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Warwick awarded £1OO,OOO for 10 Ford Scholarships

Today, Wednesday February 1st, William Clay Ford, great-grandson of Henry Ford and executive chairman of Ford Motor Company announced that the University of Warwick is one of only a dozen UK universities to be awarded funding from the Ford Blue Oval Scholarship Programme

Wed 01 Feb 2012, 09:17 | Tags: Business Members, University Affairs and Events

Robot welding gets 5 times faster as €4 Million project replaces guess work with maths

Remote Laser Welding is rapidly emerging as a powerful replacement for spot welding technology in vehicle manufacturing. It promises 5 times the speed of spot welding and far more efficiency – however this can only be achieved through a frustrating process of guess work and trial & error today. Now WMG has been awarded 4 Million Euros to lead a project that will replace guess work and wasteful trial & error with precise mathematical modelling.

Tue 31 Jan 2012, 08:32 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members

Major investigation into the role of elected mayors launched

A major investigation into the role of elected mayors in local government in the UK is launched on Monday, November 21, 2011 by the University of Warwick, less than a week after the Localism Act passed into law. The Warwick Commission on elected Mayors and city leadership will set out the challenges and opportunities presented by the government's proposals to introduce elected mayors in core cities in England over the next two years.

Solar power company shines at Lord Stafford Awards

University of Warwick spin-out Molecular Solar has triumphed at the 2011 Lord Stafford Awards, winning its prestigious Innovation in Development Award.

Fri 18 Nov 2011, 08:36 | Tags: Sciences, Business Members

BAE SYSTEMS and WMG sign Memorandum of Understanding for co-operative research and education.

WMG welcomed a senior delegation from BAE Systems to the University of Warwick. Professor Lord Bhattacharyya, Chairman of WMG and Cliff Robson, Director Industrial Capability for BAE Systems’ air sector, signed a memorandum of understanding on behalf of BAE Systems (Operations) Ltd and WMG.

Thu 20 Oct 2011, 12:01 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members

New record voltage for organic solar cells opens the tech to consumer electronics

Molecular Solar Ltd, a spinout company from the University of Warwick, has achieved a significant breakthrough in the performance of solar photovoltaic (PV) cells. They have achieved and demonstrated a record voltage for organic photovoltaic cells that means these highly flexible, low cost solar cells can now be devolved for commercial uses in a wide range of consumer electronics.

Mon 17 Oct 2011, 11:48 | Tags: Environment, Sciences, Business Members

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