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EndNote Online FAQs

If you have a question about EndNote Online, please check these FAQs. If you still have questions, please email us at endnoteweb at warwick dot ac dot uk.

Access EndNote Online

  What equipment or software do I need to use EndNote Online?

All you need is a standard PC/laptop or Mac with access to the internet. Please check the system requirements for browser compatibility. To use the Cite While You Write (CWYW) tool to create bibliographies you will need to install the CWYW plug-in.

  Can I access EndNote Online from home?

Yes. Once you have created your account, you can access it from any PC with internet access. You can login or go to

  Can I create my account from off-campus?


  1. Click on the Access EndNote Online link and follow the registration procedure
  2. Type in the email address you wish to register your account with (you may want to use a personal one as you can keep your account after you have left Warwick)
  Do I have to be online to use EndNote Online?

Although you can do some limited work off-line, to get the most out of EndNote Online, you need to be online so that you have access to your references.

  What happens when I leave Warwick?

Each time you login to your account from the Library’s homepage, your account is associated with the University for the next year. This means that you get access to some additional features, including hundreds of different referencing styles. When you leave Warwick and your year expires, you can continue to access your account but you will only have access to 20 different referencing styles.

If you join another institution that uses EndNote Online you may have to ask them to re-assign your Warwick account to the new institution. You can also save your references in a variety of formats for use with EndNote or other reference management packages.

Managing references

  Can I transfer references between EndNote Online and EndNote Desktop?

If you are using EndNote X6 or later you can sync your desktop library with your online library.

  Can I import my references from RefWorks?

Export the references from RefWorks. In your EndNote Online account, click on the Collect > Import References. Click the Browse button and find the file you have just saved. Under Filter, select RIS Format. Click Import.

  Can I import references directly from my existing Word or Excel documents?

Unfortunately not. EndNote Online needs to use tags to know what to do with the information. Most Word or Excel documents are not tagged in this way, so it is not possible to import the references. It is usually easier to type the references manually, or search for them again and export the results into EndNote Online.

  Is there a limit to the number of references I can store or Groups I can create?

You can store up to 50,000 references.

  Can I share my references with someone else I'm working on a collaborative project with?

You can assign Read Only or Read and Write access to colleagues to enable them to view references in specified groups. To share specific groups:

  1. Click on the Organize tab
  2. Click the Manage Sharing button next to the group you wish to share and then select Start sharing this group. On the next screen, add the email address that your colleague used to create their EndNote Online account and click Apply
  3. The next time your colleague logs into their account, they will be able to view your group. To stop sharing a group, simply go to the Organize tab and click the Modify Sharing button next to the relevant group. You can then delete any email addresses from the list
  Is there a way to remove duplicate references?

Click on the Organize tab, then select Find Duplicates. This will find any duplicated records in your account and allow you to decide whether you wish to keep or delete them. You cannot limit the Find Duplicates feature to a specific group.

  How do I send selected references from a database or e-journal search to my EndNote Online account?

The way in which you import references will vary, depending on which database or e-journal you are using. To find detailed instructions on how to import references, please select the database that you are using. If the database you are using is not listed or you spot any errors, please contact us at endnoteweb at warwick dot ac dot uk and we will create or update the instructions as quickly as possible.

  I have downloaded some references as text file but there is no filter available for the database or e-journal that I have used

Not all databases and very few e-journals have their own filter to import references into EndNote Online. There are two generic filters to try – EndNote Import or RefMan RIS. If neither of these work, please contact us at endnoteweb at warwick dot ac dot uk.

Formatting documents

  Why won't Cite While You Write work from home?

Before you can use Cite While You Write (CWYW), you need to download and install the CWYW plug-in.

Login to your EndNote account and click on Download Installers. Choose the appropriate option and follow the installation instructions. This will install the EndNote Online toolbar in Word.

  Does Cite While You Write only work with Word?

Yes, other word processing packages are not supported by Cite While You Write. However, it is still possible to format your bibliography using a different word processor. To do this:

  1. Create your document as normal
  2. When you wish to insert a reference, type {author's second name, Year} e.g. {Beardwell, 2007}
  3. Save your document as a Rich Text Format (.RTF) file
  4. Login to EndNote Online and click the Format Tab and select Format Paper
  5. Click on the Browse button and select the file you saved in step 3
  6. Under Bibliographic Style, select the referencing style required (e.g. Harvard). Click the Format button. You will then be given the option to either view or save your formatted document
  Can I create a bibliography without using Word?

It is possible to create a select stand-alone bibliography using selected references from your EndNote Online account.

  1. Make sure that all the references you want to format are in the same group
  2. Click on the Format > Bibliography
  3. From the References drop-down menu, select your Group
  4. Under the Bibliographic Style drop-down menu, select the required format for your references (e.g. Harvard, Vancouver)
  5. Under File Format, select RTF (Rich Text File)
  6. Click on either the Save, Email or Print button, depending what you want to do with your list
  I keep getting a Cite While You Write (CWYW) error message when I try to connect to Word

This is usually a problem with the cache on your PC. You need to delete the browsing history, temporary internet files and cookies stored on your machine as follows:

  1. In Internet Explorer, go to Tools > Internet Options > delete and select all of the options in the second part of the form
  2. In Firefox, go to history and clear everything
  3. In Chrome, click on button with 3 parallel horizontal lines at top right > Click on History > Clear all browsing History
  4. In Safari, Preferences > Advanced > select Show Develop menu in menu bar > Develop > Empty caches