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Macron's Calais visit to "shore up popularity" - Dr David Lees

"Yet Macron is facing discontent at home around his economic plans and it is clear he is deeply concerned about public opinion on immigration." - Dr David Lees, French Studies in the University of Warwick's School of Modern Languages and Cultures

Thu 18 Jan 2018, 16:47 | Tags: Faculty of Arts, France

Macron won’t let protests interfere with economic change: Dr David Lees

Dr David Lees, expert in French culture and politics from the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, comments on the protests in France against President Macron's labour law reforms.

Dr James Hodkinson discusses religion in Germany on BBC Radio 4

Dr James Hodkinson, Associate Professor in German and Silke Horstkotte, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow in German Studies from the School of Modern Languages and Cultures discuss the place of religion in modern Germany on the Beyond Belief programme on BBC Radio 4.

The global history of the potato explored

In its time, the potato has been called the root of filth, misery and obesity - but is it fair to call it the 'food of the poor'? Professor Rebecca Earle investigates on BBC World Service, The Food Chain in a two-part series. The Food Chain goes to the very roots of the world's most popular vegetable, digging up some new perspectives on its history.

Dr José Arroyo Cinematic Exchanges

Dr José Arroyo, Principal Teaching Fellow In Film and Television Studies at the University of Warwick, underlines his experiences teaching at Cuba’s world-renowned Escuela Internacional de Cine y Televisión writing for Viewfinder Online.

Tue 31 Jan 2017, 15:31 | Tags: Faculty of Arts, Film & Television, Film and Television, Arts

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