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Career Studies Staff in AGCAS Magazine

The latest edition of the AGCAS (Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services) e-magazine, Phoenix, features our very own Senior Teaching Fellow Gill Frigerio as "AGCAS' Next Top Model" and Career Studies Unit Course Director Phil McCash celebrating the success of the Class of 2014.

Wed 15 Oct 2014, 12:06 | Tags: CLL Careers Studies Unit

SWELL PhD Success

Hannana Siddiqui, a PhD student in the Centre for the Study of Safety and Well-being (SWELL) and supervised by Ravi Thiara, received her PhD by published works on 22 September 2014.

Wed 01 Oct 2014, 15:25 | Tags: CLL SWELL

MA in Social Work Awards

Congratulations to our Social Work students who have been awarded their Masters in Social Work

The Exam Board took place on Wednesday 10 September and 39 students achieved the University award. Three students passed with Distinction and nine students passed with Merit.

These students are now eligible to apply to the Health and Care Professions Council to register as a social worker. Well done to all and good luck in your future careers!

Wed 17 Sep 2014, 11:39 | Tags: CLL Social Work

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