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Finance Section: Accounts Payable (Financial Control)


The Accounts Payable Team reports to the Finance Operations Manager.

To view the staff structure for Accounts Payable - Finance Office Organisation Chart.



Accounts Payable is responsible for processing all payments relating to expenditure throughout the University, with the exception of the staff payroll. Documents are entered into the SAP accounting system via the Materials Management (MM) and Accounts Payable (AP) modules. The team advises departments on best practice.

Before a purchase order can be created, there must be an appropriate Vendor Master Record and a major role of the Accounts Payable team is the maintenance of these records. Care should be taken to ensure that a record does not exist before a new one is requested. The level of business placed with vendors can be monitored centrally by the Purchasing Team, which takes a keen interest in the efficient use of Materials in MM.

Accounts Payable Information and Guidance


Additional Resources