The benefits of exercise for older adults
There are numerous benefits to exercising no matter your age, but health and wellbeing is especially important as we get older. Getting back into the gym as an older adult – or starting for the first time – can feel daunting, but once you’re in the swing of things you’ll wish you’d started sooner.
Exercises to help counteract screen-time
The ongoing COVID-19 crisis has changed our lives radically, with one indirect consequence being a much greater reliance on using screens for working from home or home schooling. We’ve therefore pulled together some simple exercises to help reduce screen fatigue.
10 yoga poses to help you feel focussed
In the current climate of COVID-19, it can be easy to find yourself overwhelmed with all that is going on, and that’s fine! If you are looking for ways to increase concentration, yoga may offer a solution to your problem. Here are 10 beginner yoga poses to help you feel more focussed.
Why practice yoga?
Yoga is a diverse practice which has benefits for many people in its physical and meditative forms as well as providing support for day-to-day life. From supporting our health and well-being physically and emotionally, explore more reasons why you should practice yoga – at all ages.
3 simple Pilates movements for beginners
Interested in trying out Pilates? Begin your practice by starting off with our 3 easy to follow movements.