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Real-time foot-and-mouth strategy to better fight disease

Future outbreaks of foot-and-mouth (FMD) disease can be combatted quickly and efficiently from early on – when authorities have minimal information – thanks to a new real-time strategy, developed by researchers at the University of Warwick.

Asian hornet to colonise UK within two decades without action

The yellow legged or Asian hornet – a voracious predator of honey bees and other beneficial insects – could rapidly colonise the UK unless its spread is combatted, according to new research by the Universities of Warwick and Newcastle, working with the National Bee Unit.

Professor Laura Green awarded OBE

Professor Laura Green, currently Head of the School of Life Sciences and deputy Pro Vice Chancellor (interdisciplinary research and impact) from September 1st, has been appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the Queen’s Birthday Honour’s list for her services to the health and welfare of farmed livestock.

Foot-and-mouth crises to be averted with vaccination strategy

Future outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) can be controlled effectively and quickly with vaccinations – saving millions of pounds and hundreds of thousands of livestock – according to research by the University of Warwick.

BRAVO: making UK crops more resilient

Protecting the UK’s most valuable crops by making them more resilient is at the heart of a new five-year project, in which the University of Warwick’s School of Life Sciences will play a key role.

Ash dieback: Insect threat to fungus-resistant trees

Ash trees which can resist the killer dieback fungus may be more vulnerable to attacks by insects, says University of Warwick researcher.

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