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Research says modern work-related stress damages national output more than 1970s strikes

Research by  presented by Bernard Casey of the University of Warwick’s Institute for Employment Research shows that work-related stress today damages national output even more than the loss to national output due to strikes at the peak of industrial unrest in the 1970s

UK tops the list of 213 countries at extreme risk to the spread of swine flu

A Warwick Business School professor and one of the founders of global risks specialist, Maplecroft, has released three new maps and indices revealing the countries most at risk from an influenza pandemic.

Chefs at University of Warwick pick up national prize for culinary skills

A team of chefs at the University of Warwick have been awarded a silver medal after impressing judges at a national culinary competition
Tue 07 Apr 2009, 14:24 | Tags: Business and Management

University brings forward capital spending & outlines other measures to assist local economy

The University of Warwick is bringing forward by a year £2 million of its capital spending as part of a package of measures to assist the local Midlands economy.

£3.6 Million to examine competitive advantage in the Global Economy

The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) has awarded Warwick £3.6 million to create a new Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (CAGE).

Engineers build a robot to search for survivors in disaster zones

Engineers from the University of Warwick are building a robot that will be able to search for survivors in a disaster zone.

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