Ultrafast & Terahertz Photonics: Publications
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Dual-Beam THz Spectrometer with Low-Aberration Optics and Off-Axis Multipixel Photoconductive Emitters for Reduced Systematic Errors
N. Chopra and J. Lloyd-Hughes
ACS Photonics , ASAP (Jan 2025)
Distinguishing carrier transport and interfacial recombination at perovskite/transport-layer interfaces using ultrafast spectroscopy and numerical simulation
E. Butler-Caddle, K.D.G.I. Jayawardena, A. Wijesekara, R.L. Milot and J. Lloyd-Hughes
Phys. Rev. Applied 22 024103 (Aug 2024)
Temperature-Dependent Structural and Optoelectronic Properties of the Layered Perovskite 2-Thiophenemethylammonium Lead Iodide
Justas Deveikis, Marcin Giza, David Walker, Jie Liu, Claire Wilson, Nathaniel P. Gallop, Pablo Docampo, James Lloyd-Hughes and Rebecca L. Milot
J. Phys. Chem. C 128 13108 (July 2024)
Tunable Photoluminescence from Monolayer Molybdenum Disulfide
BFM Healy, SL Pain, J. Lloyd-Hughes, NE Grant and JD Murphy
Adv. Mater. Interfaces 11 2400305 (Jul 2024)
Effect of transdermal drug delivery patches on the stratum corneum: in vivo inspection with a handheld terahertz probe
A.I. Hernandez-Serrano, X. Ding, G. Costa, G. Nurumbetov, D.M. Haddleton and E. Pickwell-MacPherson
Biomedical Optics Express 15, 3064 (May 2024)
Terahertz probe for real time in vivo skin hydration evaluation
A.I. Hernandez-Serrano, X. Ding, J. Young, G. Costa, A. Dogra, J. Hardwicke and E. Pickwell-MacPherson
Advanced Photonics Nexus 3, 016012 (Feb 2024)
Simultaneous measurement of orthogonal terahertz fields via an emission multiplexing scheme
H. Ou, R.I. Stantchev, X. Chen, T. Blu, M. Semtsiv, W.T. Masselink, A. Hernandez Serrano, G. Costa, J. Young, N. Chopra, J. Lloyd-Hughes, and E. Pickwell-MacPherson
Optics Express 32, 5567 (Feb 2024)
Untangling free carrier and exciton dynamics in layered hybrid perovskites using ultrafast optical and terahertz spectroscopy
Folusho Helen Balogun, Nathaniel P Gallop, Dumitru Sirbu, Jake D Hutchinson, Nathan Hill, Jack M Woolley, David Walker, Stephen York, Pablo Docampo and Rebecca L Milot
Mater. Res. Express 11 025503 (Feb 2024)
Quantifying photoluminescence variability in monolayer molybdenum disulfide films grown by chemical vapour deposition
BFM Healy, SL Pain, J. Lloyd-Hughes, NE Grant and JD Murphy
Materials Research Express 11 015002 (Jan 2024)
The 3237 cm−1 diamond defect: Ultrafast vibrational dynamics, concentration calibration, and relationship to the N3VH0 defect
T.J. Keat, D. J. L. Coxon, R.J. Cruddace, V. G. Stavros, M. E. Newton, and J. Lloyd-Hughes
Diamond and Related Materials 141 110661 (Jan 2024)
Optimum Optical Designs for Diffraction-Limited Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging Systems Using Off-Axis Parabolic Mirrors
N. Chopra and J. Lloyd-Hughes
J Infrared Milli Terahz Waves 44, 981 (Nov 2023)
Terahertz Emission via Optical Rectification in a Metal-Free Perovskite Crystal
Nathaniel P. Gallop, Dumitru Sirbu, David Walker, James Lloyd-Hughes, Pablo Docampo and Rebecca L. Milot
ACS Photonics 10 4022 (October 2023)
High-bandwidth perovskite photonic sources on silicon
A. Ren, H. Wang, L. Dai, J. Xia, E. Butler-Caddle, J.A. Smith, ... S.A. Hindmarsh, A.M. Sanchez, J. Lloyd-Hughes, S. J Sweeney, ... and Wei Zhang
Nature Photonics 17, 798–805 (July 2023)
Resolving the Ultrafast Charge Carrier Dynamics of 2D and 3D Domains within a Mixed 2D/3D Lead-Tin Perovskite
Jake D. Hutchinson, Edoardo Ruggeri, Jack M. Woolley, Géraud Delport, Samuel D. Stranks, Rebecca L. Milot
Advanced Functional Materials 2305736, (August 2023)
Spectroscopic insight on impact of environment on natural photoprotectants
A. Whittock, X. Ding, X. Ramirez Barker, N. Auckloo, R. Sellers, J.M. Woolley V. Krishnan, C. Marine, C. Corre, E. Pickwell-MacPherson and V.G. Stavros
Chem. Sci. 14, 6763 (June 2023)
Ultrafast THz spectroscopy of carbon nanotube-graphene composites
M.G. Burdanova, A.P. Tsapenko, S. Ahmad, E.I. Kauppinen and J. Lloyd-Hughes
Nanotechnology 34 405203 , (June 2023)
The 2023 terahertz science and technology roadmap
A. Leitenstorfer, ..., E. Pickwell-MacPherson, ... and J. Cunningham
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 56, 223001 (April 2023)
Quantitative evaluation of transdermal drug delivery patches on human skin with in vivo THz-TDS
X. Ding, G. Costa, A. I. Hernandez-Serrano, R.I. Stantchev, G. Nurumbetov, D.M. Haddleton, and E. Pickwell-MacPherson
Bio. Opt. Express 14, 1146 (Feb 2023)
Spectroscopic Insights into the Influence of Filling Carbon Nanotubes with Atomic Nanowires for Photophysical and Photochemical Applications
Z. Hu, B. Breeze, M. Walker, E. Faulques, J. Sloan and J. Lloyd-Hughes
ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 6, 2883 (Feb 2023)
Active THz beam shaping using a one-dimensional array of photoconductive emitters
N. Chopra, J. Deveikis and J. Lloyd-Hughes
Appl. Phys. Lett. 122 061102 (Feb 2023)
Tunable THz flat zone plate based on stretchable single-walled carbon nanotube thin film
G.M. Katyba, N.I. Raginov, E.M. Khabushev, V.A. Zhelnov, A. Gorodetsky, D.A. Ghazaryan, M.S. Mironov, D.V. Krasnikov, Y.G. Gladush, J. Lloyd-Hughes, A.G. Nasibulin, A.V. Arsenin, V.S. Volkov, K.I. Zaytsev, and M.G. Burdanova
Optica 10, 53 (Jan 2023)
Terahertz photoconductance dynamics of semiconductors from sub-nanosecond to millisecond timescales
E. Butler-Caddle, N.E. Grant, S.L. Pain, J.D. Murphy, K.D.G.I. Jayawardena and J. Lloyd-Hughes
Appl. Phys. Lett. 122 012101 (Jan 2023)
Dephasing Dynamics across Different Local Vibrational Modes and Crystalline Environments
T.J. Keat , D. J. L. Coxon, M. Staniforth, M. W. Dale, V. G. Stavros, M. E. Newton, and J. Lloyd-Hughes
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129 237401 (Nov 2022)
Multi-pixel photoconductive emitters for the controllable generation of azimuthal and radial terahertz beams ("Editor's Pick")
J. Deveikis and J. Lloyd-Hughes
Optics Express 30 43293 (Nov 2022)
Terahertz (THz) biophotonics technology: Instrumentation, techniques, and biomedical applications
X. Chen, H. Lindley-Hatcher, R. I. Stantchev, J. Wang, K. Li, A. I. Hernandez-Serrano, Z. D. Taylor, E. Castro-Camus and E. Pickwell-MacPherson
Chem. Phys. Rev. 3, 011311 (June 2022)
Optimized multilayer structure for sensitive THz characterization of thin-film glucose solutions
X. Ding, A. I. Hernandez-Serrano, H. Lindley-Hatcher, R. I. Stantchev, J. Zhou and E. Pickwell-MacPherson
Optics Express 30, 18079 (May 2022)
Simulated and Experimental Verification for a Terahertz Specific Finite Rate of Innovation Signal Processing Method
X. E. Ramirez Barker, R. I. Stantchev, A. I. Hernandez-Serrano and E. Pickwell-MacPherson
Sensors 22, 3387 (April 2022)
Zigzag HgTe Nanowires Modify the Electron–Phonon Interaction in Chirality-Refined Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Z. Hu, B. Breeze, R.J. Kashtiban, J. Sloan and J. Lloyd-Hughes
ACS Nano 16 6789 (Apr 2022)
Predicting Solar Cell Performance from Terahertz and Microwave Spectroscopy
H. Hempel, T.J. Savenjie, M. Stolterfoht, J. Neu, M. Failla, V.C. Paingad, P. Kužel, E.J. Heilweil, J.A. Spies, M. Schleuning, J. Zhao, D. Friedrich, K. Schwarzburg, L.D.A. Siebbeles, P. Dörflinger, V. Dyakonov, R. Katoh, M.J. Hong, J.G. Labram, M. Monti, E. Butler-Caddle, J. Lloyd-Hughes, M.M. Taheri, J.B. Baxter, T.J. Magnanelli, S. Luo, J.M. Cardon, S. Ardo, T. Unold
Advanced Energy Materials 2102776 (Feb 2022)
A Review of the Terahertz Conductivity and Photoconductivity of Carbon Nanotubes and Heteronanotubes
M.G. Burdanova, A.P. Tsapenko, M.V. Kharlamova, E.I. Kauppinen, B.P. Gorshunov, J. Kono and J. Lloyd-Hughes
Advanced Optical Materials 2101042 (Sept 2021)
Intertube Excitonic Coupling in Nanotube Van der Waals Heterostructures
M.G. Burdanova, M. Liu, M. Staniforth, Y. Zheng, R. Xiang, S. Chiashi, A. Anisimov, E. I. Kauppinen, S. Maruyama and J. Lloyd-Hughes
Advanced Functional Materials 2104969 (Sept 2021)
Precise and accurate control of the ellipticity of THz radiation using a photoconductive pixel array
C.D.W. Mosley, J. Deveikis and J. Lloyd-Hughes
Appl. Phys. Lett. 119 121105 (Sep 2021)
Linear and Helical Cesium Iodide Atomic Chains in Ultranarrow Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Impact on Optical Properties
R.J. Kashtiban, M.G. Burdanova, A. Vasylenko, J. Wynn, P.V.C. Medeiros, Q. Ramasse, A.J. Morris, D. Quigley, J. Lloyd-Hughes and J. Sloan
ACS Nano 15 13389 (Aug 2021)
The 2021 ultrafast spectroscopic probes of condensed matter roadmap
J. Lloyd-Hughes, P.M. Oppeneer, T. Pereira dos Santos, A. Schleife, S. Meng, M.A. Sentef, M. Ruggenthaler, A. Rubio, I. Radu, M. Murnane, X. Shi, H. Kapteyn, B. Stadtmüller, K.M. Dani, F.H. da Jornada, E. Prinz, M. Aeschlimann, R.L. Milot, M. Burdanova, J. Boland, T. Cocker and F. Hegmann
J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 33 353001 (July 2021)
Hot electron cooling in InSb probed by ultrafast time-resolved terahertz cyclotron resonance
C.Q. Xia, M. Monti, J.L. Boland, L.M. Herz, J. Lloyd-Hughes, M.R. Filip and M.B. Johnston
Phys. Rev. B 103 245205 (June 2021)
Real time THz imaging—opportunities and challenges for skin cancer detection
H. Lindley-Hatcher, R. I. Stantchev, X. Chen, A. I. Hernandez-Serrano, J. Hardwicke and E. Pickwell-MacPherson
Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 230501 (June 2021)
Layered Perovskites in Solar Cells: Structure, Optoelectronic Properties, and Device Design
D. Sirbu, F. H. Balogun, R. L. Milot and P. Docampo
Advanced Energy Materials (May 2021)
Ultrafast, high modulation depth terahertz modulators based on carbon nanotube thin films
M.G. Burdanova, G.M. Katybab, R. Kashtiban, G.A. Komandin, E. Butler-Caddle, M. Staniforth, A.A. Mkrtchyan, D.V. Krasnikov, Y.G. Gladush, J.Sloan, A.G. Nasibulin and J. Lloyd-Hughes
Carbon 173 245 (Mar 2021)
Low cost and long-focal-depth metallic axicon for terahertz frequencies based on parallel-plate-waveguides
A. I. Hernandez-Serrano and E. Pickwell-MacPherson
Scientific Reports 11, 3005 (February 2021)
Evaluation of in vivo THz sensing for assessing human skin hydration
H. Lindley-Hatcher, A. I. Hernandez-Serrano, J. Wang, J. Cebrian, J. Hardwicke and E. Pickwell-MacPherson
J. Phys. Photonics 3, 014001 (December 2020)
Nanotechnology for catalysis and solar energy conversion
U. Banin, N. Waiskopf, L. Hammarström, G. Boschloo, M. Freitag, E.M.J. Johansson, J. Sá, H. Tian, M.B. Johnston, L.M. Herz
In-line evanescent-field-coupled THz bandpass mux/demux fabricated by additive layer manufacturing technology
A. I. Hernandez-Serrano, S. J. Leigh and E. Pickwell-MacPherson
OSA Continuum 3, 2407 (August 2020)
An Ultrafast Shakedown Reveals the Energy Landscape, Relaxation Dynamics and Concentration of the N3VH0 Defect in Diamond
D.J.L. Coxon, M. Staniforth, B.G. Breeze, S.E. Greenough, J.P. Goss, M. Monti, J. Lloyd-Hughes, V.G. Stavros, and M.E. Newton
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11, 6677 (July 2020) [ pdf (with SI) ] [ ref ]
Metal composition influences optoelectronic quality in mixed-metal lead-tin triiodide perovskite solar absorbers
M. T. Klug, R. L. Milot, J.B. Patel, T. Green, H. C. Sansom, M. D. Farrar, A. J. Ramadan, S. Martani, Z. Wang, B. Wenger, J. M. Ball, L. Langshaw, A. Petrozza, M. B. Johnston, L. M. Herz and H. J. Snaith
Energy & Environmental Science (May 2020)
Ultrafast Optoelectronic Processes in 1D Radial van der Waals Heterostructures: Carbon, Boron Nitride, and MoS2 Nanotubes with Coexisting Excitons and Highly Mobile Charges
M.G. Burdanova, R.J. Kashtiban, Y. Zheng, R. Xiang, S. Chiashi, J.M. Woolley, M. Staniforth, E. Sakamoto-Rablah, X. Xie, M. Broome, J. Sloan, A. Anisimov, E.I. Kauppinen, S. Maruyama and J. Lloyd-Hughes
Nano Lett. 20 5, 3560 (Apr 2020) [ free e-print ] [ preprint pdf ] [ ref ]
Heterostructures built from 2D, atomically thin crystals are bound by the van der Waals force and exhibit unique optoelectronic properties. Here, we report the structure, composition and optoelectronic properties of 1D van der Waals heterostructures comprising carbon nanotubes wrapped by atomically thin nanotubes of boron nitride and molybdenum disulfide (MoS2). The high quality of the composite was directly made evident on the atomic scale by transmission electron microscopy, and on the macroscopic scale by a study of the heterostructure’s equilibrium and ultrafast optoelectronics. Ultrafast pump–probe spectroscopy across the visible and terahertz frequency ranges identified that, in the MoS2 nanotubes, excitons coexisted with a prominent population of free charges. The electron mobility was comparable to that found in high-quality atomically thin crystals. The high mobility of the MoS2 nanotubes highlights the potential of 1D van der Waals heterostructures for nanoscale optoelectronic devices.