Student Information - FAQs

Top tip from current students. Remember, everyone is in the same boat and there are lots of people you can ask for help. You will meet lots of people during Welcome Week and the first few weeks of term.
What do you want to know? | Basic advice | Further official UoW guidance |
How do I get to Warwick campus? | Plan your journey in advance. If you're home or international student, use the Official guidance. | Comprehensive guidance on transfers, bus services, driving routes on the International ArrivalsLink opens in a new window site. |
How will I pay for things? | Following the pandemic, most services prefer card payment. Some shops require you to spend over £5 to use your card. Most bus and train services allow card payment. Use normal caution when carrying cash, do not carry large sums with you. Note; since 2021 you MUST pay for a plastic bag (10p-50p) in shops. Don't be surprised if you are asked by shopkeepers. It's good practice to bring your own recycable bag, or, bag-for-life. |
Review the Bank, money and budgeting on the Useful Information Link opens in a new windowsite. |
Where should I go when I arrive on campus? | This depends on time of day and where your accomodation is. Make sure you know the name of your accomodation on campus. Ensure you have a screenshot of the name of your accomodation on your phone. |
Comprehensive guidance on transfers, bus services, driving routes on the International ArrivalsLink opens in a new window site. |
Where can I find contact information if I am lost? | From 0800-2000 - Student Services Closer to the start of term check the Welcome Week pages for comprehensive advice. |
Comprehensive guidance on transfers, bus services, driving routes on the International ArrivalsLink opens in a new window site. |
How do I access WiFi? | It helps to Register for your IT account before you arrive. Review the 'Studying with Statistics' section of this site before you arrive. The WiFi network is called 'eduroam'. |
Full access instructions availabl on the IT Services - Wireless Network ServiceLink opens in a new window |
Where can I buy food when I arrive? | Rootes Grocery store on central campus, close to bus stop and accomodation. Tesco (at Cannon Park) (Local food and groceryLink opens in a new window - Google Maps) is close to campus and is popular with students living on campus. Tesco is a national supermarket chain and has comprehensive supplies. |
Rootes offical page Link opens in a new windowand location. |
How much does food cost? | Most outlets have a range to suit different budgets. Different supermarkets do charge different prices. Fast food and takeways from franchises are comparable to international prices. Expect to pay a premium at airports and travel services, especially if arriving in London. |
Where can I get non-food shopping | Almost every shop in the UK has an online store which will deliver items to you. Cannon park (close to campus) also includes a range of shops. Finder provides a list of online shopping in the UK. |
Where can I find advice on my CAS status? | You should only speak to the official Immigration and Compliance department. | Review the 'Arriving in UK' section of the Useful Information Link opens in a new windowsite. It links to the Immigration and ComplianceLink opens in a new window department. |
What if I miss Welcome Week? | Do not be concerned. When term begins, you will receive all information to your email account and you'll receive advice on how to access materials. | If in doubt, contact the Statistics Support Office using the details in the 'Studying with Statistics' section. |
What do you want to know? | Basic advice | Further official UoW guidance |
What laptop do I need? | This is tricky. Most software on your course is Windows/Mac/Linux compatible. The speed needed depends on the size of dataset you process. You'll use R-Project Link opens in a new windowfrequently, so you may want to explore Stack Exchange for guidance from R-Project users. As a minimum, your device must support Microsoft Office Pro Plus (or equivalent) and Microsoft Teams. You may wish to consider a tablet computer (or a tablet and separate computer) that allows you to write notes electronically. |
General IT Device Specifications for Students: Central GuidanceLink opens in a new window |
What is UK culture like? What is Warwick culture like? | Diverse. Different. The same. An experience. Watch the video on our 'World at Warwick' page, made by students, to help you settle in. All about British Life and Culture (Project Britain External page) | |
Are there any phrases or sayings I should know? | Pound = quid |
How to cross the road? | It's good to know legislation to avoid accidents. Please remember cars in the UK may be on the other side of the road compared to your home country; we drive on the left-hand side. |
How can I get around? | The campus is quite large. For example, it is around 15 - 20 minutes from the Sports and Wellness Hub to the Mathematical Sciences Building. The campus and (UK) is cycling friendly. E-Scooters are available. |
Never be alone. Warwick is full of people who just want to have a good time and study while doing it. Here's a few things to get you started.
What do you want to know? | Basic advice | Further official UoW guidance |
How do I meet current Statistics students? | Come to Welcome Week and request a student mentorLink opens in a new window. Welcome Week is full of opportunities to meet your fellow students and also current students. The Warwick Statistics Society is organising many events during Welcome Week and runs a regular Stats Cafe which provides the opportunity to meet students. The society runs events throughout the year, allowing students from all years to socialise and offer advice and support. The common room in MSB normally has members of the society studying daily. If you miss Welcome Week, then other events take place during the first few weeks of term. |
See Building Tour on 'Studying in StatisticsLink opens in a new window' page. Visit the Statistics Society on social media. |
Can I attend any virtual events before I start? |
Yes. Meet and Engage has an exciting programme for prospective students, parents or supporters. Join chats about the campus experience, and what studying with us is really like. | Meet and Engage Link opens in a new window- Official Warwick partner program |
How do I contact people with the same interests as me? | Warwick Student Union has over 250 societies covering a wide range of student interests, so there is bound to be one for you! | Warwick Cultural SocietiesLink opens in a new window |
Where can I find information about entry requirements for my home country? | The Warwick Study International page has links to specific requirements for you. | Warwick Study International pageLink opens in a new window |
What about thriving, growing as a student and starting to live at Wariwck?
What do you want to know? | Basic advice | Further official UoW guidance |
Do I need a UK bank account? | We are no aware of students that do not have a UK bank account. There are many benefits to having a UK bank account. How to open one and basic information about money management in UK is on Useful Information. | The useful informationLink opens in a new window page includes a section on Banks, money, and budgeting, specifics include: |
Do I have to pay for healthcare in UK? | You should familiarise yourself with the IHS (immigration health surcharge), on both the UK Government website, and Warwick's IHS advice page. When you arrive you should Register with the University of Warwick Health Centre. In UK, doctor surgeries are also known as GPs (General Practicioners). You should visit for general health concerns. For emergencies you should always call emergency services. The UKCISA (UK Council for International Student Affairs), is the definitive guide to what is covered for students in UK, including advice about insurance. |
For complete information, review Healthcare section on Useful InformationLink opens in a new window. |
Do I need to register with the police? | Some international students must legally register with the Police as part of their visa conditions. | Review the Administrative matters and settling in on Useful InformationLink opens in a new window |
We hope this answered many of your questions. If you have more, we advise the following.
For general advice on what it's like to study, or to live in Warwick. | Statistics Society - all students were once new-starters, just like you. See Statistics SocietyLink opens in a new window on 'Studying in Statistics' page. If you don't want to post a public message, feel free to direct message. |
For course related advice. | See - Statistics Support OfficeLink opens in a new window on 'Supportive Community' page. |
For VISA advice. |
...and for anything else, we'll help you when you arrive.