Current Student Information
New Students
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Pinned Information and Announcements
- Pathways to PhD & summer research opportunities event – 15 January 2025
- Forms for Statistics courses, modules and students
- Reference requests
- Student frequently asked questionsLink opens in a new window.
- Year 1 to 4 and MSc informationLink opens in a new window(newsletters/vital communication archive, welcome week)
- Advice for students unable to progress
- Getting ready for Year 2: Moodle materials available..
- Degree outcome advice
New Student Information
Welcome to New Students
Course Information
Course Handbooks and Regulations Module Information and Choice Guidance Assessments and Examinations Monitoring Point Scheme Actuarial Exemptions (IfOA) Link opens in a new window Royal Statistical Society Acceditation Link opens in a new window Term Dates Link opens in a new window Exam Dates Link opens in a new window
Employability and Career Development
Internships and Graduate destinations.
Student Opportunity Skills Development Careers Guidance Accessing and sharing your HEAR (Transcript)