Course Info.

Course information
The department provides information regarding its modules, the course handbook, where possible, provides links to further information on module available from other departments.
- Module information. Information on STxxx modules is available on our module information pages. This page provides the home pages for all modules run by the Department of Statistics (i.e., modules whose code begins with 'ST').
- Module choice guidance.
- Unusual options. Conditions for unusual options and the link to submit unusual option form.
- Dissertation Projects
- Assessment HandbookLink opens in a new window - Submission dates for all Statistics modules.
- Assignment Submission GuidanceLink opens in a new window - How you must preparing your handwritten work for online submission. If you do not follow these instructions, then you may lose credit.
- Academic integrity - Information your responsibilities for academic integrity and some examples of Large Language Model fails. Guidance in Section 9.2Link opens in a new window to what you must do if you use AI in the preparation of your assessment.
- Personal Circumstances Options - A brief overview of the options and contacts for students experiencing personal circumstances. The Assessment Handbook specifies which assessments are eligible for self-certification and the type of mitigation available.
- Past Papers - Search for exam papers for previous years the module has run. (Not applicable for new modules).
- Appeals - How to appeal and the grounds for such appeal. Please note, there are no grounds for requesting a remark.
- Online Examinations - For students retaking certain 2021-22 exams only. For 2022-23 all exams will be in-person.
- Module Results - Provisional module results for examinations taken in January.
Attendance at lectures and tutorials does not contribute formally to the award of a degree, nevertheless it is our expectation that you attend these.
We are required by the University to monitor a set number of separate ‘points of engagement’ each year for all undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Department, called ‘monitoring points’. To make it easy for you, these are embedded with activities you must attend anyway.
- Monitoring point checkpoint dates are available.
- Complete information on Monitoring Points can be found under the Attendance and Engagement section of your Course Handbook.