pierre et Marie Curie on a Marie-Curie post-doctoral fellowship on a project entitled Synthesis and multinuclear NMR analysis of hydroxyapatites.
January 2007
Doctorate granted to Drake
Congratulations to Kieran Drake on being awarded his Ph.D. entitled "A multi-technique study of the structural evolution of selected silicate-based sol-gel materials".
18th–20th January 2007
EU-NMR & NMR-LIFE Joint Meeting: Advances and Management of NMR in Life Sciences, Florence
Steven Brown presented a talk entitled "Probing Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions by Solid-State NMR".
18th January 2007
Paper Published in Faraday Discussions, RSC Publishing Link
Abstract: Alumina and silica Zener pinning particles in sol-gel prepared nanocrystalline ZrO2 and MgO have been characterised using 27Al and 29Si MAS NMR after annealing at various temperatures up to 1200 °C. The structures of the pinning phases were found to differ not just between the two metal oxide systems but also depending on the exact method of manufacture, with several transition alumina phases observed.
Authors: L. A. O’Dell, S. L. P. Savin, A. V. Chadwick and M. E. Smith
Luke O'Dell presented the paper at Faraday Discussion 134 (Atomic Transport and Defect Phenomena in Solids) which involved giving a five minute solo presentation followed by an ninety minute question and answer session on a panel.
6th December 2006
BRSG Christmas Meeting, Institute of Physics, London
Sixteen members from Warwick travelled to 76 Portland Place to hear a diverse range of talks based on NMR research. Tom Kemp and Luke O'Dell gave presentations. Luke's presentation entitled "71Ga MAS NMR: CQ Distribution Width as a Quantitative Measure of Disorder in Ga2O3 Nanocrystals" won the 2006 BRSG Founder's Prize, given annually to the best presentation by a young physicist that year.
4th December 2006
Paper Published in Chemical Physics Letters, ScienceDirect Link
Abstract: High-resolution two-dimensional 27Al spin diffusion NMR spectra of 9Al2O3·2B2O3 recorded under double rotation for different mixing times are presented. The two crystallographically distinct pentahedral Al sites are distinguished by the presence or absence of correlation peaks with neighbouring tetrahedral sites.
Authors: I. Hung, A. P. Howes, T. Anupold, A. Samoson, D. Massiot , M. E. Smith, S. P. Brown and R. Dupree.
1st December 2006
New Bruker Avance II+ Console Arrives
Funded by EPSRC grant EP/D051908/1 for "Renewing the Warwick 600 MHz Solid-State NMR System: Enabling State of the Art Technique Development and Novel Structural Applications".
27th November–1st December 2006
Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, MA
Steven Brown presented a talk on High-Resolution Solid-State NMR Methods For Probing Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions. Mark Smith presented a talk on Solid State NMR as a probe of Inorganic Materials: Examples from Glasses, Catalytic Materials and Nanoparticles.
15th November 2006
Bruker Users Meeting, Coventry
An informative afternoon hearing about developments in the Solid State NMR world. John Griffin gave a presentation on 1H DQ CRAMPS of a disaccharide.
5th–6th September 2006
BRSG: 50th Jubilee Meeting, Nottingham
Eighteen members from Warwick were present at this two-day conference. We enjoyed talks from Mark Smith, Alan Wong and Ivan Hung. Posters were presented by Ying Guo, Paul Guerry, Tom Kemp, Luke O'Dell, John Griffin, Donna Carrol, Dave Stobbs and Richard Speight. A good time was had by all.