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Exercise for the Unco-ordinated

Summer is well upon us, the new fitness facilities are open on campus and the excuses not to exercise are wearing a little thin. The delay tactics are no longer convincing, and the new Summer Vacation Sports Course Programme is offering courses for everybody, even those of us with two left feet.

Tue 27 Jul 2004, 13:47 | Tags: Sport, Welfare, University Services, University Affairs

Sports Bursaries 2002-3

Warwick University students are receiving a bursary from the Department of Physical Education and Sport to assist their sporting development during the current academic year.
Mon 26 Jul 2004, 15:30 | Tags: Sport, University Affairs

Staff Golf Society - Open to All Staff

Over the past year three golf days have been held at various Midlands courses involving up to 30 members of staff at each event. The growing popularity of these golf days has prompted the players to form a Staff Golf Society. The Society is open to all members of staff regardless of ability and is keen to encourage new members to join.

Howard's Way?

11 schools entered the International Business Schools Sailing Regatta 2002 with 17 boats in all. The schools represented were: Bath and Trinity College, Bocchoni (Milan), Cranfield, Erasmus, Imperial, Jefferson Smurfit, Kingston, London Business School, Nyroder (Holland) and Warwick's team, supported by Ford.
Thu 22 Jul 2004, 14:39 | Tags: Sport, Business

Beckham: Renaissance Idol

Dr Andrew Parker, Department of Sociology, has co-written a report that has gained much attention from the world’s press. The report, written with Ellis Cashmore of Staffordshire University is titled “One David Beckham: Celebrity, Masculinity and the Soccerati” and it describes how Beckham idolatry has transformed attitudes globally.

Wed 21 Jul 2004, 09:18 | Tags: Sport, Sociology

MBA Rugby Tournament - UK invades USA

A team of Warwick Business School's MBA students were one of a select few travelling to the USA last weekend to partake in the tenth annual International MBA Rugby Tournament in North Carolina USA, at Duke University. Only 5 of the 25 teams entering were from outside the USA, and 4 of these were from the British Isles.
Tue 20 Jul 2004, 11:26 | Tags: Business Members, Sport, Business, Education

Commonwealth Champion

Jennifer Smith joined the Economics Department in 1996, from the Bank of England. She teaches macroeconomics, economic policy, labour economics and econometrics and her research is into labour economics, specifically issues relating to the wage distribution and how wage setting impacts on the economy. As well as all this, Jennifer is a professional rower!
Mon 19 Jul 2004, 13:47 | Tags: Sport, Women, Academic Staff

Row, row, row your boat

The University Rowing Club has honoured the Vice-Chancellor by naming their new boat the David VandeLinde. Members of the Rowing Club are pictured with Vice-Chancellor Professor David VandeLinde admiring the new craft.

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