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Student entrepreneurs enter Warwick’s own ‘Dragon’s Den’

Takeaway coffee cup sleeves and an online local business directory for students were just two of the ideas tested in a ‘Dragon’s Den’ style competition at the University of Warwick.

Orthopaedic surgeons invent new system to accurately measure hip replacements

A pioneering invention by the University of Warwick and University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) that can accurately measure patients for hip replacements for the first time could save the NHS thousands of pounds and improve efficiency for orthopaedic surgeons worldwide.

Mon 01 Mar 2010, 13:20 | Tags: Health and Medicine, Business and Management

Professor Lord Bhattacharyya Makes A Personal £1 Million Commitment to Back Research

The University of Warwick has announced that Professor Lord Bhattacharyya  has just pledged to make one of the largest ever personal donations to a UK University by a serving member of academic staff.  He hopes his personal financial commitment underlines how serious he is when  he calls on businesses and government to enhance the financial support they  provide to UK research.

University of Warwick teams up with Birmingham to offer graduates a head start in job market

The University of Warwick is working in partnership with the University of Birmingham to offer 60 graduates from the West Midlands a head start in the jobs market.

Mon 22 Feb 2010, 11:06 | Tags: Regional Issues, Business and Management, Business Members

Lord Mandelson visits WMG to announce £19million for Midlands low carbon area

The Midlands has been designated a new Low Carbon Economic Area (LCEA) and is to receive £19 million of government funding for research into and development of low carbon vehicles. The news was announced today by Business Secretary Lord Mandelson, in a special visit to the University of Warwick’s Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG).
Thu 11 Feb 2010, 15:55 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members

£20 Million Programme gives high tech Midlands companies access to University technology

A £20 million research programme into advanced materials at Midlands universities is literally opening doors to the very latest University lab equipment for high tech Midlands SME companies.

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