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Children bullied by friends and siblings are more likely to think about suicide in their early twenties

Depression, self-harm and suicidal ideation are more prominent in adults in their early twenties if they were bullied at home and at school, a study by researchers at the University of Warwick have found. Researchers stress that intervention is needed to educate people in bullying to reduce it.

Previous studies have identified that sibling bullying has an effect on mental health in adolescence, however researchers Professor Dieter Wolke and Dr. Slava Dantchev have now found children who were bullied by siblings and friends are more likely to harm themselves.

Wed 09 Oct 2019, 08:37 | Tags: psychology, Sciences

‘Building blocks’ of bird calls resemble human languages

The ‘building blocks’ of bird calls resemble those of human languages, new research from has found.

Tue 10 Sep 2019, 10:11 | Tags: research, psychology

Launch of a standardised tool to assess cognitive and language development in two year olds

A new paper published in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health provides standardised scores for The Parent Report of Children’s Abilities Revised (PARCA-R) questionnaire. The PARCA-R is recommended for routine use in the UK to screen for cognitive and language developmental delay in children born preterm and can be completed by parents in 10 to 15 minutes.

Mon 12 Aug 2019, 15:12 | Tags: research, psychology

Neurocognitive basis for free will set out for the first time

Do human beings genuinely have free will? Philosophers and theologians have wrestled with this question for centuries and have set out the ‘design features’ of free will – but how do our brains actually fulfil them? A University of Warwick academic has answered this question for the first time in a paper published today in Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Wed 31 Jul 2019, 11:37 | Tags: Religion, Brain, research, psychology, Philosophy

Pre-term babies are less likely to form romantic relationships in adulthood

Adults who were born pre-term (under 37 weeks gestation) are less likely to have a romantic relationship, a sexual partner and experience parenthood than those born full term. The meta-analysis by researchers at the University of Warwick with data from up to 4.4 million adult participants showed that those born preterm are 28% less likely to ever be in a romantic relationship.

Fri 12 Jul 2019, 16:00 | Tags: psychology, mental health, infants, Sciences

Opioids are not sleep aids, and can actually worsen sleep research finds

Evidence that taking opioids will help people with chronic pain to sleep better is limited and of poor quality, according to an interdisciplinary team of psychologists and medics from the University of Warwick in partnership with Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland.

Tue 04 Jun 2019, 08:28 | Tags: psychology, sleep, I-WOTCH, Opioids, Sciences

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