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Plants remember stress to help protect themselves

A new generation of plants better adapted to mitigate the effects of environmental change could be created following a fundamental step towards understanding how plants are able to retain a memory of stress exposure.

New book by Friends of the Earth to spark debate and action on women's empowerment to protect our natural environment

‘Why women will save the planet’ released today features 25 articles and interviews from leading lights in the environmental and feminist movements including Dr Sarah Richardson of the University of Warwick’s History department.

Tue 24 Nov 2015, 10:56 | Tags: University of Warwick, Publishing, Environment, History

University of Warwick introduces pioneering new campus cycle scheme UniCycles at Warwick

On Saturday 3 October the University of Warwick introduced a new cycle scheme on campus, UniCycles at Warwick, in partnership with German company nextbike. It is hoped that the UniCycles at Warwick will help to create an even greener more accessible campus at the University of Warwick.

Tue 06 Oct 2015, 14:27 | Tags: campus, Environment, Academic staff

The saying “It never rains but it pours” is truer than ever in Scotland, says new research into how our climate is changing

New research at the University of Warwick with colleagues from the London School of Economics has identified changes in the shape of rainfall across Europe; changes in the amount of drizzle compared with downpours and everything in-between.

Wed 16 Sep 2015, 09:29 | Tags: Physics, climate change, Environment, Sciences

David Nash sculpture marks University’s 50th anniversary

A sculpture by one of Britain’s greatest living artists has been unveiled at the University of Warwick.

Shale gas in doubt in UK's low-carbon transition

Academics from Warwick Business School and University College London have published an opinion piece based on research funded by the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) advising policymakers that, because of continuing economic, social and environmental uncertainties, the UK’s gas strategy should be developed on the assumption that there will be no domestically produced shale gas.

Thu 05 Mar 2015, 14:26 | Tags: WBS 1 - Research Politics Environment

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