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Cuts in Social Spending are psychologically damaging, finds new research

There are substantial psychological gains from having a strong welfare state, finds new research done jointly by the University of Warwick and City University. Social spending acts to reduce citizens’ worries about the future.

Thu 07 Mar 2024, 11:59 | Tags: economy, Economics

€1.45m awarded to research the role of human skills for economic development

Dr Federico Rossi, Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick, is one of just 400 researchers across Europe to have been awarded a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant, to study which human skills are crucial for future economic development.

University of Warwick to spend millions of pounds on cost-of-living support for students and staff

The University of Warwick has announced a £3.5m cost of living support package which will deliver help for thousands of students from the lowest income families, one-off payments to staff and an open invite for the local community to make use of facilities on campus this winter.

New programme launches in Westminster which aims to put the UK at the forefront of hydrogen innovation

An initiative which is designed to support and foster the creation of a new hydrogen economy in the Midlands was formally launched this week at the House of Lords, to an audience of MPs, peers, businesses, academics and senior civil servants. (Issued by ERA).

Scottish steel industry needs to be revived to thrive

The value of the Scottish Steel sector in relation to the rest of the world and also the UK specifically has been analysed by researchers from WMG, University of Warwick, who have found investment could be the key to reviving the industry into a thriving industry.

Mon 25 Oct 2021, 14:27 | Tags: economy, WMG, Economics, steel, Scotland, Sciences

Warwick economist will help map the route to a healthier and fairer food system

Residents in the West Midlands could enjoy healthier and more affordable food in the future thanks to a new research project involving the University of Warwick.  Focusing on the city of Birmingham, the research team will map the current food system in the region, then explore what changes could provide fairer access to healthier and more environmentally sustainable food for everyone.

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