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Why new salt study is flawed

A University of Warwick academic and WHO adviser says that a study which suggests salt may not be as damaging to health as is usually claimed is flawed.

The G20 summit - what it could mean for trade

Dr Gabriel Siles-Brügge, Associate Professor Department of Politics and International Studies, takes a quick look at decisons that could be made at the G20 summit that will affect global trade.

President Trumps' confirmirmation of America’s commitment to the One China policy

Professor Shaun Breslin from the department of Politics and International Studies shares thoughts on President Trumps' confirmirmation of America’s commitment to the One China policy..

The Trans-Pacific Partnership – a trade deal with a major global implications - Dr Dennis Novy

Dr Dennis Novy, an economist from the University of Warwick and a former House of Lords adviser on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, offers reaction to the new Trans-Pacific Partnership that was agreed on Monday.

Tue 06 Oct 2015, 09:01 | Tags: Economics, China, Expert comment, International

Professor Nigel Driffield from the Warwick Business School shares some thoughts on the chancellor inviting China to bid for HS2 contracts

The first issue to address is whether this is seeking to attract trade or foreign investment. The wording of the text is that they want Chinese companies to tender for certain parts of the infrastructure, which essentially suggests trade – ie importing sub-assemblies, components, even trains from China (or the lines themselves).

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