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New Programme 'Evolve' Offers Creative Managers a Place to Think

What’s Management Got To Do With Creativity? New Programme ‘Evolve’ Offers Creative Managers a Place to Think

Pension security can't be solved by tighter regulations

The lack of pension security in the UK is a scandal, according to ESRC research at the University of Warwick. "The Government has continued to push a private solution to what is essentially a public problem," says Professor Noel Whiteside, who conducted the research.
Mon 09 Aug 2004, 16:05 | Tags: Social Affairs, Business and Management, Business Members

Young Gifted Midlands Entrepreneurs Win Trip to New York

Six bright young enterprising entrepreneurs, aged 14-15, from St Michael's Church of England School, Rowley Regis, West Midlands, will soon jet off to New York having just won the top prize in a young entrepreneurs competition run by the National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth (NAGTY), based at the University of Warwick.

International Debate on Translation in Global News

The University of Warwick is hosting a ground-breaking international debate to explore the role of translation in the production of global news and the practices of news agencies, television and newspapers, which is set to bring together high profile journalists and editors, professional translators, and academics on 23rd April 2004
Mon 09 Aug 2004, 15:39 | Tags: Social Affairs, Arts, Business and Management

Goldman Sachs Gives Further 182,000 Dollars To Make Gifted Kids Entrepreneurs

The Goldman Sachs Foundation has announced that it is to give a further 182 000 dollars (£100,000) part of which will be match funding to encourage other businesses to get involved to the National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth at the University of Warwick.

Experts Says Environmental Manufacturing Could Stem UK Manufacturing Slump

Professor Sir Kumar Bhattacharyya , one of the UK’s Leading Manufacturing experts, will, on Tuesday 20th April, tell an international conference at the University of Warwick that environmentally aware manufacturing is the one remaining thing that can stem the quarter century long slump in volume manufacturing in the UK and Europe.

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