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Warwick MBA - 1st in the UK, 2nd in the world

The Warwick MBA by distance learning, from Warwick Business School, has been judged first in the UK and second in the world in the first survey of distance-learning MBA programmes from accredited business schools. The survey was carried out by QS, who are well known for their world university rankings.

Wed 18 Jul 2012, 16:02 | Tags: International, Business and Management

WMG’s smallest new nano roles make it bigger than ever - taking it to 500 milestone

WMG at the University of Warwick are to recruit ten new Professors and Associate/Assistant Professors including two new research posts in nanocomposite technologies.

Thu 05 Jul 2012, 16:36 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members

Vince Cable announces new programme developed by JLR with WMG to boost skills of UK engineers

WMG at the University of Warwick are pleased to be leading on a pioneering new education programme, just announced by Jaguar Land Rover (JLR), which is aimed at boosting the skills of engineers working within the automotive supply chain and other hi-tech industries.


Thu 28 Jun 2012, 17:34 | Tags: Business and Management, Business Members

Reward the second best, ignore the best

New Warwick Business School research published in PNAS, a leading interdisciplinary journal, suggests reasons why the richest should pay more tax; why rewarding the top performers leads to recurrent crises and scandals; and why we should resist the temptation to learn from and imitate the most successful.

Wed 20 Jun 2012, 12:12 | Tags: Social Affairs, Business and Management

Double Delegation of MPs visit WMG

WMG hosted a rare two day visit of the House of Commons Science and Technology committee on 11th and 12th June. As part of their visit The Committee, chaired by Andrew Miller MP, took part in a round table discussion on the commercialisation of research with Professor Lord Bhattacharyya and senior members of WMG.

New £3.5m supercomputing investment set to boost region’s competitiveness

A £3.5 million supercomputing hub is set to power growth and innovation in the Midlands and London by opening up its vast number-crunching power to local firms.

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