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Address (change of)

If your address changes you can update it yourself via Student Records OnlineLink opens in a new window.

On the 'My Data' tab under the 'Edit my personal data' section, click on either the 'Edit my term time contact address' or 'Edit my home address' link.

Attendance and Progress Monitoring

The University's Good Practice Guide on Monitoring Student Attendance and ProgressionLink opens in a new window at all levels of study is intended to help departments in supporting students’ welfare and learning through monitoring their attendance and academic progress.

Attendance Requirements

Students classified as 'full-time' are required to complete no less than 21 hours per week, over 24 weeks of the year (including self-directed study). Such students are not, therefore, permitted to undertake full-time employment during term-time.

International students may also have further limitations placed on the hours they can work in order to comply with the requirements of their UK visa.

All students are expected to be regular and punctual in their attendance at classes. Students are required to remain in residence throughout the full period of any term.

Any student deemed to have unacceptable levels of engagement may be referred, either by their department or by the Academic Registrar, to a Continuation of Registration Committee as set out in University Regulation 36Link opens in a new window.

Authorised Absence (for Visa Sponsored Postgraduate Taught Students)

The University recognises that in some circumstances it would be preferable for a student to be able to take a short period of time away in order to deal with a personal issue, or undertake minor medical treatment, without their visa being curtailed. Further details can be found on the Immigration & ComplianceLink opens in a new window web pages.

Please note that there should be no engagement in any academic activities during a period of authorised absence. If it is likely that there will be engagement with your studies during this period then a Change of Study LocationLink opens in a new window would be the appropriate process.

Authorised Absence requests can be submitted in the usual way via Student Records OnlineLink opens in a new window on the 'Student Records Requests' tab.



Certificate of Status Letter

Further information can be found on our 'Certificate of Status'Link opens in a new window webpage.

Change of Address

If your address changes you can update it yourself via Student Records OnlineLink opens in a new window.

On the 'My Data' tab under the 'Edit my personal data' section, click on either the 'Edit my term time contact address' or 'Edit my home address' link.

Change of Gender / Gender Marker

To request your University records to be amended following a change of gender, please complete the online form via Student Records OnlineLink opens in a new window.

On the 'My Data' tab under the 'Edit my personal data' section, click on the 'Request change to record held for gender' link.

Change of Name

If your name changes, your University record must be updated to reflect the change. For more information on the procedure and required documentation click here.

Change of Study Location (for Visa Sponsored students)

If you are a Visa Sponsored student, your primary site of study will usually be the University of Warwick and you will be expected to be based here for the duration of your course. There are, however, some circumstances when you may be permitted to be based at another location, either inside the UK or overseas, while continuing to engage with your course of study. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Study undertaken at an overseas institution as part of an in integrated Year Abroad
  • A work placement or year in industry undertaken as part of a four year Undergraduate degree
  • Data collection undertaken overseas as part of an ongoing PhD
  • Remote submission of dissertation following academic extension

If your primary site of study changes for a period of three months or longer, the University is obliged to inform the Home Office UKVI of the change in your circumstances.

You will be able to submit Change of Study Location requests in the usual way via Student Records OnlineLink opens in a new window on the 'Student Records Requests' tab.

Convention de Stage / Convenio de Colaboración / Tripartite Agreement

If, as part of your course, you will be undertaking a work placement in France or Spain or any other country that requires it, you will need to complete a Convention de Stage, Convenio de Colaboración or Tripartite Agreement. More information can be found hereLink opens in a new window. Please note, the University requires both the French/Spanish/Other and English language versions to be completed. These should be returned to

The University will not normally sign a Convention/Convenio/Tripartite agreement provided by a third party.

Council Tax exemption

If you live on campus or in Coventry, Leamington Spa, Kenilworth or Warwick and you are studying full-time (excluding 'writing up' postgraduates) you do not need to request a Council Tax exemption letter since the University liaises directly with the local councils. If you live in other areas you should complete this form to request a Certificate of Status letter. You may also want to refer to the Council Tax GuideLink opens in a new window issued by Coventry City Council.

Course Transfer

Students may request change of course/course transfer. To learn more about the procedure and necessary requirements, please click here.



Email accounts

Although as an applicant with a 7 digit Warwick ID number you are provided with restricted access to certain services, it is only when you enrol onlineLink opens in a new window that full IT access and email accounts are created. If you forget your password, you will need to contact IT ServicesLink opens in a new window or call 024 7657 3737. The Student Records team do not have access to this information for security reasons.


For full details about how to enrol as a new student of the University, please use the following linkLink opens in a new window.

eVision / Student Records Online for Student Records Requests

The system that supports the workflow to progress a students request which amends the central student database. If the below highlighted tab does not appear you do not have access to Student Records Requests. To access the Student Records Requests tab to be able to process student requests please complete the form on Student Systems webpage.

image of eVision tabs

Extension of Study (staff information)

Applicable to postgraduate students only.

Extension of Study (student information)

Applicable to postgraduate students only.
To learn how to request an extension of your period of registration, and applicable fees, please click here.



Gender (change of)

To request your University record to be amended following a change of gender, or you wish to change your gender marker complete the form via Student Records OnlineLink opens in a new window



HESA (HUSID) reference number

All students studying at an institution of Higher Education in the UK are assigned a HESA reference number (sometimes referred to as a HUSID number). If you choose to withdraw from your course before it is completed the University will confirm what your HESA reference number is. You will then need to quote this number if you choose to enrol on another Higher Education course in the UK.

Higher Education Achievement Record (HEAR)

The Higher Education Achievement Record (HEAR) replaces the previous hard-copy academic transcript for undergraduate students. The HEAR is delivered online through the third-party platform called GradintelLink opens in a new window.



ID Card (new students)

Your Warwick ID Card gives you access to campus buildings, IT systems, allows you to borrow library books and also acts as your University 'membership' card. Please use the following links for details on how to submit your photographLink opens in a new window online and how you can obtain your ID cardLink opens in a new window.

ID Card (replacement)

If you lose your Warwick ID Card, or require a replacement for any other reason, please contact our colleagues in the Student Information CentreLink opens in a new window, based in Senate HouseLink opens in a new window. Students who have had their card stolen should obtain a crime reference number. This service is not provided by Student Administrative Services.

IT & email accounts

When you enrol onlineLink opens in a new window you also create your full IT and email accounts. If you forget your password you will need to contact IT ServicesLink opens in a new window or call 024 7657 3737. The Student Records team do not have access to this information.




For information about studying while pregnant.

Mode of Attendance PGT; changes to

If you wish to change your mode of study from full-time to part-time or vice versa, you should first consult with your personal tutor/course director/supervisor.

Part-time study is normally permitted if a student is only able to study on a part-time basis because of employment or other commitments for a significant part of the working week. Requests to study part-time are subject to approval by the Chair of the Board of Graduate Studies. If you apply to switch to part-time study, you may be asked to provide some documentary evidence.

If you are studying on a Student Visa, you will not be permitted to transfer to part time. Any change to your mode and period of study could jeopardise your right to remain in the United Kingdom and you are advised to contact the Immigration & ComplianceLink opens in a new window team.

For Postgraduate Research students, if you receive Research Council funding, you are normally only permitted to change your mode of attendance once. If you wish to transfer more than once, you will need to obtain prior permission from the Research Council (as outlined in the UKRI terms and conditionsLink opens in a new window).

Module Registration and Marks Management

The Modules, Marks and AssessmentLink opens in a new window office, within Student Administrative Services, are responsible for all aspects of module registration and mark entry (rather than Student Records). The following links provide more information on Module RegistrationLink opens in a new window and Marks ManagementLink opens in a new window

Monitoring Student Attendance and Progress

The University's Good Practice Guide on Monitoring Student Attendance and ProgressionLink opens in a new window at all levels of study is intended to help departments in supporting students’ learning through monitoring their attendance and academic progress. Missed monitoring points are currently submitted in real time to Student Administrative Services.

An email will be sent to any students who have missed a monitoring point reminding them of the University's and, where relevant, the UKVI's requirements. Once a student has missed 6 or monitoring points they are required to have a meeting with a member of their department to discuss the situation. Students who do not engage with their studies may be withdrawn under University Regulation 36Link opens in a new window.



Name (change of)

If your name changes, your University record will need updating to reflect this change. For more information on the procedure and required documentation click here.



Permanent Withdrawal

For information about permanent withdrawal and possible alternatives, please click here.

PhD Students

Policies and procedures for research students and research degrees are managed by the Doctoral CollegeLink opens in a new window.

PhD and other research students' records are maintained by Student RecordsLink opens in a new window up until the point of 1st submission of a thesis and after receiving a pass list. The examination phase (e.g. 1st submission of thesis, appointment of examiners, viva, major/minor corrections, final submission etc.) is administered by the Doctoral College.

Research degrees are governed by Regulation 38Link opens in a new window

Placement Learning

Placement learning takes place in a variety of forms at Warwick, including courses with mandatory or optional years abroad, intercalated years in industry (UK or abroad), professional or clinical experience, work-based and experiential learning.

Procedures Guide (for staff)

Student Records Procedures Guide for members of staff in academic departments.



Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

The University has adopted a policy that allows applicants' prior learning, whether certified or experiential, to be used as partial credit towards some courses, where appropriate.


Click hereLink opens in a new window to find details regarding re-enrolling as a continuing student.

Research students/degrees

Policies and procedures for research students and research degrees are managed by the Doctoral CollegeLink opens in a new window.

PhD and other research students' records are maintained by Student RecordsLink opens in a new window up until the point of 1st submission of a thesis and after receiving a pass list. The examination phase (e.g. 1st submission of thesis, appointment of examiners, viva, major/minor corrections, final submission etc.) is administered by the Doctoral College.

Research degrees are governed by Regulation 38Link opens in a new window

Resumption of Study (following a period of temporary withdrawal)

Students resuming their studies following a period of temporary withdrawal are expected to submit a ResumptionLink opens in a new window request to indicate their intention to return to the University. This will enable the Student Records team to update your records accordingly to allow you to re-enrol.

Resumption from Temporary Withdrawal requests can be submitted in the usual way via Student Records OnlineLink opens in a new window on the 'Student Records Requests' tab.



SITS access

The Student Information Systems Team are responsible for creating and maintaining staff user accounts for SITS, the student records system. Click hereLink opens in a new window to obtain details on how to request access to this system and on related training.

Status Letter (Certificate of)

If you are unable to generate a status letter via Student Records OnlineLink opens in a new window (on the 'My Data' tab), please contact our colleagues in the Student Information CentreLink opens in a new window, based in Senate HouseLink opens in a new window.

Student Records Request - eVision

The workflow to progress a students request which amends the central student database. If the below highlighted tab does not appear you do not have access to Student Records Requests. To access the Student Records Requests tab to be able to process student requests please complete the form on Student Systems webpage.

image of eVision tabs

Student Records Requests Search is a separate tab which is a search function for all Student Records Requests made on the system. It is not possible to progress requests through Student Records Request Search. Please use this function to check what stage a request is in before asking for an update on the request as it may be in a stage Student Records cannot assist with.



Temporary Withdrawal

A period of temporary withdrawal may be granted where a student requires a break from their studies for specific reasons. For more information on the temporary withdrawal procedure click here.

Term dates

This linkLink opens in a new window provides the undergraduate term dates for future years as approved by the Senate.

Transcript of Studies

To request a Transcript of Studies, please click hereLink opens in a new window.

Transfer (Course Transfer)

Students may request change of course/course transfer. To learn more about the procedure and necessary requirements, please click here.



Upgrade request

Students enrolled on some postgraduate awards, certificates or diplomas may be eligible to upgrade their enrolment to a related Master's degree. Departments in which such an upgrade is permitted include WMS, WBS and the Centre for Education Studies.

Students interested in such an upgrade should consult their personal tutor/course director in the first instance. If the department supports the request a member of staff will complete the relevant form (students cannot complete this form themselves). A charge of £55 is normally made for such an upgrade.



Voluntary Year Out

If you are enrolled on a course which does not have a varient that allows you to take a study abroad or intercalated year you are able to apply to the Voluntary Year Out Scheme. The scheme is only available to undergraduate students.

The Scheme is not available to students enrolled on a Degree Apprenticeship.

It is not usually possible for a Student Visa holder to take part in Warwick's Voluntary Year Out Scheme. (This may be an option in exceptional circumstances, where the placement will take place outside of the UK, if supported by the Student Immigration and Compliance Team.)



Welcome to Warwick

For welcome and support information for new students arriving at Warwick, please click hereLink opens in a new window.

Withdrawal (Permanent)

For information about permanent withdrawal and possible alternatives, please click here.

Withdrawal (Temporary)

A temporary withdrawal may be granted where a student requires a break from their studies for specific reasons. For more information on the temporary withdrawal procedure, please click here.

Work Placements (for Visa Sponsored students)

If you are a Visa Sponsored student, it may be possible to undertake a period of 'work placement', during which time you can work full-time.

This is only applicable if your academic department considers this to be an 'integral and assessed' part of your course (meaning you are enrolled on a module which is credit bearing and the work placement forms part of the assessment), and the total duration of the work placement is no more than 50% of the duration of your degree course. The modules need to be credit bearing.

This includes a work placement or year in industry undertaken as part of a four year Undergraduate degree.

The University is obliged to inform the Home Office UKVI for any Student Visa holders who undertake permitted work placement within 10 working days of the start date of the work placement, this includes departments that offer intercalated years with work placements.

You will be able to submit Work Placement requests in the usual way via Student Records OnlineLink opens in a new window on the 'Student Records Requests' tab under the 'Create Change of Location' link.
