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General Information about Placement Study

  1. If you are undertaking an approved placement you will retain your 'student status' and will therefore be required to re-enrol in preparation for the placement. You will therefore continue to be subject to all the University's Regulations, Ordinances and Rules as set out in the University Calendar. In the case of students from the UK, or from other EU member states, we shall inform the Student Loans Company (or the EU Team in Darlington) of your intention to take a placement.
  2. If your application for the Year Abroad Scheme is approved you will retain your 'student status' and you will be asked to re-enrol in August/September as usual. In the case of students from the UK, or from other EU member states, we shall inform the Student Loans Company (or the EU Team in Darlington) of your intention to take a placement.
  3. Whilst the University hopes that you will enjoy your year out and find it rewarding you should be reassured that support mechanisms are in place in the unlikely event that problems may arise. Should you experience any problems or have any concerns while on your placement you should, in the first instance, contact your departmental representatives who will help you to resolve such difficulties. If you have arranged the placement yourself, then your department may be able to provide guidance but the quality of the placement and your learning experience cannot be guaranteed.
  4. Students undertaking an exchange will also have assistance from the Student Opportunity. Exchanges arranged under the ERASMUS/SOCRATES scheme do not attract tuition fees but you must inform the Student Loans Company/EU Team of this change to your circumstances.

  5. If you require student entry clearance or leave to remain (a ‘visa’) to study in the UK you should be aware that undertaking a placement may affect your permission to remain here. It is strongly recommended that you seek confidential advice from Student Opportunity who can be contacted on +44 (0)24 7652 3706 or via email to In order to comply with the immigration rules, the University is required to notify the UKVI, where applicable, of any change to your enrolment status. If you have a CAS (Certificate of Acceptance for StudyLink opens in a new window) the University will notify the UKVI of this change, via its Sponsorship Management System.