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No evidence to support downside to adding folic acid to bread, says GP

On new research suggesting that bread should be fortified with folic acid, Dr James Gill, of the Warwick Medical School, provides his analysis.

GPs should take trust and use bravery - expert comment from Dr James Gill

Dr James Gill, GP and teaching fellow at Warwick Medical School says doctors must "use bravery to help protect their patients.” He comments on the new NICE guidelines for GPs on prescribing antibiotics for sore throats.

Fri 26 Jan 2018, 12:03 | Tags: WMS, wellbeing, Warwick Medical School, Antibiotics, Public Health

Opt-out organ donation system "should result in more people’s wishes being followed" - Dr Gregory Moorlock

Ministers begin a consultation today on a proposed 'opt-out' system for organ donation in England, with the aim of making more organs available for transplant.

Dr Gregory Moorlock, an expert in the ethics of organ donation and transplantation from Warwick Medical School, comments.

Expert comment: How our biological clock affects wound healing

Dr Robert Dallmann of Warwick Medical School comments on new reasearch findings that the time of day a wound is suffered affects the length of time it takes to heal.

Thu 09 Nov 2017, 11:01 | Tags: Warwick Medical School

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