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Half a billion and more: the impact of Warwick University in the West Midlands

The results of an independent study into the regional impact of the University of Warwick have today been announced; highlighting the significant benefit to the local economy and communities.

Tue 03 Sep 2013, 10:33 | Tags: WBS, WMG, Regional Issues, University Affairs and Events

Warwick to receive boost from CLAHRC West Midlands

Funding totalling £30.6million for the Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care West Midlands (CLAHRC West Midlands) has been awarded to an innovative partnership between local health services, universities, and local authorities. 

Fri 09 Aug 2013, 12:01 | Tags: WBS, Health and Medicine, University Affairs and Events

Very preterm babies show bonding difficulties despite parental sensitivity

A new study suggests that some very preterm babies have trouble bonding with their care-givers due to neurological impairments and not to the way their parents interact with them

Mon 15 Jul 2013, 09:42 | Tags: WBS, Sciences

Stop searching for a USP shoppers love copycats

As the Apple and Samsung legal battle rumbles on new research suggests that the consumer is the biggest winner in the ‘copycat’ branding war.

Thu 11 Jul 2013, 16:05 | Tags: WBS, Economics and Finance, Business and Management

The 50,000 mile journey of Wimbledon's tennis balls

The tennis balls used at Wimbledon have travelled 50,570 miles around the world before they land on Andy Murray’s racket on Centre Court.

Wed 26 Jun 2013, 11:52 | Tags: WBS, Economics and Finance, Business Members

Students turn Market Traders in Enterprise Task

A team of students from the University of Warwick will compete in the Uni Popshop event at the world famous Spitalfields Market in London on June 25.

Fri 21 Jun 2013, 15:29 | Tags: WBS, Social Affairs, Regional Issues

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