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Researchers call on Cleobury Mortimer residents to help shape policing

Residents living in Cleobury Mortimer are being encouraged to complete a short online survey which will help shape the future of policing and put them in with a chance of winning £100.

Mon 12 Oct 2015, 12:45 | Tags: research, psychology, Law

Warwick psychiatrist’s research inspires play

The huge challenges of caring for a teenager with psychosis is being brought to the stage in a new play by an Olivier award-winning writer.

Maths skills count for premature babies

A new study conducted by the University of Warwick links being born premature with low earning ability.

Tue 01 Sep 2015, 14:06 | Tags: Health, psychology, mental health, WMS, Health and Medicine

Happiness spreads but depression doesn’t

Having friends who suffer from depression doesn’t affect the mental health of others, according to research led by the University of Warwick.

Wed 19 Aug 2015, 10:46 | Tags: Mathematics, research, psychology, WMS

Department of Pyschology research featured in Radio 4 documentary

Researchers from the University of Warwick’s Department of Psychology are conducting ground breaking work into false memories.

The research, led by Dr Kimberley Wade, was featured in the BBC Radio 4 documentary Past Imperfect.

Wed 12 Aug 2015, 14:22 | Tags: University of Warwick, psychology, Sciences

Adult IQ of very premature babies can be predicted by the age of two

A study by a University of Warwick psychology researcher indicates that the IQ of adults born very premature or of very low birth weight can be predicted when they are just a toddler.

Tue 11 Aug 2015, 16:59 | Tags: Health, psychology, WMS, Health and Medicine

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