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CE932 Guidance Skills (Advanced)

Module leader: Ian Day
The Guidance Skills (Advanced) module enables participants to understand career counselling perspectives on guidance work. The module is designed to develop reflective guidance practice focusing on: developing a model of guidance; refining contracting skills; application of career development theories; and higher level facilitative skills.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the module the student should be able to:

  • Identify models of guidance.
  • Discuss interview structure and contracting.
  • Draw on career development theories.
  • Identify higher level facilitative skills.
  • Critically analyse and evaluate the knowledge and understanding listed above through undertaking at least two guidance interviews.
  • Integrate theory and practice in career guidance.
  • Develop guidance skills on the basis of the evaluation and analysis undertaken.
  • Apply knowledge and understanding to at least two guidance interviews.
  • Communicate in written and oral form by integrating, analysing and applying key texts and professional practices.

Outline syllabus

  • Articulation of participants’ prior experience in career guidance.
  • Theories of career guidance and counselling.
  • The appropriate use of interview structure and contracting within guidance work.
  • Theories of career development and occupational choice.
  • Higher level facilitative skills.
  • Use of the above to underpin guidance practice via role plays and scenarios.
  • Professional ethics, theoretical perspectives and values associated with career guidance, for example, client-centredness, impartiality, client learning, reflective practice and respect for diversity.

Summary of teaching
30 hours of blended learning consisting predominantly of intensive, residential workshops with further materials provided via a virtual learning environment supported by online reading and webinar support. The attendance-based teaching is advertised in the AGCAS training calendar as Guidance Skills (Advanced).

Module timing and duration
Usually, this module runs once a year in a month from April to July. Participants are allowed 5 months to complete.

Summative assessment
The assignment consists of a 5000 word project (100%). Typically, participants are asked to record two interviews from within their own context and interpret this in theoretical terms to enhance practice. Before enrolling on this module, you must ensure that you will be able to record and conduct some interviews within the 5 month timescale.

Useful links

Modules and Key Dates