Warwick Award Pilot
Welcome to the home of the Warwick Award Pilot, which we’re running during the 2022 Summer Term – thanks so much for your interest!
Already registered?
Great! Then this is where your journey on the Warwick Award Pilot begins.
Here, you can search for, and join, a range of opportunities and interventions to develop your skills and earn Core Skills Points to progress through the Pilot. There are a number of opportunities you can explore this term, and more will be added over the course of the Pilot as we head towards the launch of the full Award this Autumn.
Many of the opportunities below will ask you to register via a MyAdvantage form first. This is to help us track your progress and credit your work accordingly, so please don't skip this step otherwise we won't be able to allocate all of your Core Skills Points!
If you earn 20 Core Skills Points during the course of the Pilot and you are graduating in summer 2022, you will earn the Warwick Award Pioneer level, which will appear on your HEAR (if you are an undergraduate). If you are not graduating this year, you'll still earn the Pioneer award and whatever points you earn during the Pilot will be transferred to your profile when the full Warwick Award launches this Autumn, so anything you complete during the Pilot will give you a head start on working towards the full Award.
You might have joined the Pilot through your involvement with a particular programme/activity, for example WIP, URSS, or something specific to your department. If that is the case, we will award your points once those activities are completed. You will also be emailed specific instructions of how to log this activity so we can count it towards the Award. However, in the meantime, why not see what else is on offer?
Lastly, there might be activities you’ve completed already that you feel should be recognised in the Award but haven’t yet been added to the Pilot. If that’s the case, please let us know using this form, and we’ll get back to you once we've had chance to evaluate them. We're accrediting suitable activities that have taken place since October 2021. Whether they're academic modules or extra-curricular activities you've completed, please get in touch!

Not registered yet?
If you’ve not already registered for the Pilot, we’d recommend you do so by clicking the button below. It only takes a couple of minutes.
Register nowWhat is the Warwick Award?
Find out more about how the award works and the different levels.
What is the Warwick Award?Warwick Award Opportunities
Here you’ll find a range of opportunities to help you develop skills during our Pilot and begin earning Core Skill Points to begin your journey towards the Warwick Award – keep checking back here over the course of the summer term, as we’ll be adding more opportunities when they become available.
There are also two online tools we’d encourage you to work through during the Pilot, as they will help you identify your current skill level and could prove useful for planning which skills you might want to focus more time on. You’ll also earn Core Skills Points for both.
The 12 Warwick Core Skills: Your Experience ProfileThis tool has been designed to not only let you measure your understanding of the 12 Core Skills families and your experience of using a range of skills related to them, but also point you in the direction of some exciting opportunities that are tailored to your interests, priorities, and the skills you most want to develop.
The experience profile should take between five and ten minutes to complete and will earn you 0.5 core skills points towards your Warwick Award.
Jisc Digital Capabilities ToolThis discovery tool from external company Jisc will help you to self-assess your digital skills, identify your strengths, and find online opportunities to develop your skills further.
The profile builder should take around 20 minutes to complete and will earn you 1 core skills point towards your Warwick Award.
Warwick Volunteers supports our students to volunteer in the communities around campus and where they live. Not only are these programmes rewarding, they’re also great for skills development.
Did you know there are a range of virtual work simulations, with a range of companies from multiple sectors, where you can gain experience and develop your skills remotely? Explore them all through Forage, and claim them for the Warwick Award - opportunities range from between 1-5 Core Skills Points depending on the simulations you choose to complete.
Part-time work is a fantastic way of developing core employability skills and building your experience – as well as earning money too! Discover a range of vacancies through Unitemps, and have them contribute to your progress through the Warwick Award too!
There might be activities you’ve completed already that you feel should be recognised in the Award but haven’t yet been added to the Pilot. If that’s the case, please let us know using this form, and we’ll get back to you once we've had chance to evaluate them. We're accrediting suitable activities that have taken place since October 2021.