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HEAR and Transcripts

Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR)

Undergraduate students are no longer issued a printed, paper transcript at their graduation ceremony. Students are provided with a Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) which is made available to undergraduate students via their Gradintel account.

The HEAR acts as a cumulative, formative record until a student graduates, at which stage it is finalised and becomes the formal official record of study. This includes information on course content, modules completed, marks, credits (including ECTSLink opens in a new window credits), degree classification, conferral of award date, the signature of the academic registrar, an official University of Warwick stamp, additional approved activities e.g. departmental prizes, elected society positions, volunteering certificates etc.

HEARs are refreshed on or shortly after results release dates in July each year to show the conferral of the degree and will include marks where possible. The marks shown are as provided by the department responsible for the module. Please contact departmental administrators in the first instance if issues arise.

Additional activities will also be uploaded on results release dates, where available in time and we will continue to refresh the relevant HEARs in August as we verify and add further additional activities.

All undergraduates who studied in the academic year 2019/20 and/or 2022/23, whose examination assessment for a module could not take place due to COVID-19 (2019/20), or national strikes and assessment boycotts (2022/23), may download a letter from the Academic RegistrarLink opens in a new window.

A transcript is an official summary of academic performance. The transcript is a legal University document and therefore cannot be altered. It includes information such as:

  • Student name and date of birth
  • Title of course and Qualification awarded
  • Classification of degree conferred (as appropriate)
  • Course registration dates
  • Conferral of award date
  • Modules completed and marks/credits obtained

Official printed transcripts are normally only produced for postgraduate taught students (where applicableLink opens in a new window) at the time of graduation and will be issued together with award certificates where possible. If there are any delays with transcripts due to problems with missing information (e.g. missing modules, marks or credits), priority will be given to issuing award certificates initially and we will endeavour to issue the transcript later as soon as the transcript is accurate and complete (this will likely involve us liaising with your department and our colleagues in the Modules, Marks and AssessmentLink opens in a new window office).

Student Administrative Services do not produce transcripts for the below courses

Warwick Business School courses:
  • MBA students: Master of Business Administration transcripts are managed separately within Warwick Business School. For further information, please email:
  • MPA students:Master of Public Administration transcripts are managed separately within Warwick Business School. For further information, please email:
  • MSc in Police Leadership and Management students: Warwick Business School manage the administration of MSc in Police Leadership and Management transcripts. For further information, please email:
Warwick Medical School courses:
Warwick School of Law:
Other courses: