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A circular economy could save the world’s economy post-COVID-19

The World’s economy is feeling the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic with many industries under threat. A group of researchers from the UK, Malaysia, Nigeria, UAE and Japan, led by WMG, University of Warwick have concluded that adopting circular economy strategies would be the best way for the world’s economy to recover, whilst enabling the transition to a low-carbon economy.

New rural healthcare inequalities as mobile phones replace friendships?

A new study led by Warwick University's Dr Marco J Haenssgen has demonstrated how mobile phones can support access to healthcare in developing countries, but at the risk that the poorest are deprived of support. Published in the prestigious journal World Development, the researchers highlight the complexities of technological change and caution against over-enthusiastic medical interventions that aim to promote health through mobile phones.

Wed 23 Sep 2020, 15:40 | Tags: Health, research, Global Development, Health and Medicine

COVID-19 measures deepening health inequalities in slum communities

Efforts to stem the impact of COVID-19 in low to middle income countries could be creating a health time bomb in their slum communities by deepening existing inequalities, according to an international team of health researchers led by the University of Warwick.

Favela communities made more resilient against COVID-19 with citizen data

A team of international development researchers, working with some of the poorest neighbourhoods in Brazil and Colombia to mitigate the effects of natural hazards, have adapted their project to help strengthen those communities’ resilience to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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