New Student Information and Welcome Week Timetable
A quick welcome message from your Head of Department:

Welcome to the Department of Psychology
Congratulations on your offer of a place at Warwick!
We’re looking forward to welcoming you all for the academic year 2024/25. We’re sure that the next three years will be exciting, challenging and rewarding, and we hope that you’ll make the most of all the opportunities available to you here in the Department of Psychology.
Details of your induction and timetable, as well as links to key information, can all be found on these webpages. Please read your pre-arrival checklists carefully and make sure you’ve completed the required steps! During the first few days of Welcome Week, there will also be several induction sessions, during which you’ll be able to ask questions and meet key people in the team.
If you have any issues in advance of Welcome Week, please feel free to email the Psychology Office or Dr Jagjeet Jutley-Neilson directly.
Best Wishes,
Dr Jag Jutley-Neilson (Director of Student Experience/Associate Professor)
Dr Gemma Gray (Deputy Director of Student Experience/Assistant Professor)

Pre-Arrival Checklists
What do I have to do before arriving at Warwick?