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CE931 Group Work & CE924 Group Work (Certificate)

Module leader: Lynne Campbell

The Group Work module enables participants to develop professional practice in the design and delivery of group work. in at least two contexts. The module is designed to develop reflective group work practice focusing on: theories of group work and learning, preparation, facilitation, assessment, and evaluation.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • Systematically identify the main principles and theories underpinning successful group work.
  • Comprehensively describe the process skills involved in planning, agreement, delivery, and evaluation of group work; and the place of group work in the guidance process within the organisational context and recognise and respond to the needs of different client groups.
  • Creatively select, adapt, design and implement appropriate methods and materials to support the learning outcomes of the session.
  • Systematically demonstrate the management, contracting, facilitation, and communication skills needed to run a successful group in at least two contexts.
  • Critically evaluate group work sessions, including the relative merits of face to face, online, and blended learning to meet differing needs and circumstances, and make suggestions for enhancement.
  • Communicate verbally in the effective delivery of group work; and in clear written form by critiquing group work practice using the current course guides to presentation and referencing.

Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

  • Acknowledging participants’ prior experience and learning in group working
  • Learning theories
  • Theories of group dynamics
  • Incorporating theories into designing / redesigning sessions
  • Introduction to evaluation of impact
  • Designing and contracting
  • Aims and learning outcomes
  • Measuring impact
  • Flexibility in delivery to cover approaches to planning, delivery and evaluation appropriate to circumstances
  • Addressing planning, delivery and evaluation in re-designing sessions
  • Individual presentations to reflect understanding of all process skills
  • Reflection, evaluation and action planning
  • Different approaches – incorporating creativity, technology and impact evaluation
  • Rationale underpinning groupwork
  • Addressing the service context
  • Methods and materials and individual presentations to include a range of methods and materials
  • Addressing needs of different groups
  • Problem solving in group work
  • Links with core modules (institutional and professional issues, theoretical perspectives and values relating to group work)

Summary of teaching
30 hours of blended learning consisting predominantly of intensive workshops with further materials provided via a virtual learning environment supported by online reading and webinar support. The workshop-based teaching is advertised in the AGCAS training calendar as Group Work.

Module timing and duration
Usually, this module runs once a year. Participants are allowed 5 months to complete.

Summative assessment
CE931: the assignment consists of a 5000 word project (100%). Typically, participants are asked to carry out two group work activities and evaluate them.
CE924: the assignment consists of a 2500 word project (100%). Typically, participants are asked to carry out one group work activity and evaluate it.
Before enrolling on this module, you must ensure that you will be able to record and conduct some group works within the 5 month timescale.

Useful links

Modules and Key Dates