Dr Gill Frigerio
Associate Professor
Subject Area Lead: Career Studies and Coaching Programmes
Room WCE1.11, Lifelong Learning Building, Westwood Campus |
G.Frigerio@warwick.ac.uk |
+44 (0)24 7615 1390 |
Dr Gill Frigerio is an Associate Professor who leads on the Centre's qualifications in Career Studies and Coaching. She is module leader on a number of modules within the programmes on Career Development and Coaching Studies (CDCS) and Career Education, Information and Guidance in Higher Education (CEIGHE) and supervises dissertation students.
Biography and Professional Interests
Gill leads the team which runs the programmes in Career Studies and Coaching in CLL. Prior to joining the Centre in August 2010, Gill worked in career development practice and management, and most recently was Head of Careers in the Centre for Student Careers and Skills at Warwick.
Gill's teaching interests cover theory and practice in career coaching; vocation and calling; practitioner and action research in career development settings, theoretical perspectives on employability and implications for policy and practice; placement design and management of higher education career and employability services. She has research interests in women's career development, working with marginalised communities and supporting practitioners as researchers.
Gill is the Chair of NICEC,Link opens in a new window a learned society for those working in career development. She has recently completed a Doctorate in Education looking at a 'calling-informed' framework for career development practice and particularly focusing on women's experiences of work and faith.
Selected Publications
Hooley, T., Alexander, R. and Frigerio, G. (2024) The Career Development Handbook: Foundations of Professional Career Practice. Trotman Books.
Frigerio, G. (2024) Developing Interdisciplinary habits of hand, heart and mind for career development practitioners. The NICEC JournalLink opens in a new window, 52, pp. 94-101
Thorbjornsrud, M. and Frigerio, G (2024) The Tutor forum podcast: Calls and Career GuidanceLink opens in a new window. Veilederforum, Norway.
Frigerio, G. (2023) How can I develop a framework for 'calling-informed' career development practice for Christian women'. Doctoral Thesis. University of Warwick (download from repositoryLink opens in a new window)
Frigerio, G. & Dimsits, M. (2023) 'The personal is political: A calling to sustainable career development' Phoenix 168, AGCAS. pp16-17. (download pdfLink opens in a new window)
Frigerio, G. (2023) 'Practitioner WellbeingLink opens in a new window'. Commissioned article for Veilederforum, Norwegian career development practitioner web resource. (download pdfLink opens in a new window)
Frigerio, G, Chen, L, McArthur, M and Mehta, N (2022) Is Careers Work White: A collaborative research project with minority ethnic students of career development practice. The NICEC Journal, 49, pp. 11-17. (download pdf)Link opens in a new window
(2021) Fragments for fractured times: What feminist practical theology brings to the table (book review), Practical Theology, DOI: 10.1080/1756073X.2021.2004827
Frigerio, G. (2021) Working with Calling in Career Development Practice: lessons from teaching and research. PaperLink opens in a new window presented at International Association of Educational and Vocational Guidance conference, October 2021.
Frigerio, G. (2021) "What is Vocation?" Movement: The magazine for Christian Students. Spring 2021. pp 28-31. SCM: Birmingham. (Download pdf)
Frigerio, G. & Rix, S. (2021) 'Career development and coaching: Straddling two worlds and bringing them together' The NICEC Journal, 46, pp. 68-76. (download pdfLink opens in a new window)
Frigerio, G. (2021) "How is race relevant to training for career development practitioners?" Phoenix 162, February 2021, p.6. AGCAS: Sheffield. (Download pdf)Link opens in a new window
Frigerio, G. (2020) "Work: theological foundations and practical implications. (book review)" Practical Theology, 13(6), pp. 623–624
Phoenix, the AGCAS journal, issue 160, June 2020, pp 8-9. (download pdfLink opens in a new window)
Frigerio, G. (2020) "Practical Theology as disciplinary conversation partner: getting to grips with calling" BIAPT Summer Gathering 2020: Student papers. (download pdf)
Frigerio, G. (2020) 'Talking Gender and Liberation: towards a generous Christian social ethic of gender. Crucible. April 2020. ( download pdf)Link opens in a new window.
Bimrose, J. & Frigerio, G. (2019) 'Piloting Innovation: Integrating the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale-UK into Practice' in K. Maree (ed.) Handbook of Innovative Career Counselling. pp. 471-484.
Frigerio, G. (2019) 'Calling all years good: Christian vocation through life's seasons' (book review) Practical Theology, (online ahead of print).Link opens in a new window
Frigerio, G. & Nasimi, R. (2019) 'Who is supporting the career development of refugees? The role of grassroots organisations', The NICEC Journal, 42, pp. 42-46. ( download pdfLink opens in a new window)
Frigerio, G. (2019) 'Career Guidance for Social Justice: Contesting Neoliberalism' (book review). The NICEC Journal, 42, pp. 65-66. (download pdLink opens in a new windowf)
Christie, F. & Frigerio, G. (2018) 'What does Social Mobility have to do with Careers Work?' Phoenix,153, February 2018. AGCAS: Sheffield ( download as two pdf files: 1 and 2Link opens in a new window)
Frigerio, G. (2018) 'Calling in today’s world: voices from eight faith perspectives / The stories we live: finding God’s calling all around us' (book reviews). Practical Theology, 11 (3) 271-273
Frigerio, G. (2018) Researching Christian women’s experiences of calling and working lives: reflections from the field. Presentation to the ‘Faith Lives of Women and Girl’s symposium, Queens Theological Institution, Birmingham
Frigerio, G (2018) 'Making connections through practitioner research' in C Burke and F Christie (eds.) Graduate Careers in Context: Research, Policy and Practice. London: Routledge.
Frigerio, G. (2017) 'Graduate Employability in Context: Theory, Research and Debate. Book Review', The NICEC Journal, Issue 38. (download pdfLink opens in a new window)
Frigerio, G. (2016) 'Calling or Falling? A spiritual perspective on career development'. Paper presented at NICEC 'Redesigning Career Development for a Globalised World' conference, September 2016. (download pdf)Link opens in a new window
Frigerio, G. (2016) 'Guidance in suits? Career coaching for everyone.' Paper presented at NICEC 'Redesigning Career Development for a Globalised World' conference, September 2016 (download pdfLink opens in a new window)
Wright, T. and Frigerio, G. (2015) The Career Adapt-Abilities Pilots Project. York: Higher Education Academy (download pdf)
Frigerio, G. (2014) Agcas's next top model. 'Phoenix' magazine issue 143 October 2014: 14-17. AGCAS: Sheffield.(download pdf)Link opens in a new window
Frigerio, G. and McCash, P. (2013) Creating Career Coaching, The NICEC Journal, Issue 30 (download pdf)
Frigerio, G. (2013) Career Adaptabilities: A New Approach, Graduate Market Trends, Spring 2013 (download pdf)
Frigerio, G., Mendez, R. and McCash, P. (2012). Re-designing Work-related Learning: a Management Studies Placement Module. Coventry: Career Studies Unit (download pdf)
Frigerio, G & Preston, A. (2011) Widening participation in Elite Universities and Unpaid Work Experience: reaching the ‘right’ students with employability initiatives In Barham, L & irving, B (2011) (eds) Constructing the Future: Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice, Stourbridge, Institute for Career Guidance
Frigerio, G. (2011) Reinventing Careers: Creating Space for Students to get a Life, The NICEC Journal, Issue 26
Frigerio, G. (2011) Social mobility and Unpaid Work Experience in Higher Education. Paper presented at the Education and Employers Task Force Research Conference
Frigerio, G. (2011) Widening Participation, Employability and Work-Related Learning – What Works, paper presented at ASET Conference
Frigerio, G. (2011) The New Employability Imperative and its impact on Professional Identities in Higher Education Careers Work. Paper delivered at ESRC Seminar Series ‘Re-framing service delivery, professional practices and professional identifies in UK Careers Work, University of Limerick
Frigerio, G. (2010) Narratives of Employability: Effective Guidance in a Higher Education Context. A qualitative evaluation of the impact of guidance, funded by HECSU