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Press Releases

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Alternatives to face-to-face GP consultations unlikely to deliver hoped-for benefits in practice

The realities of implementing alternatives to face-to-face GP consultations, such as telephone, email, online and video consultations, mean that hoped-for reductions in GP workload and increases in available appointments for patients might not be realised. This is the finding of a study by led by a researcher from the University of Warwick, published in the British Journal of General Practice today (30 January 2018).

UK’s favourite Christmas spirit revealed with online searches

BRANDY is the UK’s favourite Christmas spirit, according to research into our festive online searches from the University of Warwick.

Drug discovery could accelerate hugely with Machine Learning

Drug discovery could be significantly accelerated thanks to a new high precision machine-learning model, developed by an international collaboration of researchers, including the University of Warwick.

‘Lost’ 99% of ocean microplastics to be identified with dye?

The smallest microplastics present in our oceans – which go largely undetected and are potentially harmful – could be more effectively identified using an innovative and inexpensive new method, developed by researchers at the University of Warwick.

Queen’s wedding cake resurrected with scanning tech for 70th Anniversary

Cutting-edge technology has brought Queen Elizabeth II’s wedding cake back to life in time for hers and Prince Philip’s 70th anniversary, thanks to research by WMG at the University of Warwick.


One third of fake images go undetected in recent study

Around one third of fake images went undetected in a recent study by the University of Warwick.

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