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Macron won’t let protests interfere with economic change: Dr David Lees

Dr David Lees, expert in French culture and politics from the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, comments on the protests in France against President Macron's labour law reforms.

Sir Ivan Rogers: voice of reason in fraught diplomatic environment

It was reported yesterday that Sir Ivan Rogers - the UK's top diplomat in Brussels - has resigned from his role, ahead of the Brexit negotiaions.

Dr Megan Dee, Associate Research Fellow at the University of Warwick, discusses the implications of the situation.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership – a trade deal with a major global implications - Dr Dennis Novy

Dr Dennis Novy, an economist from the University of Warwick and a former House of Lords adviser on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, offers reaction to the new Trans-Pacific Partnership that was agreed on Monday.

Tue 06 Oct 2015, 09:01 | Tags: Economics, China, Expert comment, International

Stakes could hardly be higher as another Greek election looms – Dr Dennis Novy

"For the second time this year, the Greek people vote in a new parliament on Sunday. The Greek economy is on its knees and unemployment is sky-high. Nagging deflation increases the burden of debt. So the stakes could hardly be higher" writes Dr Dennis Novy.

Fri 18 Sep 2015, 12:51 | Tags: Economics, Greece, Expert comment, International

Europe will not be able to effectively handle the current migrant crisis until it faces up to its colonial past - Professor Gurminder Bhambra

Europe will not be able to effectively handle the current migrant crisis until it faces up to its colonial past, a sociologist from the University of Warwick will tell a major conference in Prague today (28 August).


Professor Gurminder Bhambra says current policies are undermining the very promise of cosmopolitanism by ostracising migrants and perpetuating the view that they pose a threat to Europe.

Fri 28 Aug 2015, 11:15 | Tags: immigration, News, Expert comment, International, Current Affairs

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