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Consider farmers at individual level when controlling livestock disease outbreaks, researchers say

Incorporate the actions of individual farmers when forming policies to tackle livestock disease outbreaks, say researchers from the University of Warwick and University of Nottingham.

Fri 15 Jul 2022, 10:55 | Tags: Big Data, Biology, Mathematics, Life Sciences, disease, farming

UN Food Price Index understates soaring real cost of food, argues researcher

Dr Alastair Smith of the Department of Global Sustainable Development at the University of Warwick calls on the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) to focus on real, not nominal food prices, in a correspondence piece published today [3] in Nature.

Wed 02 Feb 2022, 12:03 | Tags: Food, Environment, farming, Global Sustainable Development

University of Warwick signs agreement with agronomy specialist to bring UK beans to market

The University of Warwick’s research commercialisation wing, Warwick Innovations, has signed a contract with agronomy specialist Agrii to promote the commercial production of UK haricot beans developed by scientists at the University of Warwick.

New centre puts farmer priorities at heart of innovation research

Warwick joins forces with leading UK universities to focus agricultural research where it can make most difference on the ground

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