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Gavin Morley

I am a professor in the Warwick Physics Department and the founding director of Warwick Quantum, a new interdisciplinary initiative for Quantum Technology.

Research Interests

My group creates quantum science and technology based on nitrogen-vacancy colour centres in diamond. I lead the project "Macroscopic superpositions towards witnessing the quantum nature of gravity" (MAST-QG). My group is part of the Diamond Quantum Technology Lab in Warwick, the Quantum Biomedical Sensing Research Hub (Q-BIOMED), the Integrated Quantum Networks Hub (IQN), and the Centre for Doctoral Training in Diamond Science and Technology (DST).

Quantum technologies

Materials such as diamond contain electron and nuclear spins which store quantum information for a long time. We use single nitrogen vacancy centres (NVC) in diamond for magnetometry and to explore the possibility of building a quantum computer. We also use large ensembles of NVC for magnetometry.

Towards a test of the quantum nature of gravity

We levitatate micro-diamonds in vacuum because we want to test whether these can be in a quantum superposition of being in two places at once. This could lead to a test of the quantum nature of gravity.

Gavin Morley photo

Write to:

Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK

Contact Details:

Office: A0.23, Millburn House, Millburn Hill Road, Coventry CV4 7HS

44 (0)2476 150801

Twitter: @gavinmorley

Bluesky: @gavinmorley