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Research links premature birth to withdrawn personality

New research indicates that adults born very premature are more likely to be socially withdrawn and display signs of autism.

Fri 24 Jul 2015, 12:21 | Tags: Health, research, psychology, mental health, WMS

Self-awareness not unique to mankind

Humans are unlikely to be the only animal capable of self-awareness, a new study has shown.

Mon 15 Jun 2015, 12:20 | Tags: research, psychology, Philosophy

Early adulthood depression linked to bullying

Bullying in teenage years is strongly associated with depression later on in life, suggests new research.

Wed 03 Jun 2015, 11:33 | Tags: research, psychology, WMS

New research shows parental behaviour not affected by stress and anxiety of premature birth

The stress and worry of giving birth prematurely does not adversely affect a mother’s parenting behaviour, according to researchers at the University of Warwick.

Mon 01 Jun 2015, 11:21 | Tags: research, psychology, mental health, WMS

Children who are bullied suffer worse long-term mental health problems than those who are maltreated

Bullying adversely affects children in later life more than being maltreated, according to new research from the University of Warwick.

Tue 28 Apr 2015, 09:47 | Tags: Health, psychology, mental health, WMS, Health and Medicine

Brain activity shows infants are hardwired to link images and sounds as they learn to speak

New research examining electrical brain activity in infants suggests that we are biologically predisposed to link images and sounds to create language.

In a paper published in the journal Cortex, an international team of researchers in the UK and in Japan, including those at the University of Warwick, examined the electrical activities of the brain in 11 month-olds at the initial stages of word learning.

Mon 23 Feb 2015, 14:56 | Tags: research, psychology, Sciences

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