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A to Z of the Finance Office

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A to Z

Abbreviations and Acronyms Popular abbreviations and acronyms used throughout the University and Higher Education in general. This PDF list is maintained and distributed by the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team and the University Executive Office.
Accounts See 'Financial StatementsLink opens in a new window'
Accounts Payable (AP)

Sub-section within the Finance Office, part of the Financial Control section.

Includes guidance and information relating to Accounts Payable processes.

Accounts Payable Contact List A list showing the Accounts Payable Contact for each department alphabetically.
Accounts Receivable (AR) Sub-section within the Finance Office, part of the Financial Control section
AP See 'Accounts Payable'
Approved Suppliers The list of approved suppliers is maintained by Procurement.
AR See 'Accounts Receivable'

Authorised Signatories

See 'Delegated Authority Notification Forms'



Bank Details 

Details of University accounts, sortcode and banker's address

BUFDGLink opens in a new window - E-Learning

The British Universities Finance Directors Group (BUFDG) is the representative body for higher education finance staff in the United Kingdom.

The University has subscribed to BUFDG ProLink opens in a new window which means all staff have access to 12 free e-learning modules. You can find further details on content and how to register here.

The central finance admin team will run a report each month to monitor completion.



A calendar of key recurring activities by finance team. This document contains two worksheets.

Note: If you are using Microsoft Edge, you may need to scroll up and to the left to access the information.

Campus Tour (virtual)

A virtual guided tour of the campus to learn more about Warwick, starting with University House.

CCSG Finance Team

CCSG Finance Team Section of the Finance Office providing accounting support to the Campus & Commercial Services Group businesses.

Central Finance Manager Allocated as the first point of contact between departments and central finance. The full list includes details of all departments they are the contact for and is also available under Departmental Services Team (DST).
Central Service Charges (CSCs) CSCs represent the indirect costs of the academic departments & commercial activities of the University - see GUIDE and link to CSC Scenario Spreadsheet on Group Accounting Team Resource page.

Champions Nominated staff within a Department/Centre/Activity with the responsibility of disseminating information regarding the Financial Regulations and Procedures
Charity Fraud Awareness

The Charity Commission and Fraud Advisory Panel have come together to raise awareness of fraud and cybercrime affecting the sector and to create a safe space for us to start talking about fraud.

Use our interactive guide to access all the relevant training, information and policies you need.

Christmas Subsidies  Information on contributions to the cost of staff Christmas meals/parties
Committees Details of the formal committees of the University.

The University of Warwick expenses management system.

If you are a Finance Office member of staff, please contact to set up your access. All other staff should contact their departmental administrator to arrange access.

If you need further help and assistance then contact the Expenses Team - or telephone on 024 76 523000 (internal ext: 23000). Office hours are 9am-5.30pm from Monday to Thursday and 9am-4.30pm on a Friday.

Concur quick guideLink opens in a new window | Concur FAQs | Concur training materials

Contact Us Email resource accounts to all areas of the Finance Office. This page is intended to help direct queries to the appropriate team or person.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Certified learning activities to develop and enhance professional skills and knowledge. For details of the courses available to qualified staff see the Finance Office training webpages.

Contracts Contracts for non-research activities. The Legal and Compliance Services team review, draft and negotiate the University’s non-research contracts.

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Delegated Authority Notification Forms Forms required in order to notify the Finance Office of delegated authority within a department or activity
Departmental Services Team (DST) Section within the Finance Office. The Central Finance Managers within the team provide advice and support to all departments.
Deputy Finance Director (DFD) Role within the Senior Staff section
DFD See 'Deputy Finance Director'
DST See 'Departmental Services Team'

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Email Distribution lists - Finance Office

The Finance Office uses a number of distribution lists when circulating information to departments by email. In order to ensure that information is reaching the correct people, this page lists nominated staff who should receive information in each category.

Nominated staff are responsible for passing on information to other staff in the department.

Email Resources

Email resource accounts to all areas of the Finance Office. This page is intended to help direct queries to the appropriate team or person.

 Employers Liability

Certificate of Employers Liability  

Finance Director (FD) Head of the Finance Office and role within the Senior Staff section
Finance Forum Group providing Departmental Administrators with finance related updates and opportunities for networking and sharing of best practice.
Financial Control Section within the Finance Office.
Financial Control and Compliance Group (FCCG) Information regarding the FCCG, and agendas and papers for FCCG members.
Financial Controller Role within the Financial Control section.
Financial Details Financial details of the University.
Finance Manager Part of the Departmental Services Team. The first point of contact in the Finance Office for all Departments/Centres/Activities. For full details and contacts to all departments see the Central Finance Manager List.
Finance Office Group (FOG) Finance staff meeting providing updates on a variety of finance related subjects to Finance Office staff and staff in finance roles in other departments across the University.
Finance Office Training

Finance Office training courses are facilitated by staff from the Finance Office. Courses are only available to University of Warwick staff.

To book a place or contact the team to request training:

  1. Use the online booking form or,
  2. Contact providing your name, department, contact number with details of any training you need.
Financial Plan Guide, instructions, and resources for the annual Financial Planning process
Financial Procedures

Procedures included as part of the University's Financial Regulations.

  • The Procedures detail the way in which the principles must be applied.
Financial Regulations

Regulations governing all the financial transactions made by the University.

  • Financial Regulations outline the principles that must be followed.
Financial Regulations Champions
Each Department has a nominated ‘Financial Regulations Champion’ who is responsible for disseminating information and providing advice and guidance on the Financial Regulations and Procedures.

For more information about the role of Fin Regs Champions, nominating a Champion and training requirements.

Financial Sanctions Policy The University’s Financial Sanction Policy.
Financial Statements The University's Financial Statements for the last 5 years are available on this page.
Finance Office Newsletter Internal newsletter for Finance Office Staff
FODST One of the Finance Office's shared directories (see 'Shared Directories') used primarily by the Departmental Services Team (DST)
FOFinCon One of the Finance Office's shared directories (see 'Shared Directories') used primarily by the Financial Control section
Foh One of the Finance Office's shared directories (see 'Shared Directories') used primarily by the Group Accounting Team (GAT)

Forms Library

Full list of Finance Office forms available.

Foshr One of the Finance Office's shared directories (see 'Shared Directories')
Foundation The Foundation is an independent trust which supports the activities of the University of Warwick and its students.
Fraud Internal Audit webpage outlining responsibilities in respect of fraud. Includes links to FP3 Fraud & Bribery and also the University Whistleblowing Code of Practice.

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Graduate Finance Apprenticeship Programme The University of Warwick ICAEW approved Graduate Finance Training Programme provided three year training contracts to qualify as an ACA chartered accountant (not open at present).
Group Accounting Team (GAT) Section within the Finance Office
Guides/Guidance Part of the Resources section

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Housekeeping and Business as Usual Tasks A list of SAP housekeeping and business as usual tasks to be completed by departments.



Import and Export Customs

Import and Export Customs Hub


Links to details of the various the various policies held by the University.

Internal order

Cost collector Master Data Record in SAP (MDR6a form). For the creation of internal order codes.


Tax rules when engaging a company to provide the services of an individual (Personal service companies).


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Journals Journal upload template for SAP, for both permanent and reversing journals
Jurisdiction Codes Jurisdiction codes are used in SAP to control whether VAT can be reclaimed or not.

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Language skills

The Finance Office Admin team manages a database of Finance staff who speak other languages.

Teams within the department regularly need to communicate with a wide range of people from different countries and there are occasional instances where communication may be difficult due to a language barrier. If you would like to volunteer and be added to the database to help out ad-hoc, please provide your availability, language speciality and proficiency (e.g. conversational, intermediate, fluent) to

If any translation/communication help is required by you or your team, contact Finance Office Admin.

Leadership & Management

Guidance and development opportunities in this section are designed to support Managers but may be of interest to all members of staff.
Legal and Compliance Services The Legal and Compliance Services team provides legal advice to all areas of the University.
LexisNexis Report

Online form to request Lexis Nexis report on customer / supplier.


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Management Reporting Project - SCD

Includes examples of redesigned reports following Jon Moon training

Manual Cost Allocation Manual Cost Allocation (assessment) upload Excel template for SAP.
Master Data Records (MDRs) Forms to create, amend, or delete an SAP Master Data Record (MDR)
MDRs See 'Master Data Records'
Modern Slavery Act (MSA) Documents setting out the University policy on the Modern Slavery Act and the 'Annual Statement'.
Money Laundering Anti Money Laundering Policy and Operational Guidelines.
Mnemonics Departmental identifiers used by various University systems, including SAP

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Organisation Charts Organisation charts of the Finance Office
OPeRALink opens in a new window OPeRA is The University of Warwick's e-Procurement System. (Online Purchasing electronic Requisition Automation).

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Payment Run Dates A list of the dates when GBP payments are made for the various University companies

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard.

The University is required to maintain compliance with the Payment Card Data Security Regulation. The PCI DSS webpage provides further information and guidance.

Period-End Dates Details of how to obtain period-end dates from SAP.
Period End Instructions Guidance on period-end processes.
Petty Cash Small amounts of cash held by Departments/Centres/Activities, the rules for which can be found in Section 15.27 of Financial Procecure 15 (Purchasing) and the various documentation can be found with the Financial Control Resources
Procurement and Insurance Services

The Procurement & Insurance Services Team is responsible for the delivery of the University's Procurement Strategy and ensures that the financial risks associated with University activities are minimised.

If you have a link role for a department, it is recommended that you contact the Procurement Office for an overview of Procurement at Warwick, the support the team provides to Finance and Departmental colleagues and your key Procurement Office contacts.

To arrange an introduction, contact Pauline Mealing
Procurement & Insurance Website The Procurement & Insurance Services section also have their own webpages with more information.
Public and Products Liability Public Liability Insurance Confirmation

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Quarterly Accounts

The quarterly accounts and period-end timetables


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Research Finance Section of the Finance Office which supports the accounting for research & related awards held by the University
Reserves Journal upload template for SAP for reserves (reversing journals)
Resources Collection of resources produced and maintained by the Finance Office

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SAP & Finance Systems

Section within the Finance Office. The SAP Team manages the University's finance system (SAP), along with the add on systems, PCards (purchasing cards) and OPeRA (procurement).

Recommended for staff using University finance systems. SAP access forms | Online training catalogues | Contact form

SAP & Finance Systems Website The SAP & Finance Systems section maintain their own website independent of the main Finance Office website
Sections A list of all Finance Office sections
Senior Staff Section within the Finance Office
Shared Directories Details of how to gain access to the Finance Office shared directories, and Foshr in particular
Socially Responsible Investment Policy A policy developed to allow the University to pursue an ethical approach while minimising any negative impact on its investment returns.
Staff Directory List of all Finance Office staff
Statutory Accounts See Financial Statements 
Study Support Details of the study support available for Finance staff studying for their AAT, ACCA, CIMA, CIPS or SAP qualification
Systems and Access Directory A resource guiding Finance staff to relevant webpages for further information on each system and access instructions.

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TAS See 'Time Analysis Survey'
Tax Residency Certificate

A standard form letter obtained from HMRC that is requested by overseas customers.

Tax Strategy University Tax Strategy
Tax Team  Section within the Finance Office
Time Analysis Survey (TAS) Annual diary exercise conducted for the purposes of TRAC
Timetables Quarter-end and year-end timetables
TRAC Guidance Guidance on TRAC
Training See 'Finance Office Skills Sessions'
Training Documents Documents used at Finance Office Skills Sessions

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University of Warwick Foundation

The Foundation is an independent trust which supports the activities of the University of Warwick and its students.

US Tax Form

A document that is required to ensure that withholding tax is not deducted from payments made to us by US organisations. It is also known as W-8BEN-E.

VAT SAP Codes VAT SAP Codes are used to account for the appropriate VAT liability on transactions.

VAT Guide

A guide to VAT produced and maintained by the University's Tax Manager
VAT Information

Links to documents and general VAT information

VAT Jurisdiction Codes

VAT jurisdiction codes are used in SAP to control whether VAT can be reclaimed or not.

VAT number 

The University's VAT number

W-8BEN-E A document that is required to ensure that withholding tax is not deducted from payments made to us by US organisations. The Tax team retain a copy of a signed form. If one is requested, please contact the Tax team at . These are time limited and so always please check you have the latest one. In no circumstances should any blank forms provided by the payee be completed. Only the centrally held form should be used.
Withholding Taxes

In certain circumstances funders or customers based overseas may be required to withhold a percentage of payments due to the University and pay that amount over to their local tax authority. This payment is referred to as a withholding or withholding tax.


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