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Name: Lucy Lucy
Course: Social Studies

Keith and Michelle gave me the grounding knowledge and the tools to succeed at Warwick and I truly believe that if it were not for these incredible people I would not have even got to Warwick. The choice to do the programme came at one of the lowest points in my life, after many years of wanting to go to university to become a nurse I had lost my passion for looking after people. I will always be grateful for a Facebook advertisement showing me that this degree (as a 2+2 option at that time) was an option. Within a week of finding that post, I was accepted onto the programme.

The journey was not an easy one, however, the support from Warwick has been amazing especially from Elaine Moore over the years. I have lost count of how many times I have cried to her, or just cried doing this degree. It is hard, time consuming and at times it can take over your life. I put studies before family knowing that it would be worth it in the end.

I have enjoyed seeing myself grow. The degree saw me turn four years of study into six. However, this did not deter me. The journey was worth every moment. For every tear there has been an overwhelming sense of achievement as grades make their way back on tabula. The self-doubt turned into moments of clarity that I can indeed do this. I have made friends for life, friends at university help you through the journey – for myself my husband, friends, family and colleagues although supportive did not truly understand the pressures or indeed what on earth I was talking about.

The main skills I have come away with is finally being able to hand my work in on time. But most importantly it was having faith in myself. My final year was in the era of corona, this was yet another challenge to overcome. Online learning was certainly a new challenge however the support from the staff in CLL was second to none. This year as well as completing my degree and gaining a 2:1, I applied for the Unlocked Graduates graduate scheme. This really tested my limits not only in the application process but ever since I was accepted. The skills I have adopted from Warwick will be invaluable in my MSc in applied custodial leadership.

At the beginning of my journey, I did not know what I would do when I finished. I thought I would perhaps go into the social work field. Becoming a prison officer and doing a master’s degree that involves forensic psychology and criminology was certainly not on my radar. The advice I would give is to be organised (I never was) and I would recommend attending as many careers fairs as possible (when things are back to normal). They also give out lots of freebies especially pens, they always come in handy!