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Warwick celebrates its Highly Cited Researchers

Five academics from the University of Warwick have been named in the 2023 Highly Cited Researcher list.

LIGHT UP YOUR LIFE: You aren’t imagining it, the summer washout could be impacting your mood, here’s why.

Last month, the Met Office reported that July was the UK’s sixth wettest on record, and unsurprisingly the UK had 19% fewer hours of sunshine than average over the month, with 140.3 hours in total.

Researchers at the University of Warwick say that light is the most important environmental cue for synchronising our biological clock and regulating sleep, which if interrupted can have a detrimental effect on our mood and wellbeing.

Wed 16 Aug 2023, 08:16 | Tags: Warwick Medical School

Why we should be running on a Plant-Based Diet - the Health and Environmental Benefits

As the world prepares to celebrate Global Running Day on June 7, 2023, Josh Gibbs, a plant-based nutritionist researcher from the University of Warwick sheds light on the health and environmental benefits of running on a plant-based diet.

Fri 02 Jun 2023, 10:27 | Tags: Warwick Medical School

£2.5m Grant awarded to establish a West Midlands Evidence Synthesis Group (ESG) to provide best evidence for health and social care

A £2.5m grant will enable researchers from the West Midlands region led by the University of Warwick to provide sound evidence to healthcare policymakers, to ensure patients and service users receive the best quality care.

Meat alternatives can lower your cholesterol, study finds

Substituting meat with plant-based meat alternatives lowers ‘bad’ cholesterol, according to new research from the University of Warwick.

University of Warwick researcher will improve medical screening and shape national policy thanks to prestigious £1.8m NIHR Professorship

A University of Warwick researcher, Professor Sian Taylor-Phillips, has received a £1.8 million award to drive national policy for medical screening tests in the UK.

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