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Ultrafast & THz: Group Members

Academic & Professional Staff

Group alumni: Past Postdocs & Research Fellows

Folusho Balogun [IAS Fellow with Becky]

Arturo Hernandez-Serrano [Postdoc with Emma]

Nathaniel Gallop [Postdoc with Becky]

Tina Miao [Postdoc with Emma]

Michael Staniforth [WCUS Facility Manager & Senior Research Fellow]

Previous PhD students & theses @ Warwick

Junn Keat

"Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Coherent Vibrations in Diamond Defects "
Supervisors: James, Profs. Vas Stavros and Mark Newton
Next destination: Postdoc @ Oxford

Kiran Bal

"Crystallography and Characterisation of Atomically Thin Confined NanowiresLink opens in a new window"
Supervisors: Dr. Jeremy Sloan and James

Sophie Ding

"Developing terahertz spectroscopy techniques for in vivo skin evaluation"
Supervisor: Emma
Next destination: Postdoc @ Birmingham

Jake Hutchinson

"Ultrafast charge transport and recombination dynamics in metal halide perovskites"
Supervisor: Becky
Next destination: Postdoc @ Oxford

Folusho Balogun

"Using ultrafast spectroscopy to understand carrier dynamics in metal halide perovskites for improved stability."
Supervisor: Becky
Next destination: Job @ Oxford Instruments

Edward Butler-Caddle

"Time-resolved Spectroscopy of Charge-Carrier Dynamics in Metal Halide Perovskites and Other Semiconductors for Photovoltaics"
Supervisor: James
Next destination: Postdoc @ Warwick with Becky

Xavier Barker
"Development of Terahertz Signal Processing Methods for the Study of Human Skin"
Supervisor: Emma
Ziyi (Eric) Hu
"Spectroscopy of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes with Atomic Nanowire FillingLink opens in a new window"
Supervisors: James and Dr Jeremy Sloan (Physics)
Next destination: Lecturer @ Quzhou College, China.
Daniel Coxon
"A study of the relaxation dynamics of local vibrational modes associated with hydrogen in diamondLink opens in a new window"
Supervisors: Prof. Vas Stavros (Chemistry), Prof. Mark Newton (Physics), James
Next destination: Postdoc @ University of Leicester
Hannah Hatcher
"In Vivo THz Spectroscopy for Quantitative Skin EvaluationLink opens in a new window"
Supervisor: Emma
Next destination: Springer-Nature Publishing Group
Maria Burdanova
"Ultrafast terahertz and optical spectroscopy of 1D van der Waals nanomaterials "
Supervisor: James
Next destination: Postdoc @ Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Maurizio Monti
"Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Metal Halide Perovskites and III-V Semiconductors"
Supervisor: James
Next destination: Postdoc @ Aarhus University
Connor Mosley

"Enhanced Polarisation Control and Extreme Electric Fields: Advances in Terahertz Spectroscopy Applied to Anisotropic Materials and Magnetic Phase Transitions"
* Faculty of Science Thesis Prize and Springer Thesis Prize *
Supervisor: James
Next destination: Postdoc @ Lancaster University

Michele Failla
"Rashba Spin-Splitting and Terahertz Quantum Hall Effect for Heavy Holes in Strained Germanium Quantum Wells"
* Faculty of Science Thesis Prize *
Supervisor: James
Next destination: Postdoc @ TU Delft
Katie I Doig

University of Oxford
Supervisor: James

"Ultrafast and Continuous-Wave Spectroscopy of Multiferroic Oxide Thin Films"
Samuel PP Jones
University of Oxford
Supervisor: James
"Magneto-optics of complex oxides at terahertz frequencies"